I've done the math and European Unino owes us 15 TRILLION DOLLARS for crusades and destruction of the Ottoman Empire

I've done the math and European Unino owes us 15 TRILLION DOLLARS for crusades and destruction of the Ottoman Empire

Pay the fuck up

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You deserved it

If they pay up, will you buy some punctuation marks and a dictionary for your posts, roach?


lmao you goat fuckers started it

Who is this European Unino?

Eat Shit Emir you fucking roach, go commit another genocide and then pretend it was just an accidental sword sharpening experiment

You owe us.

Give us what we're owed or we take it from you.

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>I've done the math
You are a nigger, you cant do math.

Learn Luwili. Also you are not Black.

>we take it from you
The only thing you can take from us is the bread crumbs we drop you nigger, eternal ottoman strikes again.

In turkish lira? Thats a pack of cigaretes, ill arrange transfer of the funds tomorrow

Roaches belong in Turkmenistan. Must leave Hittite clay.

You need to pay us reperations for still destroying our countries

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>Join in on our war
>accidentaly join the losing side

We were being crusaded when the Middle East was being crusaded.

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Germany has paid the cost in German pussy, admit it.

I have done the math an you roaches need to pay the EU 750 TRILLION DOLLARS for ottoman wars against european nations. Pay up or we crush erdogan under a boot!

enjoy your ban roach

Conquer shitgaria already!!!!

we are counter claiming for all the invading kebab shos and the diseases you spread into our populations, oh and Muh-ham-head was a white ginger man, so fucking worship me , i am your daddy now!

Only if you pay reparations to all the christians you enslaved/genocided

Sorry pal, but the only form of payment available is roach repellent.

>european union
I thought only brits destroyed you

why do (((you))) even hate the turks, they are probaly the most westernised muslims

I'm a direct descendant of the ottoman empire ama.

Because they want to form an Army of Islam to drive the Jews out of Israel.

worth it

Which Beylik?

when will turks pay reparations for slavery of white people?


Yeah and your country owns Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians/Syriacs and Kurds a whole lot more for genocide. Suck a dick turkfaggot

But sultan Erdogan explained that dollars are shaitan's invention and must be burned, why do you want 15 trillions of them?

Dont be cuck you filthy greco-mutt. If you invade us. I will use my secret semtex bought after revolution and i would do some suicide attack in your city or mosque.

"Math" show your proof and work, faggot.

Otherwise, shitty S L I D E T H R E A D!

Give back Byzantium first

only the anglos. the Germans have always liked the Turks.

well as for repashuns for years years of ottoman enslavements i'll be taking 1 (one) Hazal Kaya

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Kill yourself You mutt filth. You will never EVER be a true African.

You are merely an islamic Greek central asian abomination that deserves to be the laughingstock of the Islamic world.

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stay in school


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How much do the Turks owe the union for the Jihad declared before the Crusades continued all through out and continued to now?

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