As a conservative Episcopalian and Anglo-Catholic, I want to know why I’m starting to hate the subhuman fag. Is it because of the virtue signaling or because they are trying to take over my church! Someone please Red Pill me.
Red pill me on why I am starting to hate the fag
You’re a latent homosexual.
Go fuck your dad faggot
The fag is worthy of hate.
This, obviously inner turmoil, OP should try discord and Reddit to alleviate his conflict.
I used to have no problem with fags.
They were adults who kept to themselves for the most part and I was OK with that.
Most mammals have some degree of faggotry. It was just a part of life.
Then it went to marriage.
Sure, whatever. It's a Christian institution and the bible is against it, so I didn't understand why they'd want to badly to get married with domestic partnerships, but whatever.
Then it was the military. They wanted to be open fags. Don't ask, don't tell wasn't good enough.
Fine. Sure. Whatever.
Then trannies show up and start being loud about where they get to shit. I started to be concerned because of the double standard... I can't shit in a clean womans bathroom without being arrested, why does a weirdo in a dress get to? But whatever. Doesn't concern me.
Then it was the military. As a veteran this really concerned me. Perfectly physically healthy man with anxiety can't join because of increased suicide risk, why should the demographic with the HIGHEST suicide risk be allowed to join? Literally 4x higher than people with anxiety.
Now there are children's tranny shows and tranny education in school... for a demographic that makes up 1% of the population.
>WTF? How did this happen?
Foot in the door technique used to perfection. That's how.
Now that they're targeting kids, I've had enough. The last straw.
I hate their fucking guts and it goes for all fags because all fags are complicit in this child raping, pedophilia bullshit.
I hate your fucking guts.
Die of AIDS and burn in hell.
Stay away from my kids.
You hate the fag because it's the natural order to hate them as it is anything that's a drain in society
based and fagpilled
Based af
Ive never really given a shit about gays and im 40yrs old.
But their fucking lgbt community is abhorrent.
If they are so desperate for an 'us vs them' movement then they can all go fuck themselves, which I assume they do anyway.
>says based shit
>has a cat
your kids are already gay
>Is it because of the virtue signaling or because they are trying to take over my church!
I am a farmer and live in the country. I have 4 cats and 4 dogs.
Mice exist.
Cat's exist to kill mice.
Someday, when you grow up, maybe you'll own a fraction of the land I own and you'll understand.
Until then, eat your beans and tortillas and STFU.
pretty much this
Exactly how I felt except I was thinking a long the lines of 'when will it end though' when the gay marriage issue get coming up.
When I was younger, I could care less about fags, but now with the faggotory being forged upon me, I'm starting to really hate them.
Because you should, they had the chance to prove they could live as productive members of society and not rucking it up, and failed miserably. Thou that was always their goal, to destroy society and its fundations like family. It's irritating to know that those anglo evangelical nutjobs were always right.
Probably the toxoplasmosis, don't hold it against him el anoño
I'm catpilled too.
yeah I know. The Lutheran heresy had a influence on the Episcopal Church back in the early 70s. Fuck you Lutherans!
It's your repressed homosexuality that's scaring you unconsciously into a hateful mindset. Let a cute femboy suck your cock a couple times and see if that fixes it.
I mean, I live on a farm.
Mice are everywhere and I can't just leave mouse traps laying around with toddlers.
City anons don't get it, though. Cats are fucking murder machines. That one, in particular, is a fucking beast.
Probably for the same reason that old 2000's memes became cringy.
When something gets popular, and it is forced upon you, regardless if you like it or not, you slowly grow a hatred for it.
Especially with the blatant virtue signaling by companies, most of which could careless about fags and openly operate in countries that do not allow homosexuality.
Could it be because these companies don't care one way or another and just jump aboard whatever they think will make them money? Probably.
Either way it bothers me. Especially since my hometown is plastered with Pride flags . And not attending Pride is considered abnormal.
I just want to get off this ride and go back to some form of normality again.
Kill yourself you pedophile tranny.
Because they went from
>just let us do our thing
to which we all said fine, and now they want
every time I get an ad on twitter or facebook from a company with a rainbow logo I report the ad for covert political content or sexually offensive.
In all seriousness, keep you children away from it, toxoplasmosis is caused by contact with cats that hunt birds and rodents. It very real and alters brain chemistry, especially in the young. Terriers do a fine job of cleaning out vermin, without the dangers of cat Bourne illness.
No weak immune systems around here.
Strong, healthy, good Gene's of European stock.
Mice are a bigger threat to their health than my cats.
We've also got good insurance. I'll have the doctors look into it when we next go for checkups/appointments.
Your concern is appreciated though.
Dude, im bisexual. Shit has gone too far. I'm just going to go straight and make a bunch of white babies at this point.
>um, I mean, yeah, you and me are on the same page.
Why don’t we just throw you into the oven
Forewarned is forearmed
Fags are a consequence.
Find the root of the problem first, then you can do something about it.
You hate fags because it instinctually disgusts you. Your instinct know what actions and areas are ripe with disease.
Fags breed disease, just like people and the bible always said,
The Lord wills it, brother.
Fags gunna burn
A woman posted this comment on an Northern Irish estate company's FB today after they changed the profile on their page to a rainbow flag one. Gays were seething and have reported her to her employer and she's a nurse will most likely lose her Job. I have a screenshot of the gays saying they reported her for this post.
based and redpilled
What does this New Weimar lead to, gents?
> Episcopalian and Anglo-Catholic
Die in a fire.
There's nothing latent about the homosexuality of Episcopalians
Who the fuck are you?
This. So much this
Because their sexuality is the defining feature of their narcissistic personalities and they wish to shoehorn it into literally every facet of public and private life. It's obnoxious. You're getting tired of seeing it rammed into everything hamfistedly.
It's the AIDS "lions." The fact that homos literally aim to get diseases and this is an acceptable social trait in their very small circles.
The LCMS was pretty based. Our pastor was a holocaust denier. It's the ELCA (the lefty Lutherans) that you're referring to. And of course the LCMS is dwindling.
It's funny, too, that the slippery slope was referred to as a fallacy when, in reality, it was God's honest truth.
Jeeeezus is faaaaabulous
The ECUSA actually is so super pozzed that they have been pulling the ELCA to the left over the last few decades. With female clergy and gay marriage it was presented to the ELCA membership as "Well the Episcopalians are doing it anyway and since we're in fellowship with them there's no point in opposing this"
Based and catpilled. We keep one around because we live near a creek and those faggot mice just keep coming no matter how many I kill. Linus keeps the shits out of the house.
The ELCA stared it first. Become a FIF Anglo-Catholic, they are based and redpilled.
Fpbp are you in CA? My husband and I would love popping your frustrated little boy cherry
Fuck you. I'm from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and I oppose your faggotry and your shitty denomination with its inconsistent theological positions on nearly anything. Only 39 article Episcopalians should be allowed to live. Anglo Catholics or whatever you Puseyite fucks call yourselves should either be executed or forced to obey the antichrist in Rome rather than carry on with their retarded "we wuz autocephalous, just read St. Bede"
LCMS is holding steady. ELCA is dying of AIDS. AIDS they got from Canterbury
Ironically, these communists don't seem to understand the fundamental functionality of the labor union is to protect jobs against this kind of pro-corporate blacklisting faggotry. Attempts to get people fired for expressing viewpoints is anti-labor and counter to socialism. These people are capitalist stooges.
Or why don’t we just throw your Gnostic as in the oven.
It's a retarded larp. If you agree with Roman theology you should be a papist. Episcopalians are shit tier because one parish can be essentially Calvinist in its theology and another can be essentially Roman Catholic. But most are just milquetoast faggy liberalism. You fuckers used to be the dominant denomination in the USA and you lost it all by being gay as fuck.
Bring it on you fucking bitch
>Red pill
Back to plebbit with your cringy meme words.
I am a Forward In Faith Anglo-Catholic. We don’t like female priest, fag priest, or pedo priest like in the R.C. Church. You guys don’t even believe in the apostolic succession. Go to Hell you Gnostic Protestant. I hope you die like this.
Disastra Murray would be a great name for a band.
Yeeesh. You are trying too hard. Must be a Jesuit plot, ammirite?
>If you hate us you are now one of us
This is a strange argument
If you think apostolic succession is so important, why aren't you papist?
>mfw the smuggie is just right
you're starting to become a normal and healthy human being. Hating degenerates is how we protect our children from predators.
I’m starting to see it in my normie coworkers (I’m a tradie), most of them didn’t care for faggots but now they’re starting to tell me they’re getting sick of their shit, how they can talk all the shit they they want but we can’t, they hate seeing the parade faggotry in their favorite sports and all that. The men with children are the most pissed off about it, I as a good anarchist made sure to feed their anger towards the globohomo establishment and encouraged them not to take any of this faggot shit anymore
If you believe in god you're an idiot. There is your red pill.
What's really going to activate your almonds is how once its "normal," how asspained they are that they no longer get attention. It's already happening and they are becoming more and more extreme to garner attention.
if you don't believe in God you haven't lived enough life.
And you're a chink.
Good. All bigots can go to hell, including all the working class plebs who dropped out of high school.
I hate fags because they are fags. I’ve known plenty of decent gay guys in my time it’s fairly easy to tell the difference. One just seems like a normal dude then someday you find out he’s a gay. Fags you can spot at a country mile.
The slippery slope is more of a hard and fast rule than a falacy these days
Let's all be Catholics frens
Not related to your conversation but what’s up with the Jesuits I have never met a more unpleasant group of people in all my life.
I'm Baptist about as close to being Amish without banning technology from my life. Catholics are pedophiles who'd want to be associated with that?
They are pushing hard in football here.
A team just made rainbow flag trim 'inspired by lgbt movement' away strips here, thankfully a section of their support didn't lie down for the degeneracy but all the sjw faggots piled on the dissenters(a lot not even supporters of that team). Football is the last place here you can be tribally violent and offensive and the faggots are gaining a foothold to change it to their tastes. A lot of normie fans are so bluepilled and herd minded they just come out with 'w-well it's great football is moving with the times! a-all the bigots need to go!' when the 'bigots' are the ones who spent their lives in the stands helping build the club with their own money and support and the fags trying to change everything just started going to games less than two years ago...
The normies here are completely cucked to the lgbt agenda, they are fucking terrified to speak out.
It's practically an instruction manual
we need a charity that supports the unemployed victims of social media/wrongthink blacklisting and sjw mobs.
I didn’t care about fags one way or the other. Had no problem with them.
Then this “Pride” 2019 happened. I am a 25 year old user, I have seen my share of Pride, and I can confirm this year is so over-the-fucking-top it is unbelievable. Fucking corporations pushing transgender people with down syndrome, child drag queens, etc.
I am not sure what exactly is happening but if the (((elite))) in the West are desperately trying to force white people into being nazis they are doing an amazing job of it
Exactly this user. This over-the-top Pride 2019 shit being pushed from all sides has changed me from indifferent to openly resentful
Based. I do same
This is quickly becoming untenable. Are all white people going to be banned from working?
What is the difference between an anarchist like you and Antifa. Although off the subject please red pill me.
Maybe why muslims throw them from rooftops.
He doesn’t fight the man with a dildo up his arse?
Syndacilsts are weird and like 90% are antifags
>clean womans bathroom
>he doesn't know