What we drinking today Jow Forums?

What we drinking today Jow Forums?

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White people tears

Did you just move in or are you just a bum?

Coffee for now, but after I lacquer the fiddle I'm making, I'll probably sip a few beers (just Miller Lite) while I watch the sunset.

Lel James is that you

It's one in the afternoon, britbong, and I'm drinking a nice tall glass of water.

I'm drinking coffee.

only degenerates drink alcohol.

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>drinking during the week
Pathetic, no wonder why your nation is collapsing

More like Glenreddit

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Burn in hell you immature anime loving faggot.

>drinking the fermented jew
good goy

only the best

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Bongs are a nation of drunks, definitely on par with the Irish. Their establishment can do anything to them as long as they don't take the booze away.

Drinking dulls brains and kills gains

nothing because i have a pregnant wife to support and a job to go to!

It's Tuesday you fucking degenerate.
Save that shit for the weekend.

Posting best scotch

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>drinking the liquid Jew

I want nu-pol to leave

Try The Feathery.

Fucking pussies.

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Probably water since it's 21 and up here in burger land

cold from my creepy basement

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Alcohol makes you low test beta

Wait is Glenlivet not cool anymore? I only just switched to this from jim beam because I wanted to seem like a more seasoned whisky drinker.
This looks like one of my piss bottles I'll be cleaning up come morning.

Fucking hell man, clean your room

Nothing because I've drank beer for like the last 6 nights straight and it's time for a day off.

Alcohol is for weak willed pussies that need crutches to deal with shit.

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Filtered water

looks based

Says the man who post a child si-fi series to make his point

Nice I never heard of it, I'll give it a try

Elderflower cordial, water and fruit/herbal teas

Just an FYI for wine snobs. This year is going to be an excellent year for Traverse City Ice Wines but so many grapes died, it will be a rare and expensive bottle.

Arizona RX Energy.

It's simply the best.

It's one of my favorites. The Jameson's IPA Caskmates is also surprisingly good (I hate IPAs, though). Very smooth and a clean aftertaste.

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What do you have against scifi and booze faggot?

Makers Mark

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