Ivanka Trump sent her dirty panties to her Rabbi

>The third pillar of Orthodox Judaism, family purity or niddah, is one very few people outside of that insular world are aware of. However, if broken, the laws accompanying it carry a far greater penalty in the next world than those related to the Sabbath or keeping Kosher. The laws of family purity apply to all spectrums of orthodoxy, including the modern ones that allow women to wear trousers and uncover their hair, like the sect Ivanka Trump belongs to, for example. Even the slightest deviation from these laws would compromise a couple’s standing as practicing Orthodox Jews in the eyes of a rabbinical court.

>“Insert the finger deeply but GENTLY into the vaginal canal as far as the length of your finger will allow. If this is difficult for you, try to go deeply at least for the hefsek taharah [first] examination and for one of the examinations during the seven blood-free days – preferably the first.”

>If during the seven days any of the examination cloths contain even a tiny spot darker than tan, or a spot on her underwear bigger than a penny and darker than tan, she must take the underwear or cloth to a special rabbi for further evaluation. This Rabbi will then examine the color to determine if it is light enough for her to keep counting, or if it’s too dark or too red tinted such that she must begin counting the seven clean days over, even if it is day 7. Seeing a spot obviously induces massive anxiety for housewives longing for any affection from their husbands, many of whom also worry that their deprived husbands will start looking elsewhere.


defend this jews of Jow Forums

Attached: rabbi panties jew girl.jpg (780x979, 130K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Badei-Penina-bedikah-Cloths-40-Pack/dp/B00KLJFHLW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=58828696311&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIreWKncH04gIVBa_ICh3W4Q5vEAAYASAAEgKw5fD_BwE&hvadid=274871737904&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9003689&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16779604131997529586&hvtargid=kwd-377659750033&hydadcr=12192_10197807&keywords=bedikah cloth&qid=1560911709&s=gateway&sr=8-1

>richarddawkings. Net
>November 2016
Shit thread OP


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I'm sure they've found some way around this rule by now. Kazar milkers are cunning, linguistically.

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All jews in media have sent their rabbi's their wet dirty panties


>A bedikah is a self-performed internal examination of the vaginal canal done with a cloth.



anyone else think Ivanka is disgusting and Jared is hot?

Hahahaha let the gentle Rebbe finger fuck your woman.

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This is the most retarded sandnigger cult ever.

jews /btfo/ ITT they're all massively blaming the source and not entertaining the contents.

Typical braindead kikes.

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bumping "nasty ass stuff jews do" thread

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fuck i should of been a rabbi

Out of all the things the filthy, inbred pedokikes do this is what you choose to focus on? Some stronk kike bitches had to send some pedophile Rabbis their panties, oh the horror.

Meanwhile the inbred pedokike cult has been cutting sucking and killing their 8 day old progeny for at least the past five thousand years. What do those kike bitches do about it? Flick their kike beans while the infant screams and later use anti-aging skin creme made from the foreskin they just robbed the infant of. Even the "secular" and "progressive" inbred kikes take their infant males to group molested and mutilated for the tribe. There is such a small of kikes that don't gang molest their infants that they are statistically meaningless.

But ignore all that and focus on stupid kike bitches sending Rabbis their panties while they create and nurture yet another generation of inbred, child molesting schizos.

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Rabbis doing straight shit? Fake as fuck

they gotta get that whiff

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more shil fake news "articles" Trump masively backed JUST LIKE clinton by all the jews ALL OF THEM


lol what a bunch of freaks

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amazon.com/Badei-Penina-bedikah-Cloths-40-Pack/dp/B00KLJFHLW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=58828696311&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIreWKncH04gIVBa_ICh3W4Q5vEAAYASAAEgKw5fD_BwE&hvadid=274871737904&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9003689&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16779604131997529586&hvtargid=kwd-377659750033&hydadcr=12192_10197807&keywords=bedikah cloth&qid=1560911709&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Amazon choice bedikah rags

The sell these bedikah rags that these kike whores use so they can give the smelly fishy discharge soaked cunt rags to their rabbi to sniff and suckle

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>rabbinically approved

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this is kinda based

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It's to collect the hormones from the secretions and concentrate them into a brew the rabbis take on the full moon as part of a ritual. A form of ISIS/Ishtar summoning. I know melatonin is a big part of it. They prefer period blood too.

Can't they just develop an app for this?

you only wish you were so based

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Every so often I learn some new fucked up thing about Jews.
What the fuck is wrong with them?

religious leaders gotta do what they do

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>that whole fucking image
Good lord.

That was repealed.


Kikes will not be parted with their baby dick binkies.

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To add: there was not one instance of a parent refusing to take place in the molestation of their son even with "informed consent" regulations.

Kikes are child molesters and it's not just the "orthodox" ones. They will never stop until it's safe for them to molest any child on demand.

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jews sucking on bleeding baby dicks is like the least worst thing about them
read blood passover


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I've read it. Focusing on their child molestation is the correct entry vector for those who aren't aware of their rituals because kikes have an extensive library of photos that showcase their insatiable lust for baby cocks.

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