Albanians are worse than niggers

Albanians are the worst people to ever live on this earth, they are disgusting smelling tiny rats.

Name a worse country, pro tip; you can't.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Albania.svg.png (2000x1429, 66K)

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I have never seen one in my life, Sven. Can you elaborate?

ask the Swiss

If you shake their hand they will try and fuck you over in every way possible, they are insanely family protective and not in the good way, if they have a daughter and she dates a white guy they will beat up their daughter and either kill or assult the guy. They will show up at your house, or workplace demanding money and blackmail you. They will look for you and when they find you they will point a gun in your face. And yet they are so proud, they will never forgive anyone even it has gone 30 years they will send their sons or relatives after you even tho you haven't done anything wrong. They have the brain of a nigger and act like 10 year old dropouts.

>The descendants of Vikings are crying about toxic masculinity

It's not that, they are fucking braindead. Also being primitive isn't something to be proud of, neither is being a faggot tho.

sometimes I wonder if Albanians and Chechens have got a common ancestor. they're both nigger-tier violent apes with an extremely potent crime gene


fun fact there are 10 million albanians in world only 2 live in albania meaning 80% of all albanians dont live in albania