Cyberpunk 2020 creator destroy Cyberpunk 2077 detractors

>Doesn't bow to the SJWs
Is this negro, dare I say, based as fuck?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Cyberpunk 2020
>quite based setting
What are SJWs expecting from him?
He was too nice to them.

Shit, I think I found him featured in an earlier patrician game...

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Yeah. This is from the original game book.

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I like his fashion sense.

leaving certain woke elements and keanu aside, the game actually looks interesting.
SJWs are complaining because there is not enough representation when there are actually woke elements in the game already.
Why are these snowflakes miserable as fuck?

What are they upset about this time?

Unironically based and cyberpilled

Not enough representation of females and trans in a world full of wokeness
These 'people' cant be satisfied

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based and liberty pilled

Pretty sure you can play as a futa in the game if you so wanted

i have no idea what any of this means

in the opening parts of the game you kill a bunch of gangsters who happen to all be black including one voodoo themed gang of haitians.

You spastic, he is blue pilled as fuck, he said on Reddit to that retard, that if whites wanted to fight racism, they should “shut up their racist uncle at Christmas dinner” or something like that, he is just you average nigger.

So he's another self hating uncle tom? No wonder why Jow Forums likes him.

This wasn’t written by mike.

He uses the term cultural appropriation so no






Once Great Britain

Russia Today






Oy vey looks like you won't be nominated for Game (Goy) of thr Year then

Id rather die than take this chip. Ill live in the wild, they can try but I will refuse.

Nothing wrong with copying and siding with a winning and overall better culture, Just like Christ said in the gospel of Thomas, a woman has to have the soul of a man in order to enter heaven. A nigger has to have a white mind to survive in America

imagine being based but condemned to also being a nigger
tough break

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having a 'white' mind makes these plague demonize you.
Nigga is still based for putting those snowflakes, but not redpilled

Don’t worry, he is just another nigger that doesn’t like being told what to do by da whyte man, even if the faggot he is annoyed at was actually defending niggers.

either schizo or glownigger larping as schizo

I have the manual in pdf, but I can't find it anywhere.
I believe this is a meme

He didn't write that book

>talks about logic
>Just like Christ said in the gospel of Thomas...
You could have quoted two dozen of our ancestors and you chose something from the desert kike trilogy.Congrats idiot.

not based,, their main customer base is not the SJW fags, so they don't need to bend over

>whaaaaaa im a literal who nigger
why dont you just take credit for this nigger's accomplishments?
why dont you just claim to be a kang while youre at it?

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Get ready for your chip. But your is going in your ass

It wasn’t written by mike pondsmith, it was written by a different writer for a different game, but it takes place in the cyber punk universe.

What ancestors? Cave dwelling faggots who worshipped the moon and sun? You whites were just like blacks before Christianity civilised you.

>Why are these snowflakes miserable as fuck?

They live every waking moment in psychic anguish from trying to integrate multiple lies into a coherent framework.

I fuckin Love Chris rock

The white man is cucked. The average white man is an emasculated virgin. The average nigger isn't. You belong to the inferior race. Inb4 "we wuz Mediterranean and Egyptians n shieet" nope, you weren't nothing either.

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You're telling me in that picture everyone lived in a palace? You absolute kang.

I guess you’ve never heard of Rome or Greece you fucking retard.

if you wuz kangs n shit
why wuz yo hair all wavy and brown/blonde and not pubic curls and disgusting black

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there is the misconception that cyberpunk is a sort of "tranny utopia" where anybody can play the fake-genre they want.
Obviously it is not like that, and when they get a taste about what a cyberpunk setting really is they become deluded and start raging.

Porn games like TITS and such gave trannies that misconception.

That's retarded and wrong.

The average nigger is a parasite who would live in a mudhut without outside help. Most other peoples atleast had some emblance of culture, but the nigger is only a savage who didn't even invent the wheel.

>North East Africa is sub-saharan nigger territory
think again retard

I love how niggers have to steal Egyptian history just to feel better about their worthless existence, and it’s already well established that ancient Egyptians were more closely related to Europeans than even modern day Egyptians, lmao, even the mummies have fucking blonde, and red hair.

>fantasy drawings
>muh history
Sardinia, 1500 BC

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Before dogs, the stygimoloch gave the best dome around?

>le based nigger meme

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He's still a black guy, man. I wouldn't cuck out my race, and I wouldn't expect him to cuck out his either. This is the basic reason why multiculturalism is a failure. Somebody will always be cucked.

What do you expect from a group of retards who have such a hard time understanding something as simple as linear time that they have to trivialize it and then claim that they're time travelers from Waffle House 5

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Something is changing. I can feel it. Even on alt left gaming forum like resetera, niggers are slowly become redpilled about white liberals who think they can tell everyone what is offensive and what is not

Very wise. Thomas Sowell is also based.

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I met him a few years ago at a convention because my brother in law is massively into the table top game. Extremely nice guy.

>uncle tom
>google what it means
>basically decent black man
>it's considered an insult
Fuck american diversity

Nobody cares stormfag

fuck off nigger/nigger lover

I didn’t expect him to cuck out, and I have no respect for anyone that does, regardless of their race, I’m just pointing out to the other user that he is not a “le based nigger” and these maga retards should stop praising every nog just because they didn’t try, and murder them.


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Uncle Tom was a literary character who was steadfast and strong in his beliefs and uncle Tom's cabin was written by an abolitionist and played a big part in changing people's views on blacks. It's full on retarded people call it racist or use uncle Tom as an insult. Most people who use it as an insult arent the type of people who read though.

Based blackman. He is an honorary Aryan Gamer and will be seated next to Le cyberpunk Fuhrer.

He's also feature in Kf2

this autismwas meant for

No its in a supplement book for the game. Specifically the nomad tribes book.
It's on page 7.

Some people say it don’t be like it is, but it do.

What the fuck is that picture

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>"Mexican civilization" existed in 1000 bc
absolutely ebin mate

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saved it last night
im saving your too

>has trannies portrayed in a positive light

It doesn’t make a statement one way or another, it just puts their degeneracy front and center, as a globo-homo dystopian nightmare should.

DESU I'm not a huge fan of cdpr but that trailer brought me right back to blade runner.
If I still pre-ordered they'd have all my money.

You need to rewatch literally any cyberpunk film ever.
Cyberpunk is late stage capitalism. This is what happens in a cyberpunk future. It's everything we have now but like 50x worse.

Because they don't seem to understand that what they're offended by (take the tranny ad) is exactly what a corporation would do in a cyberpunk setting.
They would hyper sexualize and commercialize trannys to sell more product. It's literally a proper representation of the setting.
It's flat out ridiculously ironic that they're being offended about how the setting would treat them...
In the same way Hollywood blacksploitation films and feminist Mary Sue films pander for money, these cyberpunk corporations do not give a fucking fuck about anything except enticing you to fucking consume their products.

These people are the perfect example of the NPCs the cyberpunk setting warns us about. It's mind boggling that these people even know how to tie their own shoes.

All those nations were destroyed also if you think egypt was nigger country then, you are propably nigger

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This. Why don't people understand that cyberpunk isn't a good thing? It's a fucking dystopia of rampant materialism (and for you retarded Marxists, just remember, communism is just as good at dehumanizing people as capitalism is).
This rampant materialism is why the overriding theme of cyberpunk is "searching for the spiritual/soul/humanity".

But CDPR bowed

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What a fucking retard you are holy shit....

Ooh she thicc

>Original Uncle Tom was a muscle bound literal Christlike figure who wanted to inspire resistance to slavery by being a better person
>promoted the idea of togetherness through a shared cultural identity coupled with elders wisdom
>Refused to sell out his people or harm them, but also refused a call to arms
>eventually murdered in the book by slave owners but his literary death kicks off the Civil War according to even Abraham Lincoln

>mufugga bix nood sellout watermelon gotta get get Tupac is the real hero
This is why niggers can’t have nice things.

As is Walter E. Williams.

what's it look like, mammal boy?

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Adding Uncle Tom's Cabin to my reading list. Thanks, user.

Funny to be arguing over one of the best RPG settings ever written, made by a black guy, on Jow Forums, as we enter the year the game was about.
>tfw still have my first printings of CP2020
>thnx Mike

honestly I’m happy with the future, it is pretty cyberpunk.

Artwork from the old Super Mario Bros movie, that's Daisy and Yoshi

This post is a false flag.


Notice how the nigger is only responding to leftists who don't like his game. The eternal niggers feels the need to defend himself from the left because he respects the left, he is a leftist himself. He doesn't respond to the other comments that criticize the game for being extremely and needlessly degenerate.
He is putting out leftist trash and he is saying to the other leftists to just deal with it, they're not leftist enough to get his masterpiece, give it a few years and critics will see the light after they see all the degenerate shit in the game. He will redeem himself once Buzzfeed starts writing articles about how the game is fighting for trans and non-white rights.

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>stupid nigger doesn't know uncle tom was the hero of the book

Why am I not surprised?

Forgot your BLM flag, faggot.

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Lol you’ve read it. Green Mile is modern day Uncle Toms Cabin by Stephen King.

guaranteed 40%+ European dna this based man.

Yet another new fetish. Damn.

Guess im buying Cyberpunk2020

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Count me in as well. If you aren't offending the faggot retard masses, you aren't doing it right.

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this dudes actually fucking based, it's really refreshing cause you can see he is redpilled on the cultural war and doesn't want them fucking with his baby. it's weird the media is giving so much attention to what twitter tranny lesbo femnazi's think about games/gaming, they are not the market, no one cares what they think.

>it's weird the media is giving so much attention to what twitter tranny lesbo femnazi's think about games/gaming, they are not the market, no one cares what they think.
These wierdos are less than 1-2% of the population and will remain so. They attempted to co-opt the struggles of black people to cement the foundations of their own. If a black person disliked anyone it should be these dickheads. Based Cyberpunk creator.
> trannies and dick choppers are dreg sex workers

Hopefully it stays that way after the money comes rolling in

it's dystopian, so that's realistic of what future dystopian civilization looks like, this is where Toronto is headed.

the dinosaur pill...
how can we human men ever compete

i thot tha who' cyberpunk thang was a huwaite peep thang, why's a KAAAANG making huwaite peepo sheeeeeit? instaternalies raysim, muh unko tahm