The Millennials are the memetic generation. Astrologically...

The Millennials are the memetic generation. Astrologically, people born between 1988 and 1998 form a distinct generation due to a conjunct between Uranus and Neptune. This conjunct takes place once every 168 years, with the last generation with this conjuct having fought the American civil war. Here is how the conjunct is described in various sources:

>There is a distrust of leaders, based on an intuitive perception of their real motivations and characteristics, which will also develop into a new understanding of authority and power in society.

>Those born under this aspects will be willing to 'fight' for the maintenance of personal freedoms and rights if they are under threat by the decisions of social leaders.

>A new balance of power between the people and the state will begin to form, and a new politics should rise into view, reflecting this increase in individual rights and power.

>Your whole generation shares a spiritual bond and you can recognize your peers and their works. This aspect is associated with psychic ability and also the ability to tap into the mass consciousness, at least of your generation.

>Such a rapid expansion of your consciousness can be exciting but also unsettling, as your old perceptions of reality are shattered. Your mind is more open to all kinds of influences.

>You will be more interested in exploring spirituality, ranging for tradition religions to astrology or black magic. You are not so tightly bound by normal moral, ethical and societal standards now.

Tell me this doesn't describe most anons of this age group.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It does. Now what?

wh*Te women hate you wh*Tebois
they betrayed you
they want you castrated, hanged, and tortured
they hate un-masculine faggots like you
Feminist movement was a gift to women since now they can actively fuck BBC and not be prosecuted by you small dicked losers
wh*Te genocide coming soon
White Women can't stop thinking about Big Black Cock for more then 5 seconds haha wh*Teboi
you lost

hi finnish astrolabe user
this is a good thread

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Who would have guessed new age shit that's trying to hype the false dichotomy that's been created.

For anyone who's new to the occult dissect the occult with the first principles of libertarianism( also known as natural law) and you will discover that there are axioms with in the occult itself.

1.principle of noncontradiction.

2. Principle of consistency.

3. Burden of proof.

4. The advocate of force must provide the burden of proof.

5. The initiation of force can not be defended.(there for only self defence can be defended.)

6. Self ownership.

7. Property rights.

8. Taking of legitimately owned property can not be defended.

These axioms are the true principles of the occult and everything in the New Age b******* contradicts the principles of the occult.

The occult has been co-opted to be used as a tool in order to enslave you spiritually.

retarded from #1

I don't know, just thought it was interesting.


Yes, and it checks out. So how make the normies tap into the true consciousness instead of the fabricated one? How to activate the switch on a widespread, global scale?

What about the Gen Z mister future man

I've noticed that when I was fat the ugly girls I dated were about 50% racist and 50% ok with blacks. Now that I am fit and date the more attractive girls I notice they all dislike blacks and try to avoid them, would never date them, think they are nasty, etc.

Also it is easy to redpill women you are dating, all my ex's started as libs and I moved them way right we need more ppl doing this.

women dont have their own opinion, they are brainwashed by the media and wahmen studies

Why does our generation hate Saturn so much? We seem to feel like Saturn represents our overlords, that they are somehow getting power from Saturn with black cubes and shit all over?

I had a horrible nightmare where I was in space falling into Saturn and the whole time I felt very afraid. Why did I type this

Yes, women seem to take the position that is easiest, most socially safe. Women do often dislike the same degeneracy we do, you just have to activate it by slowly redpilling them, and even when they say dumb shit, be agreeable at the moment or they will think you are "on their side" and not "controlling how they think" just make a note to come back to it. They don't want to have rational conversations don't even try, they want emotional feeling time where you are nice to them.

I alwaya felt uneasy abour saturn learning about the solar sustem as a child now that you mention it

>I had a horrible nightmare where I was in space falling into Saturn and the whole time I felt very afraid.
When was this? I had a symbolical nightmare of Saturn just a few nights ago.

ooga booga muh dick

>The Millennials are the memetic generation. Astrologically
Millenials start in 1982
Gen Xers taught you faggots to meme and lead the meme war.

Attached: live work die boomer life vs gen x millenials.png (1504x1524, 175K)

I've never dated below an 8 and all of my gfs stated unequivocally that they would never touch a black "person"

shove Pluto up Uranus because the only planets in focus are Jupiter and Saturn tonight as we approach the solstice. Put the telescope down and see the bigger picture beyond all the cgi camaraderie that nasa and the horoscope astrologists that decieve the poor educated fools that worship the image of a beast.

1990 masterrace here. I am of The All, and The All is of One.

Realtalk tho it's getting really hard to remain patient. I was expecting the big Event to start by now. I'm seeing some of the signs but not much progress. I sense the elite are just trying to run out the clock. Like they think they can just delay delay delay and somehow weasel their way out of it. I know about the forgiveness spiel blah blah blah but I so dearly want to put them in a public zoo where they have to spend the rest of their lives as wagecucks.

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Gen x is before millenials retard

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at least a year ago. It is what made me read up on Saturn and the black cube and how elites have a fetish for Saturn.

I was just flying into Saturn, I couldn't stop and somehow I knew it was mad at me or hated me so I was fearful.

What does it all mean, is Saturn really father time/entropy, is saturn's influence the reason we don't live for hundreds of years anymore?

What age where you? Saturn return usually occurs between 27-30 years after birth. In astrology Saturn is viewed as a kind of drill sergeant that forces you to face the lessons you have been ignoring so far in your life. I will enter this period next summer.

That's odd because I was in fact 27. born in dec 1990. rently I have gotten fit and finished college, I did a lot of drugs and sex with sluts before I found Jow Forums and realized I had been brainwashed into degeneracy by jews, maybe Saturn was telling me to get my shit together because I was pissing it off by being degenerate?


is Saturn a jew?
Saturn has a perfect (((hexagon))) on its north pole, looks similar to a "star of david" (really an occult symbol sometimes called the star of remphan- star of david is a made up symbol from recent israeli history, the historical symbol of jews was always a menorah and lots of jews dislike star of david because its occult roots.)

Could be. The sign/house in which your saturn resided at the moment of your birth supposedly determines the nature of the lesson you were supposed to learn.

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they say that the saturnian sphere is akin to a nightmare realm because the saturnian spirits are some kind of judges for this star system

thanks finnish user this is a good thread

despair will destroy you, as it did to the user in your screencap. there are literally millions of successful, happy marriages in this country. trade professionals make more money than academics, and actually learn useful skills that will be necessary if/when the grid goes down

Would it not then make sense that it's only a nightmare if you have not lived a good life?

Glad to hear that. I was afraid this would get pruned with zero replies

any idea of to ingratiate myself with Saturn so it doesn't eat my soul or something?!

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Sources: trust me bro

I suggest you fill out your natal chart in order to get a picture of saturn's presence in your life. This is pretty good one, you can click on the planets in the results to get redirected into explanations regarding their particular positionings in your chart

I think it's more about the oppresive and ''judgemental'' ''waves'' of the saturnian spheres that causes anxiety
try reading and practicing what is written in The Practice of Magical Evocation by Franz Bardon. Saturnian evocation is only for the very advanced students anyway

Maybe it is subconscious. A repressed or unconscious part of our psyche is judging ourselves for being degenerate, and we see that part as Saturn because that's the archetype? I prefer that to the alternative, that Saturn is a literal force that invades my dreams.

Imagine not knowing we're in a fourth turning
>The authors look back five hundred years and uncover a distinct pattern: Modern history moves in cycles, each one lasting about the length of a human life, each composed of four eras - or "turnings" - that last about twenty years and that always arrive in the same order. First comes a High, a period of confident expansion as a new order takes root after the old has been swept away. Next comes an Awakening, a time of spiritual exploration and rebellion against the now-established order. Then comes an Unravelling, an increasingly troubled era in which individualism triumphs over crumbling institutions. Last comes a Crisis - the Fourth Turning - when society passes through a great and perilous gate in history. Together, the four turnings comprise history's seasonal rhythm of growth, maturation, entropy, and rebirth.

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Saturn - Restriction, order, maturity, time

Saturn is our strict teacher who is able to ruthlessly examine our maturity. However, it is not only the despot, but also the archetype of the sage who uses pain as a means to get our attention on what we should focus on and what we should continue to develop.

>oy gevalt goyim back to blind Abrahamic faith

>Your whole generation shares a spiritual bond
Left and right millennials share a bond?

I don't think we have fully entered the fourth turning yet. It's going to get much worse.

Probably because we are the first ones in 1000s of years to know in a mainstream, collective way that Saturn is the god of time and that we have all been manipulated into worshipping him and following the orders of the rulers of the plane of time.
We are MORE than time. We exist outside of time.
Our bodies however, exist in time.
So when we allow our bodies to make our descisons instead of our timeless, eternal spirit, we feed into the negative energies and lose connection with the eternal Christ

Young left and right both are highly idealistic at the moment. The form their idealism simply takes on a different form.

We dont talk about it user ...

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I always thought the planet Saturn was pretty cool. Satanism always bugged me though. It felt unnatural.

What about 1991? I am 28 now and since maybe 2 to 3 years ago I became rapidly redpilled and started living with better ideals and sort of waking up. it really is akin to waking up. Going through life accepting everything you hear and are told to, then becoming more of a critical thinker. Becoming more spiritual as well. Super interesting thread OP.

To be quite fair, as an astronomy geek kid .... ye Saturn was cool to study for me, and that Titan moon and the others, cool AF. Liked it more since everything was mostly focused on Jupiter's moons in the early years of the last decade.

Oh we're in it, and it will get worse before it gets better, but millenials are the hero archetype and this is just the warm up round. The real shitstorm will come when we are the elders in society.
>Hero generations are born after a spiritual awakening, during a time of individual pragmatism, self-reliance, laissez faire, and national (or sectional or ethnic) chauvinism. Heroes grow up as increasingly protected post-awakening children, come of age as the heroic young team-workers of a historical crisis, demonstrate hubris as energetic midlifers, and emerge as powerful elders attacked by another awakening.

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What does Saturn have to do with Satanism?

also the biblical patriarhs that lived for hundreds of years, did they defy Saturn by focusing on spiritual things and so it had little influence on them, or were they blessed by Saturn with long lives for some reason?

I thought the black cube connection was somehow related to Satanism.

Can you interpret my chart?
96 baby, can relate to people who are much older than I and not so much with people my age
Have been in the rabbit hole since 13 years old, have had multiple UFO sightings and strange memories from childhood involving some sort of ufo/alien encounter.

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How is Saturn connected to Satanism?

is it possible the biblical patriarches lived for hundreds of years because they shunned Saturn and materialism and focused on spirituality? or is it that Saturn blessed them with long lives?

I am not understanding, is Saturn time and entropy and control holding back our spiritual selves, or is it a teacher using those things to give us a lesson?

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sorry I am retarded

90% have no idea what satanism is supposed to be user. very few people actually understand the whole picture. satanism is too much of a loose term

it's not so much saturn giving you nightmare, more like you allowing saturn to give your self nightmares. you're in control of what you're afraid of, and it's as simple as throwing metaphorical rocks and yelling "fuck off, space egg".

where are you getting this from? just curious sounds like an interesting read

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Sorry, I know very little about chart interpretation, but the site I linked to will list every possible angle present in your chart and the characteristics they are associated with.

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could those memories be false? I have memories of floating down my staircase. I have a memory of being in my basement and running into bigbird from sesame street. I so clearly remember him being huge and his yellow fethers and even a smell to him, I remember being afraid and running away. But, I know this memory is obviously not real and somehow my childhood imagination dreamed it up.

new age bullshit.

> “Astrologically...”
Stopped reading right there

96 here as well, I'm extremely good with people, especially older people. I was born into new age shit, eventually got into occult. Now I just go to work and gym.

I hope so.
But the timeline of my life seems to confirm some strange things.
Here is a picture of the ufo I saw in March of 2015.
My entire life has revolves around these strange events and continues to shape my consciousness and path in life.
I can’t just ignore these events

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Concrats, you are an abductee.
Either SSP or ayys, maybe both ... as in ayyys doing the stuff and earth officers observing.
Dont know the full picture, but memories of running into strange shit you think was fake is a dead giveaway.

lucky you user. I have never seen a ufo. they never appear over Romania

William Strauss and Neil Howe's book, The Fourth Turning
There's also a website, very interesting indeed

Concrats, you are an abductee.
Either SSP or ayys, maybe both ... as in ayyys doing the stuff and earth officers observing.
Dont know the full picture, but memories of running into strange shit you think was fake is a dead giveaway.

edit; attempt #7 to post this

Tits or gtfo


I don't know what board wizard larping goes on but I think you might be lost

excuse me for doubling this, had no idea it was actually posted, server lagged out for me

Can we please permaban this IP

Do you or anyone else know what this symbol is?
Someone replied with this to my story of childhood abduction and ufo encounters and I still have no idea what it is.
Am I half ayy? What the hell is going on here

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Pluto orbit for USA completes in 2024 (248 year orbit)

you made that? what's the story behind it?

Looks vaguely satanic

What is considered as the start point of pluto's orbit and why?

no I mean USA revolution was 248 years ago in 2024 called a Pluto return it is kinda a big deal

Probably something related to Michael Aquino who worked on MindWar/InfoWar/SpaceWar stuff

the start point is the reference point like a "natal chart" but you can do that for an organization or country
I'm not sure if july 4th 1776 is actually the accurate date I've heard that it isn't it is actually another day/year.

Nope, but if I got to shoot in the dark, its a space mercenary patch. Probably to go with your fake memories of being a space marine (see Corey Goode and Emery Smith to see what happens if you dont snap out of it).

LOL, not a chance. Millennials are the most brainwashed generation since the original boomers.

Of course there is a small chance of Goode and Smith to be telling the truth, but in a time of universal deceit and mental/neurological manipulation, I wont even trust my memories/subconscious when it comes to abduction stories.


Based on 4plebs, it looks like void worship LARPing.

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>Am I half ayy?
They aren't aliens. They're demons.

Except that we are supposed to learn and grow, and then transcend our astrological shackles.

tell me more about the space marines

Ah, missed the USA part


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Saturn is all over that uranus/neptune in cap right now

Gen x is the leadership - especially the Saturn in virgo group

Same. Saturn always intrigued me, but in an ominous kind of way. Intuitively felt that there was something strange about the planet since I was kid.

Were you born during day or night? Saturn is much harsher to people born at night.

No idea, had never seen it before
Here’s another image of the pulsing melting ball of energy I saw

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This is literally public information

It's one of the main symbols of the Novuteran Imperitave which is essentially Hybrid (mutts) ethno state. Theres more info over on /hybrid/.

Attached: Welcome_To_Novutera.jpg (620x1102, 629K)


Now that I think about it I've never been all that fond of Saturn.