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>if we deport the criminals, we will be less safe.

Beto is unironically the American Trudeau, cancerous cuckery and all.

>only 1,700 retweets
Lol more like beta

Beto does have a point though. This is not who we are.

the screenshot was like 5 seconds after he tweeted.

He must be afraid of getting deported.

neck yourself

You speaking french now user?
There is no (((we)))
If you dont become AMERICAN
you dont belong here
The people being deported have no desire to assimilate to american culture,
They are here to take AMERICAN money,and send it home to whatever 3rd world shithole they came from.
They do not add to the vibrant culture that is already here...only degrade and destroy.

Tell the director that the coke machine is empty

Go dilate

Just go after companies that hire illegals and deport the criminals. Also don’t let illegals attend school, use welfare programs or use our hospitals

Ask ICE if you can tag along back with your peeps cuz this is most definitely who WE are

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Correct. We are not Mexican, they have to go back.

Amnesty. All illegals become legal and "deported"

Beto O'Rourke? Never heard of her.

>our communities
So Beto is mexican now?

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>Enforcing the law harms the public.

BASED nigger

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Are you stupid?
It says in the tweet "begin the process of REMOVING"

>Beto does have a point though. This is not who we are.


user, this is exactly WHO I am.

No it wasnt, check the phone time

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These fuckers think securing the border and deportation is "Militarizing". Upholding the law is militarizing.

oh, look, someone that doesn't know how many people were deported at Ellis Island.