Why do Jews with meme flags always specifically target Italy / Italians on this board?

Why do Jews with meme flags always specifically target Italy / Italians on this board?

Attached: Italian man drinking coffee.jpg (1600x1047, 194K)

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Slide thread fuck you nigger

It isn't because it is related to this board you Kike parasite. *spits*

Attached: 1st Paratroopers Carabinieri Regiment Tuscania.jpg (800x600, 143K)

they are the most inclined to fascism

Attached: dat lip bite.webm (224x398, 737K)

Really dumb question. Are you seriously asking? I don't understand how people don't know this. Rome destroyed their Jewish Temple in 70 AD. So, yeah.... now you know.

Attached: ROME DID THIS.jpg (640x668, 455K)

Attached: special forces.png (1920x1080, 3.73M)

Holy shit I didn't know that based.

*Sends more niggers your way*


huge amount of effort goes into keeping nonjews divided in various ways. It’s probably their most important tactic

Yes, Roman Emperor Titus in 70 AD smashed their Jewish Temple into dust. He also sent the Jews into the desert for 2,000 years as homeless nomads. In 1948, England gave the Jews their nation back; known as Israel. The Jewish Temple is still smashed into dust.

That is why Jews hate Italians and Rome.

Attached: Jews cry to the Roman Fortress in Jerusalem.jpg (1024x700, 326K)

It would only take 10 nukes to destroy your entire little shit country. Everyone around you hates you. Everyone in the world hates you. People around the world are waking up to your lies and deceits. You will fall you parasite scumbags.

Attached: Augustus Mussolini.jpg (184x184, 10K)


They target everybody who isn't a turbo moron.

Because they always hated us since we are christians,we destroyed their little temple,we kicked out the Rotschild on south,we are all fascists, Mussolini was right,he said "i did not created fascism,i found it inside the coscience of italians,fascism is the most antisionist ideology since the state has all the power and doesn't wants nothing else.

Attached: trebisonda-valla-ondina-634x469.jpg (634x469, 53K)

Romans were notorious for fucking their shit up,they didn't give a fuck everytime the Jews rised they crushed them with high violence

The Jewish "Wailing Wall" is supposed to be a part of the Jewish Temple that was smashed into pieces by Emperor Titus of Rome. Little do the Jews understand that the famous Wailing Wall is a section of the old Roman Fortress that was built during the time of conquest and annihilation of Jerusalem. In short, the Romans would build small cities for their armies to live while the army carried out it's military campaign. The Jews are so stupid, they think this Roman Fortress is a section of their "Holy Jew Temple". But it's actually the temporary Roman Fortress that was built to help destroy their retarded temple.

Learn more about dumbass Jews at the images link (You) Their high iq is nothing but hollywood propaganda. The average iq in Israel is 96. Jews are just stinky arabs with a different religion.

Attached: jewdar.gif (300x300, 185K)

... additional cool anti-Jew Roman history is the "Arch of Titus" dotted all across Europe and the Middle East. These monuments built in Emperor Titus's name are a signal of pride and glory at the destruction of the stupid Jew Temple in 70 AD.

If you ever need a Jewish Temple smashed into dust... call up a man named Titus. He'll get the job done right!

Attached: Arch_of_Titus.jpg (1024x950, 236K)

... looks like a few stayed

Attached: BLACK jew resistance.jpg (600x398, 47K)



interesting if true.
who tricked them into praying to the enemy?

Attached: Temple-Mount-fs-1.gif (794x502, 151K)

>"if true"
>passive aggressive faggot
>no doubt an anglo
Jews are dumb as dog shit. It could have been anyone. They don't have any historical records for their Rabbi's lineage which is needed to remake the Sanhedrin. It was all destroyed by Emperor Titus and the Roman Campaign against Jerusalem in 70 AD. This nomadic Jews have been plotting their "comeback" for 2,000 years. They have to lie and invent up fantasy now in order to maintain their identity, heritage and culture. Everything they do and say is fake, even inside their inner-circles at the highest levels. Without the Sanhedrin, there can be no 3rd Temple reconstruction. In turn, there can be no Jewish Messiah. So they lie now.... in order to bypass the damage accomplished by the mighty Emperor Titus and his men of action.

Emperor Titus of Rome in 70 AD destroyed the Jews forever. They will forever be a band of nomadic terrorist... no matter if England allowed them to sit in Israel the past 75 years.

Now show me more of your passive-aggressive faggot nature I know you have waiting. It is in your anglo-genetics to be a passive-aggressive faggot. The perfect host for a nomadic boy lover cult smashed by Rome.

Attached: Gaul.jpg (962x700, 352K)

they are about de destroy the eurozone and thus the entire european union
Italians are based and redpilled as fuck, the eternal merchant is not pleased by that

Attached: téléchargement.png (225x225, 5K)

We are their first and most dangerous foe, they also share our genetic since the romans killed all their man and raped the woman

Reminder that Israel has a monarchy and the only ruler with the title of King of Israel is the Spanish crown.

Google it. Let me hear those butthurt cries for independencia.

Attached: 12423542.jpg (547x1086, 56K)

and for that we know they don't even exist anymore, the real original ones the romans destroyed, the jews of today are the equivalent of mixed children in the future claiming to be whites and their culture, they are mutts of everything since the romans dealt with them

Look MOM I'm in a jew thread!

>Why do Jews with meme flags always specifically target Italy / Italians on this board?
Civil war.

Attached: Ashkenazi Italian converts.png (550x400, 145K)