How do we defeat China?
I feel like the west is gonna get zerg'd eventually.
How do we defeat China?
I feel like the west is gonna get zerg'd eventually.
They'll have to cross the ocean. Just wait for them to load their troops onto ships then blast them with missiles.
you can't defeat insectoid nationalism retard. lrn frum da bes
Fuck the west. I for one welcome our new Chinese Overlords
>criminals get shot
>no muslim/refugee bullshit anymore
>no nigger whorship culture anymore
>no feminist shit
If I could press a button that kills all mutts instantly and puts china in charge I would hammer that button for the rest of the week just to make sure it worked.
you let japan have an army again and they will strengthen out china again, or use posters of tank man as cammo
Just send slavoid zergs against them. It will sort somehow.
China doesn't have enough farmable land to feed its people. If we want to stop them, the US needs to stop feeding them.
With your penis
Were already getting zerged
You became part of the (((Berg))) collective in the 90's
i'll die protecting the west to the last creampie inside cute chinese girls.
God wills it.
One problem with the idea of being taken over by China,
Free speech gets fucked, There is a difference between your human rights and minor annoyances, you may hate jews, you may hate the chinese, and you may get called out for these things, but atleast you don't get rounded up and shot
If the future looks like that i'm ok with it.
China won't take over anything. The US won't collapse and they will be one of the major players for decades to come. Probably the primus inter pares
There is a bomb dropping on the world in 25-50 years called demographics. It is already destroying Europe, leading to their selfish and short sighted refugee policy. China has the same problem but is going about it's solution differently. China is peaking as a power. They are going about the opposite strategy as Europe. Xi Jing Ping is trying to pull china together under an iron fist and to facilitate this has become the greatest cult of personality since Mao. China will surely be hurt by this falling bomb, but they ate trying to quickly construct a bomb shelter so that what remains ( while weaker than they are currently) will be stronger than any of her Old Word neighbors (ie all of Europe).
The only country that will come out unscathed and actually stronger than it started in 50 years will be USA and Mexico. The boomers and greying of America are a problem that everyone on this subreddit is acutely aware of. But the greying of America is nothing compared to the rest of the world. Having a demographic pyramid with vertical walls is a problem. But keep in mind for the rest of the world it's shaped more like a mushroom. To make matters worse for china, there are millions of fighting-age males that will NEVER be married due to China's 1 child policy wiping out a generation of women, and china will need to find ways to occupy the time of or get rid of these males before they enter recession -- china's government is acutely aware of what rebellion, civil war, and attempts to overthrow the government does to the country...
They don't. I just got back from China's newest province (
Want to rape Asian women. Ooga booga!
the quality of people in the US is decreasing and there's nothing you can do.
Europe is not a player since 1945.
Not sure, you'll have to defeat me as well, and I quite literally bend reality to my will, get fucked
Why should we? There's nothing in the West worth preserving anymore. Christkikes let the Jews ruin us.
Every white must kill 20 chinks in his lifetime to defeat China
This shit is their invasion plan. And I assure they don't just build a road and leave like they said they would. They are like the fucking aliens in District 9, and it'll be your turn eventually.
Every bad in America is happening in Europe ten-fold
Deathball composition with templars.
I personally go mass void rays
I’m married to a half chinese half Thai woman. I welcome our new overlords.
Something tells me you haven’t spent much time in China if this isn’t ironic.
we don't. we spread our asses and take what we deserve and hope that if we apologize enough for ruining the world that they may show some mercy
>How do we defeat China?
Cutoff their oil shipments via closure of straight of Hormuz
Now you know what false flags are all about
You're welcome
America will become Brazil 2.0 can't wait
China has an extreme low birth rate
These are your new overloads
I'd start learning Hindi right now
China is own worst enemy just look at some of the history they are very small threat to west I think
why should we? the west isnt worth saving
They aren't a threat militarily to anyone. Stop blinding yourself with this delusion. They're a threat politically. They are doing it right now. They buy politicians and invade with immigrants. They don't need to fight anyone.
t. lives in chinese colony
China has been utterly defeated since about two centuries already. It's one of the most pathetic "nations" in current world.
This is what I did and it’s worked out for me so far.
I'm not worried
This is why
If Indian and Chinese immigrants wanted to, they could destroy the wests economy. They run most of the big tech companies now despite being 5% of the population.
How you going Peter?
Zombies my friends, with literal brain eating zombies
>The boomers and greying of America are a problem that everyone on this subreddit is acutely aware of
Fuck off back there.
China alone won't have any power. They have all the many people necessary to produce products.
What they miss is quality and creativity. That's where Germany and Japan is best. So I hope there is going to be some sort of circle.
The US is only necessary to buy and consume.
>have one mirrion troops
>get btfo every single time because your country can't keep a cohesive nationalist identity
If you are filled with 80 IQ zerglings all those 120 IQ people at the top don't matter...
Finally, a based response from krautland.
Checked and zompilled
Whoopsies forgot to edit that out. I go to world news to laugh at how monumentally wrong about politics they are. (Also it's the only place to talk about PlanetSide)
You really cant, the west blew it. Only options is to start liking china now. I did about 3 months ago.
Not Peter. George Friedman (anti Soros)
Nothing's going to happen you paranoid fool.
Get back in the line burger. We have been killing these chinks for thousands of years and we just taking a break after the little fight with your side. I'm ready for any chinks.
>why does the CDC have so many samples of exotic and quite possibly synthetic diseases and maladies?
You're out of your mind user. Like why does the US even have DARPA if not for the very scenario of Mass Chinese Conquest? It doesn't even have to be biochemical shit; America does everything big.
Indians do
For various reasons, ethnic chinese seldom make it to the top
India has, amongst others, the following major advantages
-an above-replacement birth rate
-historical affiliation/mordern alliance with the West
-a socio-economical/cultural environment where liberalism won't survive
Due to these reasons, I believe ethnic Indians instead of ethnic chinese will be the more and more influential in the West
But I guess since you consider them your ally, it shouldn't be a problem
the west is full of idealists, idealists are incapable of formulating correct analaysis of a situation. They are only able to fight against other idealists, this is why the US has never managed to defeat anyone but europeans and arabs.
America is fucked and Mexico isn't changing. Accept it.
That's curious, your post read exactly like Peter Zeihan's books. I haven't heard of someone with projections so close to Big Pete's, can you recommend some material by Friedman?
Wow is that a real Chinese flag? You'd be the first I've ever seen. That being said, the Indians aren't that influential here. They always have higher ups; the majority of them work a few years at a gas station, send the money back to India, then rotate out for one of their kin to take over while they live like kings back home.
India and the Chinese would never agree on anything. If anything, they would be the first to go to war.
>How do we defeat China?
Cattlebruiser rush ...
Four words for you my guy
>fat one and little one
The reason the US "never defeats" anyone is because no other country we've warred with has presented us an actual military to fight. They use civvies like bodyshields because they are little fucking babies.
We defeat China by breeding their women
Make love, not war user. Hapas will rule the world
How did you get fast the firewall? Are you party member or poohbear himself
Okay, obvious amendments:
>and obvious is not included in the four words
>not presented with an actual military since WW2
Boomertards like Peter Zeihan don't care don't care about the Browning of America because they won't have to live through it. Same with Ronald Raygun and Zion Don as well.
honestly not even that good looking
>they arent doing war right!
japan is effectively western/idealist as well due to having a similar natural condition and social history as europe
The fact that when you lose you just claim that it wasn't actually war is proof of the idealism.
neither are the guys honestly.
good point, sometimes I truly wonder who I would looksmatch with
Not really familiar with him but see he will have new book out soon, will keep an eye out for it. But seeing his predictions about Japan from the 90s it seems he’s extrapolating the current trends to their logical conclusions.
Easy. Stop all Chinese immigration to Western nations. Stop hiring Chinese immigrants for jobs.
They are not here in the West to assimilate. They are here to (a) spy; (b) steal technology; (c) subvert Western social structures.
The West must also reclaim their businesses from China. They basically hold all manufacturers hostage these days anyway, plus technology today can do away with Chinese manufacturing now---it is now cheaper and more "green" for a nation to do its own manufacturing now. Tariffs can help, too.
Once Westerners stop doing business with China and stop hiring the Chinese, China will collapse in a generation or two.
They are the world's cheaters, and they have zero innovative or creative spirit. Look at all the great shit they invented a long time ago, and they did nothing with those inventions. It took whites to take these to the next level. The Chinese could easily have circumnavigated the world, too, but they chose to not explore, they chose not to go out into the world and colonize it. The Chinese are Mongol rape baby insectoid losers with no souls.
The redpill is realising that China defeating us is a good thing.
purchase goods from american, japanese, taiwanese, and south korean companies.
don't buy shitty fad tech.
>China could have colonised and enslaved people but chose not to
>ergo they suck
Can't even see this in China. It is censorship. Go to Russia instead.
Chinese foot girls will rule the world.
It isn't loss you starving brainlet, it's cowardice on the opposing side. If you're fine with that then I guess that's your perogative; it's proof of your gaping anus.
Forgive me for being ignorant, but has India ever partaken in imperialism or genocide? I think this is why I don't like China desu.
This all the way
They're both geopolitics guys so their conclusions are very similar. (I too focused on Geo when getting a BA in political science).
Friedman, despite also being a 70yr old holocaust survivor Hungarian Jew with American citizenship, is pro nationalism and is opposite of Soros on just about every issue. He has some very good lectures on YouTube that shit on yuros who just don't fucking get it about America and pax americana. "The next 100 years" is a good starter. Very illuminating book.
>What would a world with an unchallenged China look like?
The incels from r/hapas would be ruling over a world a dark peoples.
All white people and Japanese people would be killed. Black women put into concentration camps to be used as cock sleeves for sex starved eurasian men. Hispanic women would also be forced to be cock sleeves and gang-raped by Asian rape gangs from r/hapas. Indian women also. All south east asians would be killed too since r/hapas hate them so much. Only the Chinese and Koreans would get to live.
>try to use violence to obtain geopolitical objective
>fail to obtain geopolitical objective
>w-we didn't lose!
were they using wallhacks user?
you just know that girl in the red dress has a really hairy pussy.
bush will be back if china have there way.
China will Sunzi us into war with Iran, spreading to the whole Arabian peninsula and middle east. The resulting 20 year quagmire will leave room for Xi to claim more territory in the Pacific, gain a semi-permanent foothold in Africa and over African resources, and once and for all eclipse the US as the greatest superpower. The defeatism of the American people is palpable, sadly, while the manifest destiny of China burns in the hearts of more than a billion Chinese.
its actually the other way around.
WMAF seems much more balanced than white-white couples
This. I don't even care about their communism. I like law and order. I've been in Beijing and it's safer than any western capital
She's Vietnamese, and they hate the Chinks more than anyone else in the world.
why so qt
Not a rebuttal. What's happening to the southwest US isn't as bad as what's going to happen to Germany, and the US is insulated by being made up of 50 states where many will remain majority white
>Indians do
No they don't, pajeets work in low-IQ IT jobs, they're not movers and shakers in the industry.
>ethnic chinese seldom make it to the top
Oh really??
>India has, amongst others, the following major advantages
>an above-replacement birth rate
High birth rates without a national IQ >95 is not an asset, it's a liability.
>historical affiliation/mordern alliance with the West
You mean the west ruling India for 200 years. That's some "alliance"
>a socio-economical/cultural environment where liberalism won't survive
Liberalism is overrated and on it's death throes as a philosophy. The chinese are excelling for two main reasons, firstly they are intelligent (IQ =105). Secondly, they are highly ethnocentric and docile, allowing them to resist poisonous western cultural values and allowing the state to remain unchallenged (providing that the state doesn't tyrannize the people).
How absolutely blind can someone be. Never will the American people be able to demand what you propose. If that's what is necessary, then just give up. There are harder, smarter, and less fantasy-based solutions.
You don't.
Their economy will overtake ours by 2030. Their GDP will be double the US' by 2050. They manufacture 99% of all the shit you own and they are becoming a leader in tech.
The dragon is awakening once again, and the world will tremble.
It's like talking to a brick wall. Look at all Americans ITT still thinking "they're" fighting the chinks lol. el atrocidad
lol enjoy Blue Texas and the DNC Unaparty you disgusting shit-eating subhuman
Thats not a Chinese woman that is a Vietnamese woman. Big difference in quality. Vietnamese woman is vastly superior to a chink.
Hahaha tell me again about unobtained geopolitical objective? If you, as a VPN larpfaggot, honestly believe there are resources the US desperately needs from China then you're just plain delusional. Fact of the matter is, if it were necessary, the whole middle kingdom would fall within a month under the full military might of the USA. And yes, I still consider zombies feasible.
Tbh, the amount of red tape involved in developing and using the land route would be an absolute nightmare for the Chinese. And that's if none of the countries are fighting/sanctioning eachother as geopolitical power plays (let alone finding themselves opposed to China themselves). This whole plan revolves around the cooperation and goodwill of too many partners to be feasable.
The sea route is even worse. So many choke points that can absolutely devastate trade by even the smallest naval forces. Not to mention the US+Friends' interference they are likely to encounter.
I don't see this working out anytime soon, especially how their leadership takes every opportunity to piss in the eye of anyone willing to cooperate with them. There is just too much bad blood.
Forgetti pic
Take off the meeme flag, shill
Stop buying their shit