Little bro is only 12 and they're putting him on hrt

>little bro is only 12 and they're putting him on hrt
i hate this, Jow Forums, the globohomo has taken my family and I want my little bro back, what can I do?

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Break his iPhone. There is no other way he could' ve contracted the liberal mind virus.

No social media = normal kids.

it seems more the parent's fault for letting him go on HRT

The schools can put them on HRT now without informing the parents "if they believe telling the parents would be bad for the growth of the child"

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>italian flag
i thought you guys beat the shit out of faggots because of muh church/vatikan

Fuck him in the bum and enjoy the ride, Armageddon is here

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seriously? and people don't see a problem?

fuck the pope and his personal opinion doesn't represent the common people

Fucking source because that activates my fucking almonds there's no fucking way

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My kids are home schooled.
The war is already over user, we lost.

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the war is not over user


You're just asking for a pack of socially retarded basedboys
Homeschooling should be illegal

get unapologetically violent, OP. If they are gaying him up, beat them down. Everything has a cost

>let the jews brainwash your kids

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do they give HRT by injection or?
if its pills steal them or replace them with tic tacs
help him before it fucks him up
do the right thing even if it costs you everything

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This. Your brother will thank you in the long run. Protect your family from the Jew


I'd launch a full assault in defense of my sibling.

gib city and name of school, I will contact my people who will solve problem with unnecessary violence towards teachers

Get him on a plane and flee to Russia. Seek asylum from liberal faggotry. At least LGBT shit is still looked down upon there.

Poland works as well, even if your NGOs sponsor faggotry around here

Just scare him out of it, there are plenty of videos on yt that feature former transsexuals regretting their decision and studies proving that gender change at a young age is a fucking terrible idea.

And like another poster said, get rid of any bull crap he’s reading online that’s encouraging this mindset.

Tell him to stop being such a little faggot.

Another "THIS".

There are things that call for beatings. If my parents pushed this on my little brother/sister - I have two that are quite young, I wouldn't hesitate to beat them up until they apologize to him personally before my eyes.

I would do this full well knowing the potential consequences of my actions, knowing that I did what was right, albeit perhaps not what was lawful.

Do what's best for your family OP. Your family crossed a line that is unforgivable by mere words, if you cant make them stop by words, make them stop by your fists.

wtf you have to stop it!
it's your duty to protect him, even if it requires breaking family ties.

what exactly does globohomo stand for?

globalist homosexuals? is this some kind of "sex cult" or tranny-related conspiracy?

You dont want a cute trap?

Switch the meds with testosterone pills

Sometimes I wonder what would have been of me if I had been born in these times.
As a child, I used to like all sorts of toys (not dolls but maybe "effeminate" devices like kitchens and house utilities, in par with typically masculine ones like tools, drills...)
Now imagine that I was born today, in one of these retarded families. They might think that I need reassignment, it is, well... clownish.
And even if a boy is going to become gay or something, it is obvious how much easier (in life) it is to be a faggot, rather than a fucking tranny. Traps can not have normal lifes, while faggots realistically can.
Do not do this to your children, for fucks sake. You are ruining them forever.

Let him become a cute boy made for my BBC.

Write a letter to Salvini and then you know what to do.

These are so goddamn fake.

Call the police and say your parents sexually abused you and are abusing your little brother right now.

your war on gay will make more gay and that's a good thing.

nice try, kids are not put on hrt, at best (or worst) they're put on blockers and then when they're older they can go for hrt

We lost a battle. The war is a war of ages that has been ongoing since prehistory between the negrified Semites and the Aryans.

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It’s psychological warfare.

You have to fight with psychology.

It’s a social contagion.

Find a men’s bible group where other men can help be examples.

You must show him he can be happier as a male and that he is a male.

Believeing he is a woman is a lie.

I don’t know how you can selerste him from the lies of progressives since he is exposed at school and all media and pop culture. But you must find a way.

He is young and impressionable.

Why does he look up to women?

Watch Rambo, scorpion king, Independence Day. Don’t let him be exposed to deviants in media, so you’ll have to got back at decade for movies and stuff that donst have deviants as half of the characters.

Do anything you can. He will grow to deeply regret his decision. He's a fucking 12 year old.

Become his mentor and get him a hot gf.

Boys want to be men, but are scared they cannot be. Show him otherwise.

Didn't know they actually put that up for real... It's really the only way to increase the white population is if you decreased taxes for increasing number of children + more benefits per kid. A negative tax rate at higher amounts of kids...