I heard one bit by Norman Finkekstein on YT a few years back where he talked about "the big lie" addressed at heebs telling outrageous lies and by the colossal scope of the lie, gaining support for it. It is so huge and terrible that what is said can not be wrong. I think this has a relation to the holocaust, and the falsehood of the colossal lie can be gleaned from all the little lies that spergy pleb heebs let slip from their plump, saliva'd lips.
We all know the bollocks like Mengeles evil eye, sniffing air through a keyhole, getting gassed five times, fap machines, rollecoasters. lamp shades, soap yada yada. All the tall tales that was effective on peasants back in the day,.
Now consider the insanity of the holocaust narrative. Consider Germany devising a plan to intern jews, work them for a while and then GAS them to death, kek.
Consider people having to lure heebs into a "shower room" wherein they would be pesticide gassed, screaming and shitting themselves and clawing at the walls, utterly inhumane and Hellraiser tier, whereafter people had to go in there to clear out the horrific mess and drag bodies out to be cremated like WTF?
Are there any JIDF heebs or other of their ilk on this board that understand how retarded the whole narrative is? Whypipo is like the elves on this earth ffs. Our patience seems limitless. With nogs or arabs or chinks at the helm it would be brutal. So why then is WWII Germany suddenly Mordor when the whole zeitgeist during that era, in that locale, was about lifting the human spirit toward some lofty and noble ideal?
Bear in mind that now, a whole world order with a myriad of effects, rests on this foundational narrative of white evildom. Of nationalistic and tribalistic evildome.
The whole capitalist NWO push entirely rests upon it, and it is for this reason that it is kept intact, even though many plebs down the layers of the pyramid truly believe it, in their baseded up state.
>based up state. The feminization and urbanization of men
Dominic Cook
Anyone else looking at the holocaust just staggered by the implied inhumanity of it? These extremes feel very heeby to me. Like something dreamt up by an erratic jewish mind full of persecution tales of yore.
Ayden Perez
Nicholas Butler
The whole Holocaust narrative feels like "torture porn", and that is heebery through and through. Is it plausible that the third Reich, obsessed with elevating the human soul to noble and lofty heights, would sink into some hellish depravity when firing squads would have perfectly sufficed? Is it plausible to think that the third reich, balls deep in the ennoblement of the spirit of the volk, would have devised a plan to round up and gas "others" (as the jews always kvetch) in death chambers?
Basically it's incredibly common for prisoners of war to starve to death. So they euthanized people that were most likely to die to ensure that more of them could survive. There's a documentary on Netflix about comedians making jokes about the Holocaust. In it, they have this old woman who is a survivor. She tells a story about how her and her little sister went to see a doctor (supposedly Mengele) and he pinched her on her shoulder and said "you still have a little fat left on you, you'll be fine," but her sister was sent to the gas chamber because she was too skinny. Basically in a sort of train-switch dilemma, they decided it would be better to give some of them a quick painless death to keep more of them from slowly starving.
Austin Clark
Listen here. I am not talking about your little heeb dramas, I am talking about the staggering scope of it, and how "the big lie" makes it unbelievable once you stir out of the programming. People should look at the mechanics of this holocaust and ask themselves if the whole thing is plausible. I see nothing of this deranged murderlust in white people today, and not in our old culture and ideals, or our treatment of our lessers. Our "burden". But I see pathology all the time in jews that leads me to believe; "yes, this is something I believe that a jew could perhaps do, and certainly think up in his fevered mind".
A lot of jewish behaviors come off as utterly alien when the mask slips and they show their face. They are not like white people. A lot of border transgressing deviancy comes from them, and therefore I feel that the holocaust should be treated with this in mind.
"In the pale moonlight"...where the white genome dies.