What went wrong Jow Forums?
What went wrong Jow Forums?
Are these faggots gonna continue pretending Tulsi doesnt exist?
Hang isn't running unopposed
Seriously who the fuck are half these people
Yes. She has far too much integrity and common sense to win the voters over in that party, what was she thinking associating with them? She's the Jim Webb of 2020.
Forgot to add: oh well. Trump 2020.
>Man Williamson
Face of a man, opinions of a woman.
>John Lickmypooper
More of a pedo than a faggot, but he still hangs out at gay bars
>Andrew Changchong
yuu want mirrion dorra?
>Pete Bootygang
Like JEB, but instead of Guac it's anal seepage
>Joe Biting
Hides his desperate need to suck the blood from someones neck as just being a creeper
>The Bern
Got shouted off stage by some monkeys once.
>Camel Harris
Got where she is because people rode her there.
>Kirsten Gullibrand
Gullible enough to think she had a chance if she acted like a young Hillary
>Michael... Bent?
His dick is bent, can't trust bent dicks.
>Eric Swallowswell
Too easy, but it's exactly what he does.
That is going to make for a fun day on Jow Forums
They forgot Elizabeth Warren too.
Yang will win