In all seriousness, what do you think about Richard Spencer?

In all seriousness, what do you think about Richard Spencer?

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Trust fund blogger who means well but is impaired by his own ineptitude and corporate resistance from creating a cohesive and effective white nationalist political movement.

he leads people in circles
charlottesville was basically "lets all follow spencer around in a giant circle"
he's a mercurical dandy that is unfit to be a leader of anything
anything he has ever started, from his phd program, to any of his projects,
to his marriage, Spencer has never once seen anything through in his life

>think about Richard Spencer
I don't.

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Egotistical retard. Single handedly destroyed the alt-right movement.

I like some of his newer videos. He is capable of getting people with interesting ideas on and I like that, though I don't think he himself has a very complete or compelling analysis.

Not my favorite youtuber or whatever by far but I am glad he exists. Truediltom is the real g shit.

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Cool haircut, dresses well, good taste in music.

what music does he like?

i dont

I was at the Auburn rally. He’s a good speaker, not the best at gotcha questions, but Enoch beat down the ‘Am I white enough’ crap for good bu exposing it as pointless deconstruction you wouldn’t accept with other races. I haven’t seen that bullshit asked by anyone else since.

seems like a new order kind of guy

New wave seems to be his favorite genre.

Spencer is based I like him.

He likes New Order, but his favorite band from that era is Depeche Mode


> he's a mercurical dandy

We really need Spencer to operate out of anger. His cultivated chram and civil refinements are only an asset if they are backed by a stronger character. He is still finding his stance and it comes off as too slick. If he had chased down that antifafaggot that punched him we would have seen some blood in his veins, instead we got hands-on-hips "how dare they"

who made this thread, this time?

1. FBI
2. TDS
3. Antifa

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He glows

Glownigger Prime

I think he is okay, but he isn't a great leader, unlike Dr. David Duke, or Dr. William Luther Pierce

brit knows how it works

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Obvious glownigger and Democrat.

Richard was instrumental to helping me awake to see the reality of the Jews and their evil. However he is a terrible leader and he should not have a position of power. He is an excellent propagandist tho in some senses but he is held back by his own personal flaws. I still like Richard but I think him stepping aside is a good idea. If I was fhuer I would allow him to comfortably live out his life while producing content for our people.

Are you seriously suggesting that FBI TheDailyShoah and Antifa AREN"T all controlled by the same entity?

Because they are.

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have i read his shitposts?

just another news fag on a tv screen