What have we done ?

Pets are evolving to become less an animal and more of cuddly toy.
Our emotion is messing up the nature.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-19 Dogs' eyes evolve to appeal to humans.png (654x584, 619K)

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shitskins hate dogs. japs chinks and kimchi niggers eat dogs

Dogs aren't evolving. Humans are just selecting them like they do everything fucking else.

the dogpill is an extension of this. If you see a white woman with a large dog that is male, 90% chance she is copulating with it in private.

What kind of retarded article is that? Dogs are artificial beings created by humans, their entire existence being has "evolved" to appeal to humans, not just their eyes.

You do realize most dogs were selectively bred into existence by Europeans. Same with all sorts of other species. There was a massive effort to breed the perfect chicken species around the 18th and 19th century. Humans also control their own breeding... There is nothing wrong with this.

Attached: boi.jpg (500x395, 94K)

You are optimistic that it's just 90. There are outliers, always outliers, but if it's a large intact male, she's getting railed by it.

It is an adaptation or it was in ancient times, the wolves that were agressive were wiped out by humans in Europe, at least in the west. Those wolves that followed bands of humans and were amiable and friendly, were fed by and eventually came to hunt along side humans slowly being selected for this initial behavioural quirk. Their genetic lineage survived unlike the wolves as per Darwinian selection.

>Dogs aren't evolving. Humans are just selecting them like they do everything fucking else.
That's evolution you dumb fuck.

no, no its not. I thought europeens were suppose to be smart?