Who else completely demoralized?

who else completely demoralized?
The shills got to me.

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You are an Israeli shill. Soon you'll be dead. NO US SUPPORT WHEN ISRAEL GOES TO WAR.

>wh*Teoid cope
Whites will be extinct, white women LOVE black COCK and you cant do anything about that.
just kill yourself if your wh*Te like fuck off lol.
no one likes ur small dick ugly wh*Teoid chode.
wh*Te genocide is coming.

>i work at taco bell

>Ever letting another human get to you
>Ever letting life get to you

user I,....

Terry looks a bit like Ryan Reynolds kek

Great. Now, the only thing that is left is to finish you off in a gulag.

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>Being demoralized
Free your mind. Transcend the dogmas which are thrust upon you by mass media and those who hate you. Understand that you do not have to remain who you are.


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I miss terry.

Dont be so weak. The weak die or kill themselves off.

No one is. Fuck off and head butt a hollowpoint pussy

Whatever suffering you are going through, remember that Jesus went through even more

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Never. I welcome acceleration. I cheer on full collapse. Things are just starting to get fun.

Same, one of a kind

How so? The world seems pretty fucking boring now, even degeneracy isn't new and shocking anymore, it's just boring and stops people being able to actually build something useful or constructive.


Don't be my friend. Genetic Engineering will happen in just a few years.

Why aren't you out hunting down illegals for money???

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kys nigger the shills are retarded

there are such fun times to come
just wait, clown world has only started

>hefty oof boy-o's looks like they got to me
Lol shill nigger

>who else completely demoralized?

Demoralized about what?

pic yourself up you fuck. you're welcome.youtube.com/watch?v=ffVJfVVe_bk


Stop it. That's how kikes win.

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why are u demoralized zoomer bichboy, in croatia it's socially acceptable to be a nazi and Ustashi