High IQ, calm, well spoken, willing to debate, rational, 1550 SAT, gets rejected from Harvard
Average IQ, angry, vulgar, avoids debate, 1270 SAT, rejected from most colleges, is welcome to Harvard
High IQ, calm, well spoken, willing to debate, rational, 1550 SAT, gets rejected from Harvard
Average IQ, angry, vulgar, avoids debate, 1270 SAT, rejected from most colleges, is welcome to Harvard
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>Smart people go to Harvard
It's not the 50s anymore, numbnuts.
>avoids debate
he refuses to debate in bad faith
quick rundown?
>High IQ
>gets rejected from Harvard
unironically Havard did him a favour!
How is that in bad faith?
Left isn't Jewish. Right is.
Literally just devaluing Harvard degrees. They can laugh and scoff at stupid laymen like me. But your Harvard degree is worth what I’m willing to pay for it. And frankly asu and Harvard are the same in my mind at this point. Which means the prestige and respect that you think you’re paying for isn’t something you’re going to get.
I don't know, his cover letter is a bit out there
In one of his postings, Hogg alleged that he didn't learn to read until he was 12! Definitely Harvard material.
It's almost as if when you bad mouth the people controlling the country, they take away all your chances to succeed in life.
>establishment zogbot 1 vs establishment zogbot 2
oy vey too bad there’s no third position
Don't leave Princeton out. Where else can someone with a BA in French get into the world-class math PhD with a thesis cribbed from Wikipedia with colorful term like "funky sums" for fucking integrals, with a Fields medalist advisor, and take a decade to complete way into their 30s?
>not going to a state university for a STEM degree in 2019
If you’re autistic enough to want to go to an Ivy League school, you don’t deserve to be going to an Ivy League school.
He still can't write anyway. What a tard.
Defining ‘things’
Oh no there's going to be one less kike at harvard. Fuck him. I never see jews complain about whites who get rejected in favor of niggers
Far left wing jew gets denied in favor of super far left wing jew
t. state school student logic
>far left
whats the difference? oh yea one of them went against the tribe
What a shitnigger. Enabling these 'people' will be the end of a functioning society and the beginning of a zoo compromised of literal retards exclusively.
>t. 80 IQ ape paying 30k a semester for a liberal arts degree
Enjoy the student loans, Pablo!
>About 1.5 standard deviations above mean SAT score
>Average IQ
>Strong correlation between SAT score and IQ
>literally who
Voice of a generation
>high SAT and good grades = High IQ
Ehh, not always.
Guess which one is jewish
>Average IQ
all ive seen from the zog is low iq
>rejected from most colleges
>1270 SAT
this /thread
the (((conservative))) lmfao, pol btfo once again
Normies are already getting a taste of the ZOG's social credit system, but unlike China, the far-leftist establishment is already ENFORCING IT.
He's being groomed. chuck schumer 2.0
Hogg for congress 2028
He's the voice of the 5 faggots who joined Theater Club. Don't fool yourself.
The average is brought down by Blacks and Hispanics, its really not that hard to do well on the sat, though I took mine before they made the last lot of changes.
Never got a good score on the essay though, though come to think of it I think my prompt was about the Civil War and I wrote something positive about some confederate general. As an refugee immigrant I really didn't have any idea how mad the confederacy makes shitlibs in this country.
He even admitted it
Is a 1270 good these days? What the fuck is the max score anymore?
>being this stupid
example of what kind of world a small group of people want.
>Jew vs Goblino
it's anudda shoah
kikes eternally ruined by the Mutt master race
College is a scam anyways, who the fuck cares?
racist assholes NOT WELCOMED!!
What part of that don't you get?
Now compare them on whose mommy and daddy had connections to CNN
Jazz Jennings made it into Harvard too.
One is a Jew.
This, sadly.
And I did both my grad degrees at an Ivy. I feel like the early '90s was the end of any shred of meritocracy then remaining. The kikes were already establishing major control in the mid-'80s.
Places with lots of hoes and diversity are trash.
Harvard is trash mingling with garbage.
1600; 800 max for reading another 800 for math. The national average is 1010 (i think, but idk about that). imo a 1270 is average but definitely good enough to get you into most state-level colleges, any lower than 1200 is retard-tier
Lucrative literal retards, user.
And lots of them.
You make more shekels skimming a tenth of a shekel off a gorillion people a gorillian times a year than one good idea that sells for a million bucks.
Uh...trigger discipline, nancyboy.
All he has to do is continue to fog a mirror.
Damn, the literally who person in OP's post did pretty well.
Anyone know the source on this one? Was always interesting in looking into it.
>Anyone know the source on this one? Was always interesting in looking into it.
Her name is Piper Harron, with an amusing homepage at theliberatedmathematician.com
The details of her antics are well documented online.
>Piper Herron made headlines when she published a blog post for the American Mathematical Society entitled “Get Out The Way”. In the article, she argued that white men should either quit or be demoted from their jobs. In part, she wrote “not to alarm you, but I probably want you to quit your job, at least take a demotion. Statistically speaking, you are probably taking up room that should go to someone else.”[1]
>Additionally, Harron argued for men to “get off your hiring committee, your curriculum committee, and make sure you’re replaced by a woman of color or trans person.” Harron advised universities to “stop hiring white cis men (except as needed to get/retain people who are not white cis men) until the problem goes away. If you think this is a bad or un-serious idea, your sexism/racism/transphobia is showing.” She concluded her argument by stating, “not to alarm you, but statistically speaking you are the problem. Your very presence. I can’t tell you what is the best strategy for you to stop blocking my path. I can just ask that you please get out of my way.”[2]
The chip on her shoulder is the size of that fucking star a thousand suns could fit into. And after the system basically gave her a PhD, yet.
The only conclusion that can be drawn is that Harvard is shit. Because it is. It’s a name. The quality of education they offer is now below standard considering the social justice infiltration.
>needing harvard
what the fuck for? start being an entrepreneur and become rich that way. college is a waste.
Kashuv is jewish. His dad is literally named Uzi
no shit, imagine still believing that Harvard or any fucking Ivy is a respectable institution.
>Implying he can debate his talking points.
>give up your position at work because you’re white, you fucking racists.
Honk fucking honk.
>Dad is Jewish
>argue over a kike and a mutt getting into ivy league schools
no thanks
>Kashuv's parents emigrated to the United States from Israel in the 1990s before he was born. He grew up in Parkland, Florida.
His wikipedia page
Well, to be fair, now that Harvard's student body is about 67% black, you can't let in a guy who said nigger, can you?
>they graded an underprivileged refugee badly on American history
you should sue them
Wait a second, he got into Harvard three months ago, but they rescinded it after racist texts came out lol. You can't take the retard out of a right winger.
Thanks, I stand corrected. I really didn't think the Harvard Jews would exclude a member of the clan for such minor transgressions.
They dont care that he said nigger. They care that hes pro-gun for the goyim. The nigger hate is merely the pretense being used to exclude him.
harvard is as respectable as being an lgbt rights volunteer
Ah, right. Non-indoctrinated Jews are no better than goyim. I guess that's why birth-right Israel trips exist.
1270 SAT? lol what a loser
>84th percentile isn't above average if you account for minorities
Right is a clone.
>using apparently anywhere in your thesis
Literally unprofessional in an academic paper
>Where else can someone with a BA in French
kek shiggy way to ruin my fucking day.
25 ACT but no calculator, no study cuz fuk it and hadnt even learned wtf log functions were yet. good enough to where I was going.
and this made made my fucking day
They both are, retard.
1270 is only average if you include niggers and mexicans. For a white kid he is practically retarded.
And yet there are still cucks that believe physiognomy isn't real.
Jew is both left and right. Top left and top right, believe it.
David Hogg spoke at my school (newton north high school) a while back, he spoke about ideas that sound good but he wasn’t very policy heavy. Very inconclusive overall, obvious statements that everyone would agree with and don’t spark discussion. I asked him at the microphone “what message would you have for conservative students who may not support your cause”, I was expecting a sort of “stopping school shootings should be a bipartisan issue, you can support me while being a conservative” but I got “don’t take donations from massive corporations” which doesn’t even apply to a student like I said. I nodded my head and shook his hand. Very disappointing overall.
Harvard is a (((shithole))). That's why.
This is an example of institutional takeover.
They took over most western countries without firing a shot.
You forget the most important difference...
The one on the left is a worthless racist cucked faggot and the one on the right isn't
As someone who attended Harvard and a top public uni, I can say that the quality of instruction was slightly better at the top public uni than at Harvard. The main benefits of attending Harvard are prestige factor on your resume and social networking with future movers and shakers. If what you're really interested in is a good education, there's nothing special about Harvard. Any of the top 100 unis in the U.S. will give you about the same quality of education. Still, the Widener Library was pretty sweet.
People go to Harvard to get (((connections))), not for quality education. It's pretty much impossible to fail Harvard.
What did Hogg know about that mass school shooting and when did he know it?
zion faggot
>oh no, he has to go to Yale or Brown instead of Harvard
cry more incels
they used to think education was the answer to racism. apparently they've changed their minds
nigger lover lol