Alright faggots.
Prove to me you aren't a CIAnigger.
Alright faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey OP. Hezbollah is gonna put a bullet in your head when Israel gets invaded.
>Yeah, I work in the CIA, got a problem?
Hey kids wanna blow up a federal building?
Fucking mandatory
Officer, I must tell you fucking with Iran is a bad idea.
>muh cia
>muh glouhwniggass
Fuck off, you're sliding threads. Like the cuckolding one. STOP embarrassing yourself.
no u
I can post this
Look fellow poster, this is a meme. I woudnt be an agent if i knew about MEMES. and i also have a nazi flag.
>Hey there fellow ethno-nationalists.
>We should shoot things and blow thing up.
>RWDS am I right or am I right, huh?
>Whats that no I'm not a glownigger, your a kike for even thining it kike.
show flag
What did you say skeleton
You can tell an agent when he fucks up recent memes and talk about Russians
Umm...Jow Forums is a board of peace?
context behind pic?
Fuck CIA
I'm lazy af
How do i know that you aren't a CIAnigger
Spotted the glowy
But I am a newfag
I support the legalization of drugs mainly to remove the income source for criminal elements.
>Hey 4chaners. I have this crazy theory.
>Every shooting is caused by Putin and not the FBI...
>what? FBI shill? Are you a moscow plant?
does my britbong flag mean anything to you ? oh are we also glowniggers?
CIA is the weakest "secret" service on the planet. Others don't talk about or write books about or make youtube videos about their "intelligence" services. America seems to think spy means let me show you my CIA business card.
Of course I'm not FBI.
Everyone here is a cunt. The cunts are flooding this place
Fuck you, glownigger. You made this thread so you could learn how not to act. Get fucked.
can cianiggers do this?
Fuck anons. They took over pol. Watch tf out
Daily reminder that glowing sooiiboys from Alphabet Agencies want you to support 5G and the Internet of Things for their masters' pleasure in (((secret societies))) across the world.
>5G Danger: 13 Reasons New Millimeter Wave Tech Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity
This one article will make shills SEETHE
I unironically bet they have no idea.
MLP is the stupidest show on the planet and all its fan fic needs to be eradicated from this plane of existence, and anywhere else it may be torturing living creatures by simply existing.
America and a few handful of dick sucker american lovers are the only fuckers to stand up to waaaway and their shitty spying tech. When your people stop stabbing each other, and bumming children maybe you too can join the future.
Like this?
Hey guys I think we should really probe the russia stuff heh sloppy job putin.
All jokes aside who is sick of seeing these fuckers coming to a place that has existed for around 13 years now and betraying their own people. I am sure you have seen how these fuckers post on double o chan as well as here. They know something is wrong with the world and instead assist fucking kikes and probably saudis to get us to no longer talk about it. They fucking incite violence in a place where the goal is to talk shit. These drones probably even know about mossad and happily take orders from them and zionist officials. They do this for a fucking paycheck but some who may come here must feel it's wrong right? Did you actually join just to treat your own people like pawns for events to get other innocents killed? We have a declining country where those EVIL white men want to make a better country for their families and even push this overseas assisting others in corrupting innocent people.
I'm sure you all saw their Jow Forums and other chans posts right? It is just depressing to see traitors push us into conflicts with places no one cares about. Go on destroy places to openly talk like you did to more prolific places like kikebook and jewtube. Keep harming those who just want to live in a righteous country. I hope you fall downstairs or lose your job the latter letting you live like those you actively work against and bask in the ruin you leave behind with no freedoms and actual invaders.
This is me
No, but I found one: mWCoKbkd
Because glow innadark alphabet soup niggers deserve the gas chambers.
They deserve to lose their jobs and be known. They can be ostracized by everyone they betrayed and try to live in the ruin they helped to cause. I hope your paycheck was worth it all you glow faggots.