Why they REALLY hate Iran

Is because they cracked the code on pedo blackmail and intelligence agencies.

The Iranian people got woke on pedophilia and intelligence agencies after the collapse of the SAVAK secret police installed by the CIA. They found out the CIA ran pedophile rings in western countries and used hidden cameras to blackmail politicians who don't control a fucking thing before they even run for office. They knew that western media was full of blackmailed pedophiles under Operation Mockingbird who would shill for blackmailed politicians and smear outsiders.

Remember that during the Iran-Iraq war, the Americans and Soviets were both backing Iraq against Iran.

Iran told both the US and the Soviets to fuck off and lived to tell the tale because they figured out the mechanism that both the CIA and KGB used to control the state & media. This is the real reason they want to destroy Iran.

Everything you hear about homophobia in Iran and muh gays hanging from cranes is a deliberate fairy story to spin what they do to pedophiles in Iran, and the reason they hang pedophiles from cranes is deterrence because they know that they are the lifeblood of how a state is corrupted.

The way they did this was bringing in a very sophisticated counter-intelligence system that focused on how porn, LGBT propaganda and related degeneracy was used as a trojan horse for creating pedophile rings which the CIA could pool blackmailed agents from. The Islamic fundamentalism in Iran was literally an anti-CIA mechanism to prevent this child drag queen shit we see today, because creating safe havens for pedophilia is how intel agencies snatch up assets in bulk in hidden camera snares. If they were some big-bearded retards whose policy was informed by religious mania, they would have been overthrown decades ago.

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. Iran leadership are Terrorists monsters. Thats reality. All your buzzphrases and whineing about the Jews is nonsense.

ok schlomo

Hello Rabbi

Israel did Beruit Barracks bombing

They hate Iran and will seek to destroy it because muh Haman 3000 years ago, they don't ever forgive or forget and will seek to destroy the people they see as responsible for every perceived wrong done to them in history

You belong in the oven


Back when they started calling this country the Great Satan, their opinions were more informed by the militant anti-theist garbage that Hollywood and the major portals to Hell, er, Big Cities forced on the rest of us.
True Christians hate the same degeneracy and subversion that Muslims do, so I never figured they were talking about all of us.

Attached: 18monaco.jpg (900x906, 154K)

I'm not a fan of the "ENT Lawyer" who runs "Crazy Days and Nights" because I heard that was controlled opposition....
but they made a point to talk about Macros in Philippines and Shah in Iran and Getty being tight and that it had something to do with human trafficking.

Some of what you said doesn't check out because Iran does have a big drug problem as well as a big nihilism problem. Also some of the propaganda is false, I guess they have camps that we never heard about for gays and heroin addicts, they try to rehabilitate the addicts and gays supposedly.
So what you are saying about the executions being worse (traffickers and dealers) might be correct

Haman wasn't even a real person. How do you win against a schizophrenic? Also the whole story of Purim is backwards, they say they were going to be slaughtered and then they won favor through Esther and so all their enemies were defeated at once across 23 cities or whatever.


Found the kike

Pretty sure they're trolling.
He could've mentioned Cyrus the Great, at least.

Ok OP. It's all pizza gate and schizo fantasies.

Let's just say why they really hate Iran. Its becuase Joooooos. They're afraid of an entire country of people who hate them. So they send their puppet country the US to work with hacking programs to ruin their nuclear program.

I sure hope Iran gets nukes. God bless em.

wasn't operation mocking bird the one where they had publishing houses and editorial offices with direct contact with news stations and newspapers?

It's still going on, despite the old code-name, that comp'd mouthpieces are controlling the brainwashed masses.
It's been that way all my life.

Trump is only testing the water to start the war tahat will guarantee his reelection, he tried with best korea, venezuela, syria and now iran but Putin and Xi always stopped him

Vile Shlomo

hmm yea, I remember Russia sent those two Concord style planes (probably with nukes on them) to Venezuala

But there's no broad support for war among the people so it would cost him reelection.
He needs to get rid of Boltnut, then open diplomatic channels.

It was started with 40 journalists after the assassination of JFK along the term invented by the CIA called "conspiracy theory".

The Mullahs are pedophiles themselves.


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