Liberals cannot learn Chinese

>liberals cannot learn Chinese

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Other urls found in this thread: one in mandarin&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA706CA707&oq=witch one in mandarin&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.18060j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

That's my favorite word. I should look into this.


wh*Te genocide is coming now stfu wh*Teboi
White Women WANT black cock in there womb, and they hate you wh*Teboi

>Na yīgè
Sounds like nyigguh

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lol gwailos btfo

how much do you get paid for trying so hard?
please let me in, i wanna work too

i'm totally illiterate in chinese but it sounds more like neh-guh. and it means "that", not "which (one)".

remove memeflag indian bro

I just google translated it and played the sound lol

Welp the worlds most commonly spoken language is now racist. A fucking language that has existed for thousands of years is racist. Explain to me again why the west should survive?

It shouldn't. We gave women and liberals a lot of rope and they ended up hanging us all with it.

dont worry it wont.
Here, watch this wholesome best korean propoganda. DPRK will survive when the global economy crashes.

>>Na yīgè
no one says this retard. Na ge. it depends on the accent too. korean is almost worse than chinese for the nigger soundalike, as both "you" and "me/I" sound like nigger.

Is she "psychologically blocked" from learning Spanish too because the word they use for "black" is literally the n-word?

na ge (naw like "hell nah" guh like "ugh")
This is "which one?"
This is "that one"

Similar sounds. Stupid fucking roastie, Jesus, I wish I could kill her in Minecraft.

When I was in China for work a few years ago, I was at a factory full of Chinese people. (As you might expect). And I kept hearing them yell out
> nigga, nigga

I laughed and laughed and laughed every time they did it. Never got old.

day of the rope is coming, chink

I'm white, presumptuous nigger. Implying speaking Mandarin doesn't make me an immensely valuable asset to any globally operating company.

kek. I immediately noticed this around Chinese people. they say this thing that sounds like "nigga doshi" very frequently, I was told it meant something along the lines of "that thing"

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Textbook example of why giving "bad" words power is fucking stupid.

NIgger just rolls off the tongue.

>Hears Mandarin in the street all the time

Or read Russian books.

go dilate

I was in Taiwan for a week and it sounded like they were dropping n-bombs

what an absolute faggot, look at this nigger, he's afraid to say nigger. nigger.

So THAT'S what it means. I was wondering what they were actually saying, had this chink girl going "nigga nigga nigga" when talking to her friend

French == faggot

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>being so triggered by a single word you refuse the entire language.
When are liberals going to start speaking in clicks and grunts? one in mandarin&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA706CA707&oq=witch one in mandarin&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.18060j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Please. You're probably the type of looks down timidly when a black guy walks by you in the street.

Day of the rope, my ass. I look forward to filling your future wife's mouth with my seed.

>Victoria Castro
>I'm French

If there were only 1 N-worder we could keep him in a zoo, children could toss peanuts and bananas to it

>when you're so brainwashed about racism that even words that sound phonetically similar to racial slurs in entirely unrelated languages with a completely different meaning causes you to have a mental breakdown

as british as patel, my dude

This. Some one post that cartoon of the klansman enjoying other cultures cuz nationalism

>dissecting other languages to find the words that makes you uncomfortable.
>bitching on twitter about it.

What a meaningful and fulfilling life she has.

kys summerfag

attaching too much significance to words can only be a hindrance to any to any group of people. at the end of the day a word is just a word and it will only affect you as much as you allow it to.
this is why liberals will always have a hard time, words are too important to them