Okay, this is epic

okay, this is epic

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if you shoot everyone, there are no more shootings

t. Justin Trudeau, world nuclear armaments command 2026, moments before unleashing nuclear armageddon on the world.

oh those were the days.... before the other mass shootings happened

more people died in chicago last weekend from being shot than died in that school. it was barely mass anything.

so they lied.
fancy that

I wonder if David feels a little left out for being the only non jew in the group

no one cares about nigger gang shootings

Why do these idiots always want to be some kind of puppet martyr. There's no effective way to get through to the people. I think the countless mass murders that keep happening is evidence for that.

it's the eternal victim mentality, seeing as all of these people are jewish, or their handlers are

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>1 post by this ID

Well the reality is everyone is a victim. We're all victims. There isn't a single one of us that isn't a victim. Your mom's a victim. Your dad's a victim. Your entire family tree. All victims. The problem with victimhood is what causes victimization and to what degree that means. Who is more or less of a victim? Then you'll begin to see the lines separating gender and race blur and corrode because ultimately the system fucks everyone over. Even the rich and especially the breakaway civilizations. They wouldn't be trying to break away if the civilization they are leaving behind is going to shit.


They already failed.

they're going to cause another mass shooting?

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Okay wh*Te genocide is really fucking epic wow holy shit I LOVE WHEN wh*Teoids get castrated so fucking funny! holy shit!!!

shit thread anyway may as well see what decent gets are.

It's only funny because they are perfectly aware of what's happening to their race and do absolutely nothing to change it.

I always wonder who are these people taking advice from high school students. They have no idea how the world works. School doesn't teach them anything useful. They are literally just cogs going through the motions at that point in life

SHALL *clap* NOT *clap* BE *clap* INFRINGED *clap*

>Parkland students
>Hogg on the left