Why are modern women so afraid of this?

Why are modern women so afraid of this?

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>why are women scared to raise a child in a time with skyrocketing absentee father rates
gee, idk

yeah that’s why you stupid roastie nigger

choose better mates

Most women where I live don't. They don't mind having the children, they mind having a lasting relationship with the father. But then again, a lot of the fathers don't bother to stick around. A lot don't even stick around for the whole pregnancy. I think if they are afraid it would be because they are afraid of doing it alone.

>we dindu nuffin mufgga

Most women want kids.
They just want them at some,
unspecified time in the future, and can not quite connect the dots that time accumulates and they will lose choices.
Alternatively they find it repressive

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Because women are fucking weak and cant take any responsibility. Why do you think almost every criminal was raised by a single mom?

Too many of them have been brainwashed into thinking the most empowering thing they can do is kill their own offspring.

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>absentee father rates
men want debt free virgins with no tattoos

wh*Tebois have a small puny dick, no White Woman wants to look at such a hideous thing.
wh*Te women know there place, and they want Black Kings.

>absentee NIGGER father rates

One of the best things about living in the United Kingdom is that most of the right-wing rhetoric you hear in America is very much against the law here. Calling Islam "uncivilised" or saying that gay marriage isn't really marriage would get you charged with inciting hatred. Suggesting that people should buy guns "for self-defence" would be considered inciting violence, which carries serious penalties as well. We're also finally starting to seriously crack down on climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers and all three of our legal systems have laws that prohibit insulting or offending people in general. Scotland has a law against disparaging the memory of deceased persons, so the crude "ding dong, the witch is dead" rhetoric coming from the US when a celebrity dies would be very much illegal. Childish name-calling and lying about people is not allowed here either, as a woman in Suffolk was recently given defamation charges for commenting "she's a liar" on a YouTube video of a politician giving a speech.

Is our freedom of expression limited? Not in the least. We are guaranteed freedom of expression through European law. Rather than restricting freedom of expression, these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly and for the purposes of good. Unlike Americans, we understand that human rights and human dignity also need to be respected. Americans stubbornly cling to their outdated interpretation of their archaic Constitution while the rest of the world forges ahead. You Americans look very uncivilised to the rest of us when you allow bigots to speak out openly. By allowing hate speech, you are sending the message to the rest of the world that your government approves of hatred and intolerance. Is that really what you want, Americans?

Then don't rawdog ones that don't fit that mold...

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>believes in sex out of wedlock

Have sex.

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>only go after players and bad boys who are known for hitting and quitting
>muh absentee fathers

Because Jewish ran media has been telling women that child birth is ultra painful (it isn't), destroys your body (it does if you're a lazy slob - but then you'd be a terrible mother anyways), and that it costs way too much (it is the best investment you can make).

They're told through massive saturation in culture that they'll be forever young (listen to any fucking pop song) and they'll never NOT be desirable. That fucking niggers is primo because niggers are REAL MEN.

Women are naturally collectivist and follow this trend as a whole, and they instinctually desire to be controlled - wrangled if you will. With white men capitulating to them due to the state siding with them for any reason (he looked at me wrong 6 years ago - arrest him!) men have lost their hard power. Women now seek stronger forms of power and control on themselves because the men no longer can. And the media is there to tell them "niggers are real men"

We let women have control and now they have themselves locked in a position where they can't give it back and they're suffering for it.

The solution: let your woman see your hard power. She will be appreciative

White men leave their pregnant girlfriends every day so they have more time to play video games. Modern men are a complete joke.

Prince Harry is a race traitor

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Women don't understand they are missing the adoration only a child from their womb can bring them

Because it requires responsibility, which they've divested themselves from entirely.

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I dont know nor do I wish to find out my seeping hatred towards women is never ending.

Daily reminder: That doctor is Jewish

>have baby with manchild douche
should have chosen a better mate

brought to you by the very same people selling foreskins

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They're more afraid of making one child lose their life or grow up to be a criminal, you can't just say women are afraid of having children, it's like the Antivax argument, would you rather have your Kid Dead (Vax) or would you rather have them be a criminal (Antivax)
The taking of life is sometimes needed, as sad as it is

Whatever you gotta tell yourself to avoid holding "men" culpable. If they avoided men like that, you'd bitch about that too.

This. I have seen plenty of them. In fact I would say most guys I have known that knocked a girl up have bailed. Meanwhile I am trying for a third on purpose. They don't know what they are missing out on. Being a father is way more fun than playing video games. And now that my son is older we play some together.

They are led to believe they'll have an exciting, successful career and have the freedom to travel the world. Nobody ever tells them what really happens after they hit the wall at 30

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And to be fair, if I had to guess, you're not a fucking woman, the stretching of your womb and having to push out a mass of human life would be painful, imagine stretching a muscle, but that muscle is your dick


women are the gatekeepers of sex

based dub leafs, i agree, the average young modern woman ,is a worthless instagram bimbo wannabe, almost all of them are too lazy to cook and clean always the MUHHH opression MUHH EQUALITY excuse. they literally are not good for anything but to serve as a cum bucket, which apparently its what the average woman is aspiring to be, all women spend more time on smartphone and instagram, than being women.

Men are the gatekeepers of their child having a father.

Because modern mainstream (((morals))) and (((customs))) keep directing them away from it since birth.

simply put, because she is afraid of spending time with people like all of YOU

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It's not that big of a deal, women just whine more.

women are the ones that get to choose who to have a baby with
maybe don't pick a shitty mate that will run away

>Talks about "absentee father rates"
>Cites chart that shows absolutely nothing related to the topic
Have sex.

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Or you could accelerate everything and see the world burn.

That makes no sense. All first-world countries have generous financial aid for mothers.

Because it involves responsibility

White women dont want to have kids with white men why is that hard to get, just look up how majority of racemixed couples have 2+ kids while on same group they barely get 1.

They are not,its all just a shit test.
When your girl act like a bitch,pull the leach back,if you mean it she will stfu and be wet for the rest of the night.

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Good bait desu

because they don't want to be stuck with your small cock

Women are the biggest cause of absentee fathers you fucking dolt. Theyre the one ripping kids from their dads.

Why are modern women so afraid of this?

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My daughter is proly about a month older than that, best feeling in the world, I wish she'd stay that age forever

She will fuck a non white at least twice in her life.

They've been brainwashed their entire lives to think that becoming a stay-at-home mom is failing at life, and that they should pursue a career / material wealth, etc. Everything in the media is aimed towards pushing this narrative.

Why raise babies when you can snort coke and get spitroasted by 2 hung dudes?

They're not. I impregnate and create single mothers because they want sperm, regardless of relationship status.

You mean blacks?

100% this. All female "bitchiness" is a test of your masculinity and if you whine about it you failed.

Yeah, because brown men actually are willing to have several children. White men also are part of the problem and need to get their shit together. Current society will never change if Western men don't either.

So you're one of the 3,000 Jews left in Romania? Fascinating.

'cause there be a lottta whores these days.

Women won't respect you unless you are
>game (though it's pretty hard to fuck up your genetic gifts, it's still possible (because cunts are literally that picky))

Basically, 80% of men are garbage to women now (if not more)

Definitely is white mans fault that the virginity rate among them is rising and so is suicide rate, its only our fault guys white women are always right.
There are at least 100k jews in Romania atm.

That too.

You're a hopeless bluepilled moron if you think the dichotomy is "White men versus White women".
Status and charisma are the only things that truly matters to them, actually. They can generally deal with not having the rest.

White women have been the best weapon jews have used to destroy and break away everything that tied us to our culture and history.

Well it's funny how life plays out. Usually the tall guys who have status and charisma, ya know, from so many years of their life falling into place with no effort.

Wrong. This is completely bullshit.
Women are the ones taking sons away from fathers and 99% of the time the state supports them even when the father wants to be there

kottam son you goin to prison

What's the matter, Rabbi? Something got your foreskin in a pinch today?

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Dumb shill tier text wall

that unicorn is ridden by keanu reeves


This is hilarious.

Actually you're just a beta.
There's dudes with game at 5'8.
There's dudes living paycheck to paycheck with game.

The question is why don't women respect YOU?


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No there aren't lmao