When will the mental health system in America address the problem of emcel Chads? We hurt too...

When will the mental health system in America address the problem of emcel Chads? We hurt too. I have slept with 74 different women but feel so lonely.. I sleep with some married women and just wish I I was the man they came home to instead of just a guy they fuck on the side. Anyone else know this feel?

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74 isnt that high of a number incel scum

You want a wife that cheats on you?

the feeling when you suck at drawing?
seriously go back to art school hitler.

I'm around 120-130 or so, since I stopped reliably counting. The fastest from meeting a woman to sex I had was about 5 minutes and i have forgotten all the names of the ones I didn't date for more than a month or so. I've fucked strangers and women I knew for years before fucking them. I juggled 3 contemporaneous gfs multiple times. I've had married women who lied to me about being married (don't like married women, don't want to break up marriages), and I've had women with boyfriends (I don't care about boyfriends), I've been propositioned by wives and girlfriends of friends and I've always turned them down.

36 yo here so I've been fucking a while.
>I don't feel bad at all
>most women are whores about 90%+ will fuck guys they just met
>women should not be respected and their feeling can never be as assigned significance
>you feel lonely because you are mentally weak and depend on woman in some way for your self esteem
>transcend this need and embrace your chadness fully, it's a burden as well as a responsibility

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what about having a family and passing down your genes?

I feel you bro. I cant get the connection i want with women. It is like there a wall blocking total fulfillment.

For a woman maybe, for a man it is.

>I cant get the connection i want with women. It is like there a wall blocking total fulfillment.

A man can never fully connect with a woman unless he compromises part of his masculine self and integrates some feminine qualities and domesticate himself leading to hormonal changes.
Think about this: Can a wolf ever fully connect with a dog? Should it want to?

maybe it's time to try homosexuality

I will do that once I find a sufficiently wealthy heiress.

Unless you're the kind of masculine man who is attracted to other masculine men I wouldn't recommend it. Pretty effete boys are fun but they're prone to the same kind of emotional and hormonal stupidity as women.

Hopefully you'll dick will still work by then, buddy, best of lucks

Op is correct, ive only slept with 15 at 22 which isnt huge but i always opted for serial monogomy, i was never as depressed as when i would go from woman to woman. Now ive settled down with a fatty thats actually decent looking in the face and plays games and watches animu with me and likes the same things and im in the process of getting her to come to
Gym. Its a dimple case of lust, list is a cup that can never be filled, so the ones who pursue filling it progressively get thirstier and thirstier spiritually. Its funny how a religious concept like the seven deadly sins have such far reaching connotations and affect the soul religious or otherwise

>participates in soulless hookup culture
>why do I feel so empty???

Enjoy being all alone and falling apart at the seams from years of gradual mounting depression that you convince isn't there when you aren't so young and handsome anymore.

You may still be called daddy sometimes until she gets bored, but no one will call you dad.

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>I'm around 120-130 or so, since I stopped reliably counting.
>The fastest from meeting a woman to sex I had was about 5 minutes and i have forgotten all the names
>most women are whores about 90%+ will fuck guys they just met
>women should not be respected and their feeling can never be as assigned significance
lmao get a load of this waste of fuckign space over here.

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>a fatty thats actually decent looking in the face and plays games and watches animu with me and likes the same things and im in the process of getting her to come to
ugly duckling girls make the best wifes once htey get hot because their personalities developed without having the world handed to them

I was like you user until I met a woman I could respect. It's also about respecting yourself. You can get to the pure land if you try.

I can feel the beta seeping through the tubes here.
Look lads, it's not a lifestyle for everyone. I look at the miserable domesticated basedboys stuck with aging ugly wives and I thank my lucky stars. Funny thing is, that life is aspirational to the incels on this mongolian throatsinging forum.
In the meantime when I'm 45 I'll find a nice 25-29 year old woman and breed her.

I suggest thinking about to starting a few years earlier, the older the man is the more likely the kids get autism. OTOH the more the merrier.

>Anyone else know this feel?
I do. But every time I talk about that on this board others make fun of me because they assume I am just showing off. Every time I discuss women here, I encounter the same problem.

Also, in my specific case I am not the prototype Chad. I think I trained myself to think like one after realising I would have killed myself otherwise (26, virgin at the time). Now I am 33 and the improvement of my sexual life hasn't just been steady: it had been exponential. I have never made a physical improvement. Actually, I got fatter. But the ego boost and self-satisfaction with my job and current lifestyle are doing the job.

I went from lonely incel to fucking different women on the same week.
Currently I am fucking a 21 y.o. as well as a 40 y.o. married woman and am digging my way into a third one.

A thing I noticed, when I began Chadding around, is that multiple fucking has shielded me from feeling hurt after my former crush, who still writes me and yet always keeps me at bay. We kissed. She likes me. We almost had sex once. She is single... And yet she doesn't want to have sex with me. The closest I got with her was when she realised I would not take sex as a form of commitment.

In fact, going back to the Chad problem, I have realised the more women are kinda certain commitment is not on the table, the more readily they are going to have sex with you.

Also, I have come to notice that stochastic and usually blamed behaviours result in fat bigger success rates than one would expect. By this, I mean that occasionally playing the sexist dude or even messaging random 18 y.o. on the Internet is the kind of thing all women claim they despise, and yet... This brought me more chicks than other stuff.

So go figure. It seems like the commitment issue depends on them. I would commit if I had the opportunity. But it never arises.

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Bottom line:
People on this board claim it never arises because I should somehow make up my mind and "channel" a girl through a commitment pathway. But I do also believe some paths need to be undertaken for real, not because a dude forces you to.

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You guys are degenerates.
I married the second woman I slept with.
I have had two sexual partners in my entire life.

So you want to find a woman to love and cherish, and to be happy and pair-bond with?
Imagine you find her and some faggot Chad fucks her just for the feels.


What do you look like? Are you exceptionally good looking or what?

>1 post by this ID
You whine about bitches who take miles of cocks but you are not better, you're all fucking disgusting sluts and should be ashamed the same.
You hit 40 years and are finally ready to settle down, total hypocrite degenerates.
t.had sex with dozens of women

Did you consider that having sex with a bunch of women but not trying to find a M8 are why you feel lonely

YOu fuckin stupid faggot.

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>spends forming years concerned with instant gratification like a fucking monkey
>wonders why they are emotionally immature

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How did you not get bored of this?

I had one year where I went no holds bar and fucked idk 15+ chicks.

at the end I thought back...Why? What did I gain?

You are 36 been whoring around presumably for nearly 15-20 years and you haven't moved on?

The fuck is wrong with you are you some sort of a dumb animal?

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I look similiar to the picture but with a thicker browridge and a bit wider face and obviously older. I'm athletic build with a broad chest and skinny waist. 6' tall about 190. I would not say exceptionally good looking but maybe an 8/10 and i notice teen girls checking me out.

But I would say my success with women has been about 85% mental and verbal attitude and 15% about looks.

Change your behavior, you figured out how to bed whores not figure out how to find a wife.

Bro I know that feeling. You just having the meaningless sex to run away from the rejection and pain. Let her go, don't let her control your emotions and have a grip on you. Once you do that you will be able to receive love and care about someone. Not just fuck meaninglessly because you can.

Chicks literally can't say no

if you grew up in a transient area you subconsciously push people away because you think nobody will be a permanent fixture. it happens to kids who switch schools a lot and single moms who date a lot of people short term.

>kid who thinks hes got it but he dont
Nothing new there. Hookup culture rots the soul, women aren't the only ones who become spoiled from frequent sex. It's not a lifestyle you want forever nor is it one you can make last forever. Take it from someone old enough to be your old man.

Thing is, if you can't see that now then won't until it's far too late.

straight from the vaginal jew to the psychological jew, very smooth my friend

>The fuck is wrong with you are you some sort of a dumb animal?
No, I just like meeting new women and women like me. For all the judgements you make of me, I treat women very well and I have a lot of fun with them.

That being said, I don't consider them equals to men, and I don't derive my sense of self worth or sense of morality from these relationships. These women come willingly and have a good time and they consistently express gratitude towards me.
When we are chopping off penises and giving kids trannyhormones and dragqueens are doing aids time in public libraries, I don't feel bad at all for fucking many women, not at all.

'cel' means celibate, you dumbshit
get a dictionary

Fellow chadcels: how do I we show incels we hurt too?

Emotional celibacy. Its a desire for an emotional connection. I couilid get laid from 2 diff women inside ofb 15 min but its empty. I mean it beats jacking off but I want love

>im a dumb animal that likes to rut

you are basically a nigger-brain. Thanks for being totally useless. Do us all a favor and fuck off to whatever shitty urban slophole you can bury yourself in and promptly die of aids.

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women fully connect with dogs and horses all the time, bro
where the fuck have you been?

I'm impervious to your slave morality while you are a prisoner of it.

And the "em" stands for emotional. As a concept it means people who do not pair bond. They have meaningless sex. Boy I bet you feel stupid now huh

>In the meantime when I'm 45 I'll find a nice 25-29 year old woman and breed her.
No, you really fucking won't you twat. You're twice the retard if you're going to be drinking the Tom Leykis semen and think that

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Slave morality my ass, maybe you can live a happy fulfilled life acting like a degenerate bonobo ( I doubt it) but the vast majority of humans cannot which is why monogamy and marriage have always developed across every culture at basically all times.

Enjoy your shallow existence, you will be forgotten, nobody will remember you and many will actively suppress your memory, your short time on this mortal plain is utterly and completely devoid of meaning or purpose.

People like you may has well have not existed at all.

I don't know what planet you live on user.
It's literally the easiest thing to do. You can get a nice 25-29 year old moldovan or belorussian or ukraining or romanian girl to marry with the most minimal of efforts.

Butthurt much?

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lmao what a loser

I met my fiance and got married, we now have a kid on the way and love each other. Enjoy your vapid life you manwhore

>People like you may has well have not existed at all.
indeed, I'm sure there's loads of other recipients of one of your cringy reactions

Kek. About time.

>tfw you didn’t win the genetic lottery

What is worse, being an incel or having sex with less than 5 women?

I agree. Mental health resources need to be directed to chads as well. Its not right to ignire our pain. Incel bros I dont hate you. We can go to the gym together. We arent so different, you and I.

shitting out a dumbfuck kid isn't any better, it's the same egotistical, primal behaviour as fucking as many roasties as you can

>It's literally the easiest thing to do.
You clearly don't know the meaning of the phrase. You're really a dumb bastard, you know that? Women don't want to get knocked up by a man 20 years older than her and if so she is likely a nutcase and therefore never wife material.

Incels will never get how lucky they are. Imagine what it's like. Women only seeing you as a piece of meat. An inhuman, soulless, jizz fountain.

>Women don't want to get knocked up by a man 20 years older than her
you sweet sweet summer child, go back to the land of fluffy clouds and unicorns

This. Previous faggot is a slave to his lusts while basedfag calls him on his shallow existence.

Chads rise up

Sure you arent living in a dream being harvested alive for tissue samples?

>slave to his lusts
You can say that, but it's the exact opposite really. When you can live in plenty and it's easy and fun to meet women, you're liberated from thinking about or obsessing over sex.

I know what you mean. I'm rich, handsome, smart, and I'm still so sad. I even get vag on the regular and it doesn't quell the sadness.

You need to become a volcel. Volcel life is a holy life. You will never be alone since volcel life helps you make at least ephemeral but still consistent contact with God.

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what's your technique bro?

This was me until I forced myself to settle down and have kids for the sake of the white race and a non degenerate society

I realized it was the thrill of getting a chick to the point you were fucking her more than than the act itself.

As i got a little older I realized the idea you create in your head of an ideal woman and relationship will never be met by one in the real world.

Find women that are happy with themselves otherwise they will never be happy with you. And just accept what they have to offer, dont change them or chase dreams.

Found that when you give up that chase you will be a lot happier and focused on things in your own life.... Which will attract better chicks....

Protip: Almost all mental health issues involve not valuing what you have. Practice mindfulness and gratefulness, look it up.

I just silently listen and let them ramble until they touch me. I tell them nothing and act like I dont care.

That´s because both of you are nihilistic, only Protestant Theism will give you meaning. The God of the Bible.


protestants are some of the sourest people there are. the kike really did a number on those narrow minded cunts

> I would say my success with women has been about 85% mental and verbal attitude and 15% about looks
Says the guy who's athletic build and 6' tall

You haven't seen shitty drawing until you've seen this retard's comics.

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>narrow minded cunts
Translation-> Not brainwashed by leftardism.

Lol someone post the rest of these, they’re so fuckin trippy lol

Just remember to have kids and don't cheat on their mother as it will fuck it all up and your sons will always side with their mother.

i know it sounds weird, but let me put it this way. A woman will know within 5-15 seconds of meeting you if she is attracted physically enough to you to sleep with you. It's kind of a binary decision based on looks, but after this it's all about what you say, how you say it, and your attitude. I guess it all works together but I think men overconcern themselves with their physical imperfections in relation to how much it actually matters.

Larp. Chad's don't use Jow Forums that's a fact.

because intimacy is more important and harder to obtain.

Yep you definitely know your shit.

tfw married the only girl I ever had sex with

what about the ones that figure it out in 16.8 seconds?

I know what you mean

33 and fucked 274 women. Help me

Trust me I envy men like you. Ignorance is bliss.