Why did (((they))) sink the Titanic?
What was the reason for sinking it?
We all know they did it, but why exactly?
Why did (((they))) sink the Titanic?
What was the reason for sinking it?
We all know they did it, but why exactly?
they have an irrepressible urge to destroy whatever the white man builds
(((THEY))) love icebergs. Look at the name man, ICEBERG. They didnt like titanic sailing anywhere near a jewish lump of ice
Everytime this gets brought up somebody mentions the people who went down with it (Astor, Guggenheim, etc) which is an "interesting" theory that I forget the details of. It could just be a regular coincidence though lad, ships do sink.
It was filled with rich and influential white people and their families.
Pic related, also rumours around that the sister ship to the titanic had issues. Almost identical ship. They swapped them and did insurance job. Also any excuse for a mass (((sacrifice)))
There were two wealthy and powerful men on board who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve. Both died, and the Fed was created soon after that thanks to lack of opposition.
Titanic - 1912
Federal Reserve Act - 1913
how to hijack a countries monetary system 101
There were a few bigwigs aboard that could have blocked the creation of the federal reserve
Insurance scam. The Olympia was damaged earlier and was going to cost to much to fix so they switched the name plates and sank it. Also wiped out some powerful WASP families that were redpilled on the kikes.
bitch get back to soldering my motherboards
I'm ok with this.
These threads are always good for a laugh.
I was under the impression the whole point to come here was for the laughs.
You don't even know the boat's name. Stfu.
That's true, going on Jow Forums to be serious is a one-way ticket to getting a headache. It's just particularly amusing for me to read all these conspiracy theories about Titanic, which are coming from people and so-called sources that clearly don't know a thing about the ship(s).
Because some of their own did not want to help subvert the West via the Federal Reserve system, so they killed them.
>Some theorists believe that the Titanic was sunk on purpose to eliminate opposition to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. Some of the wealthiest men in the world were aboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage, several of whom, including John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isidor Straus, were allegedly opposed to the creation of a U.S. central bank. All three men died during the sinking. Conspiracy theorists suggest that J.P. Morgan, the legendary 74-year-old financier who set up the investment banking firm that still bears his name, arranged to have the men board the ship and then sink her to eliminate them.
>One of the most controversial[4][5] and elaborate theories was forwarded by Robin Gardiner in his book, Titanic: The Ship That Never Sank?.[6] Gardiner draws on several events and coincidences that occurred in the months, days, and hours leading up to the sinking of the Titanic, and concludes that the ship that sank was in fact Titanic's sister ship Olympic, disguised as Titanic, as an insurance scam by her owners, the International Mercantile Marine Group, controlled by American financier J.P. Morgan that had acquired the White Star Line in 1902.
this is the correct answer.
about 30 of the richest ppl in america at the time were all on the Titanic for the maiden voyage.
what ALL of these people had in common was that they were opposed to the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank scam orchestrated by the kikes of the time.
well, the kikes sank the ship, and since all of these were 1st class passengers, not a single one of them made it off the boat, which has led many to believe they were assassinated as the boat was sinking as none of them made it to life boats.
soon after the titanic was sank, and 30+ opponents to the creation of the fed were gone, several more opponents to the fed were mysteriously found dead in the states.
so basically, the criminal kikes who created the FED, they had the majority of the opponents to its creation killed one way or the other.
the FED kikes even killed JFK because he was trying to pass an EO that would have ended the fed.
>the fed is ran by a literal kike mafia that isnt afraid of killing anyone.
>Le daily wacky conspiracy threads by JIDF
JIDF like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.
This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.
9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "an energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).
Jews control our media. Jews control our banking. Jews control our academia. Jews control our government. Very real and verifiable. Something people need to know and understand. “But let’s not worry about that, goyim. Let’s discuss flat earth, bigfoot and aliens”.
Fuck these threads and fuck JIDF.
>Why did (((they))) sink the Titanic?
To implement the Federal Reserve.
Just like 9/11 was to pass the "Patriot Act" as well as have the US fight Israel's wars.
>Just like 9/11 was to pass the "Patriot Act" as well as have the US fight Israel's wars.
not untrue, but also only a small piece of the puzzle It wasnt something they came up with on the spot. It was planned for at least 33 years in advance
It was an occult ritual, an attempt of alchemically destroying the old word and creating a new world from its ruins, like the 2 towers that collapsed and a new one was build, like the phoenix (alchemical symbol) coming to life from its ashes, like Shivas cosmic dance of destruction and creation, order out of chaos.
Spotted the Rabbi!
The single biggest hole in the insurance theory, even pretending the ships could be swapped (which wouldn't be nearly as simple as "just change the name plates") is that neither Olympic or Titanic was covered fully by insurance. The White Star Line saw it as too costly.
Each ship cost $7.5 million (at that time) to build yet they were initially insured for $1 million each.
>The Hull claim of £1 million was collected by Willis and settled in full to White Star Line within 30 days of the disaster.
In 1912, the British pound was going 1:4.87 with the US dollar. So that's an insurance payment of what equaled $4,870,000 compared to the $7,500,000 construction costs. It's a big loss to the White Star Line. Even if the ship (in the theory, Olympic) was sunk because she was already damaged.
There's theories that the insurance for Titanic (Again, in theory the Olympic) were raised days before sailing, but the insurance company itself doesn't record this. They had a £1 million policy for each ship and that was what was paid out after Titanic sank.
fake & gay
It never happened like countless other events.
Rumor is there the real Titanic sank months earlier before it was insured, so they pretended to sink an identical ship to claim the insurance on the real one.
The whole "a lot of rich people died so that proves it was a targeted assassination" theory also uses the effects of the disaster to justify itself. If JP Morgan cancelled his passage because he knew of the plan, then why didn't Ismay? Surely the chairman of the White Star Line would not want to sail on a ship he knew was going to sink.
Some individuals opposed to the Federal Reserve did die, but were they really the only people opposed to it? Many of the first class passengers could have easily escaped with their lives, but chose not to enter the life boats until women and children had.
Many people cancelled tickets to sail on Titanic because the voyage happened weeks later than it was originally scheduled for. Specifically because Olympic was damaged and needed the dry dock in Belfast; the same dry dock where Titanic was being fitted out so she could be completed and begin her career. This was the only time the two ships were ever side-by-side and that amount of time would not have been enough to make all the needed changes to "swap" one for the other. Which would costs further money, making the insurance scam angle even less profitable.
Sounds like neither sank and they just got $1m for a story
Demon Yahweh demands blood.
Now THAT'S a big-brain theory.