Be me

>be me
>hate sweden for war reasons
>notice that sweden takes in alot of muslims
>we do too but not as many
>mfw sweden becomes the rape capital of the world
>mfw swedish schools ban their own flag
>mfw sweden basically bans free speech while we give people police protection if they feel threatened when voicing their opinion
>Mfw sweden is no more
Fuck you sweden, that's what you get for not giving us skåne. Hope you like Allah dick because you will be sucking it from now on

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Other urls found in this thread:

very based

Sweden will NEVER recover

Will Denmark please invade and resettle Sweden on behalf of humanity?

Feminazi Denmark ain't much better off. Crashing and burning under socialism.

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I Hope, we need to take back what was rightfully ours

>hov hov, at ytre sig på Jow Forums er ulovligt ifolge dansk lovgivning

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You don't see the bigger picture. Once Sweden is totally destroyed, the wildfire will rapidly spread to our countries. In fact, it's already here.

Norway, Denmark and Sweden should stand together. We are brothers!

If one of us falls, we all fall.

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You a dane yourself, you of all people should know that our country isn't socialist or run by Feminazi bitches. Remember when People wanted gender neutral light signals? That never became reality, but if it was sweden or germany that shit would have happened asap

Nah fuck sweden iceland is more based, that can be the New sweden

Fuck Sweden this is a Danish board now

IT has been for a long time, right under everyones jew noses

Swedes are too afraid to post ITT

Sweden is commie tier trash. They even sided with the Viet Cong during the vietnam war. Imagine being so cucked, even back then.

Gentlemen, as a Scanian that's currently staying abroad due to too many arabs/niggers/muslims that's currently occupying my homeland. I propose that we schedule a plan where we can reunite Skåne with Denmark while expunging the invaders upwards to the cucks in Stockholm. If we can meme Trump into the presidency then surely we can accomplish this feat.

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Nordic master race

Danes in general seem less cucked than Swedes, with or without muslim rapefugees

>hate sweden for war reasons
You're just like the Jews browbeating everyone about the Holocaust, or any other tribe or group that doesn't forgive.
Take a lesson from Japan and move on, cuz this affects your future.

t. the future

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Copenhagen is literally connected to Malmo via a bridge and has an open border. They'll be coming over soon. If Sweden is fucked you'll be juts as fucked as well eventually

denmark = based

We are indeed. It is even common knowledge in both countries.

nice job outing your self. Americans will stand by sweden until the bitter end bitch hell seger

Please please please take Malmö as soon as you can.

There’s nothing to say that wasn’t said. This country is going down the drain.

For the love of Quorthon, Sweden, don't give up.

sven btfo

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its actually quite sad

i honestly feel more pity than Schadenfreude.
Welp, I can't say it's any better.

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Yeah we have it rough but atleast we're not baggy cloth wearing tuborg addicts, danes actually acts like nigger. Just look at their rap music made by danes.

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>They think we'll be spared the horrors all around
>They think we'll be better than them

Attached: ReallyNow.jpg (720x540, 42K)

based cheese danish

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I endorse this. I hate Sweden too.

oops, mistagged

ONLY fucking thing that's different is the 'speed' of the fires, some shitholes like britcuck-land, swedenistan, the new congo and turkmany 'burns brighter' and thus will burn faster than our shithole will, but just because it'll burn slower doesn't mean we'll be spared in any way other than having a little more time to prepare for societal collapse across all of western "europe".

Attached: AllCommiesMustFuckingHang.png (560x700, 705K)

Sweden as much as we hate you, this is too much.

hello google
how to effectively purge a nation of niggers and coons

No welfare checks for the colored.

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Calm down there buddy, don't you know FBI is in this thread right now?


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eurofag kys

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Attached: SwedensTripToTheDoctor.jpg (1024x868, 117K)

the goverment sided with something that people didnt wanted. go fuck yourself you retard

I'm fucking cumming!

Attached: AsianManScreams.png (713x538, 1.03M)

Glow more nigger, I see your training is getting better

Jeg mistede lidt lysten til livet da Alternativet fik flere stemmer end Nye borgerlige.

Also this

Charles did absolutely nothing wrong

I believe in accelerationism.

Sweden, or the UK must die fast, so the others can be saved.
I'm leaning towards preferring UK dying.

I har vel stadig Dansk folkeparti?

we need to KILL niggers and coons and bullets are too slow

Based and kekpilled

Democracy is pure evil btw

It's true. And ffs I'd hate paying after the decent stroke of luck!
Brother nations always. Lets vote Kalmar forward

>Remember when People wanted gender neutral light signals?
wtf does that even mean?

Glow more

Clearly you've never seen how niggers and pakis react when a job application formula is being waved around..

Attached: Gas&Jobs.png (498x458, 230K)

ITT we finna dab on sweden

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>not wanting revenge in the shape of bloodshed

nice flag

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I think I've developed a fetish about other Scandinavians making fun of Sweden.

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>no greenland pepe looking in through the window
missed opportunity

>that's what you get for not giving us skåne
kek, absolutely based

They wanted this to be gender neutral

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You daft fucking cunt, it's fucking illegal to even sit around with fucking pepperspray or a taser, good luck buying guns from fucking kobra paki nigger drugheads.

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Yellow cum is HIV infested.

based Danskbro


i really like that small frog floating in the bucket

>mfw sweden basically bans free speech while we give people police protection if they feel threatened when voicing their opinion
And get sentenced for breaking the law against racism. Denmark isn't much better than Sweden at this point.

It's pretty ironic that Swedes get raped nationwide now, after they raped other European women for centuries

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>a bridge
sounds like an effective choke point

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Husk at alle perkerne stemmer også.

Based Dane. Skane is Danish clay.
SD got the highest vote % in Skane. This shows Danish heritage.

brothers til the end

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literally nobody wants skåne

you may laugh now
but soon we'll be have a race war and you wont

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we already are, some Western suburbs of Copenhagen feels like another country. but unlike Sweden, we have almost stopped the influx of shitskins and we have started tearing down their commie blocks to harass them. now I just don't hope for our new cucked governent to fuck everything up and reserve the tightening of rules

Norway also needs Sweden to give back clay they took from us during times of war..

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How do i cope, Jow Forums?

>born into working class family with only a working father
>other Swedish friends have long since moved elsewhere
>no possbility of loaning to get out of the migrant shithole community
>thankfully not in the worst area, my suburb is 50% to 50% but 80% of the kids are shitskins
>daily train ride is filled with immigrants from all over discussing loudly on their phones in all kinds of non-european languages
>clearly the majority of them live on welfare
>can't attract a white woman because their flags go red as soon as i reveal where i live
>can't find a welcoming community of whites anywhere in Stockholm, it's basically gated communities only under the surface of inclusivity

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>hate sweden for war reasons
You have stabbed us in the back when we were busy not once but several times

The true nature of the dane is that of a cowardly rat, striking from the shadows like a weakling.
Minns Stora Bält, danskjävel!

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If you lost it then you don't deserve it.

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fucking based

when feminists, faggots and rapefugees collapse sweden we split swedish lapland 50/50, you get west we take east, ok fren?

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Touche, and no - pepperspray isn't illegal you fucking mongoloid.
Guns isn't as hard to get a hold of as sheltered homos like you make it out to be, no need for shitskin contacts either.

I hope you see the irony in your statement when you lose Sweden to towelheads.

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calling dibs on south sweden
rightful danish clay

As long as Danefag can have their old clay back

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I just realized something.. Sweden should have never existed.

What about sheep rape capital better known as the Faroese?

If I'm not mistaken they were originally norwegians..

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Sweden have always been a country of blood crazed warriors, we have just learnt to hide it to blend in into the "civilized" world. When the sandniggers finally see our true nature is too late for them to save themselves.

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Nej.The Svenskersvin will be kept in their sorry state for the rest of time. Sucking mudslime dick and having their women raped while Dansken will merely observe and laugh.

The others used him to kindle the fire with.

>We are brothers!
piss off back over the bridge Sven. Fucking lowly Swedes doing all the cheap labor in KBH like spics in the US.

If I'm not mistaken you were originally Danish. Oh wait you still are.

>Take a lesson from Japan and move on
they lesson to take from the slant eyed yellow filth is to not be like them at all. They are a warning to all.
I admire what you did to them new worlder. Utter ruthless and now a living example of shame and embarrassment.

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>Copenhagen is literally connected to Malmo via a bridge
and? Copenhagen is the trade hub and thus barely Danish. It has always been and will always be the shithole of Denmark.
t. Dane in Copenhagen