Is Trangenderism Caused By This Parasite?

So get this, this fungi comes into contact with the insect, about 5% of them, and causes it to act strangely, limiting its function, and causing it to lose its genitals and abdomen, and act like a female looking to mate. When a healthy male comes along to mate he gets infected with the fungus and so on. It also gives the insect euphoria and a literal psilocybin hallucination.

Is the government using this as an experiment involving the surge in transgenderism?

Leftists seem to all have Toxoplasmosis, which causes rodents to be turned on by cat piss, completing the parasitic cycle by feeding them to cats. Or to put it another way, causing them to be the opposite of aware of threats to themselves.

Attached: transinsect.jpg (1259x710, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread: testosterone



It causes the host to lose their genitals and act like a female to attract males.

Case closed.

Toxoplasma for the dopamine thing but Candida (fungus) for the sugar/buttsex and other known effects

Perhaps. I still blame media

this video is highly controversial and possibly a troll but
the concept is sound, if you go on paleo/keto diet and cut out all sugars, you starve off the candida albicans in your gut and on your skin and you'll feel less tired and you'll become more tolerant to stress
fungus generally decompose things so they less vigor in the organism the more incidence of fungus. immune system strength, acid/alkaline balance (skin should be acid not alkaline or else it gets decomposed) but eat an alkaline diet also make sure to get enough sodium and potassium per day

Interesting. Thanks user, will watch it later for sure.

Thanks, will look into that.

That's definitely a lubricant, so to speak.

I mean how do we explain this?

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Transgenderism is a digital-borne metavirus
it only exists in the minds of the weak

>it only exists in the minds of the weak
I think there's something in that, not enough test turning the body female, maybe there are separate factors, because I mean that record breaking athlete whatever the fuck who became that tranny must have had good test, but maybe he fucked with it artificially and that sent it south or something

Sugar is like cocaine for the brain.
Cocaine and other dopamine related activities or drugs are highly addictive, exercise and sex for example, maybe music or anything "rewarding"
Toxoplasm is known to increase risk taking in men and also increase the likelyhood of the child being male. it does something with dopamine, it has an opposite effect on the women, it makes the women more discriminatory/careful, opposite of risk taking

but that is toxoplasma, bacteria and fungus symbotics/parasites would have other effects probably ones relevant to their survival so maybe something about craving sugar, it might give people more estrogens I'm not sure what candida does except in those without an immune system when it becomes visible white stuff all over the tongue.
but it is microscopic on everyone supposedly

>it's bugs
>it's the government
fuck off JIDF

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Thread derail nigger detected
Please step into the nearest oven

This actually sounds like a pretty reasonable theory

I dunno if it is an obvious lifecycle like with the cicadas.
there is a lot of "social engineering" going on with the porn industry
but if you think about how candida spreads anal sex might confer survival for the fungus while reproductive sex is less relevant for digestive tract candida (although the vagina has its own fungus but its a different pH)


senpai you realize these fungi can fuck with bugs because bugs are like the animal equivalent of a potato clock, right?

Okay so Fungus in humans does increase esotrgens it could very well be related to the LGBT stuff
but birth control pills in women also make it worse
Targeting Candida overgrowth will deal with the root cause of chronic PMS and can balance hormone levels.
Estrogen dominance also plays a factor in Candida overgrowth. Research shows that exposing Candida albicans to estrogen increases its virulence.
This is is why women taking birth control or traditional hormone replacement therapy tend to be more susceptible to yeast infections.

transgenderism is caused by porn and we know who casues porn

take meds Schizoid/neck yourself Shareblue

If it’s environmental then in theory there should be certain concentrations or pockets where transgenderism occurs at a higher rate, right?

no Candida is ubiquitous
you can look at sugar consumption rates that would correlate with estrogen dominance and candida overgrowth
normal healthy high test low carb diet people have immune systems that keep candida in check

two kinds of transgenders

type 1: gay man, lower iq, gets off on fucking straight men
type 2: straight man, higher iq, gets off of being a "woman"

Attached: T.Gondii.png (1279x880, 134K)

Estrogen dominance can also occur/be made worse by zinc deficiency (zinc is responsible for testosterone production and hormone regulation among many important functions) and it is alarmingly widespread in the developed world. It’s been known for decades that fluoride and söy will induce zinc deficiency. It also explains the sperm count dropping dramatically in recent years. There was a double blind study in the Netherlands that took sub-fertile men, gave them zinc and folic acid everyday for a few months, and boom it increased their sperm count 74% and improved sperm mobility. Whatever is happening to people is most likely a multifaceted effort.

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Ok gotcha

>it has an opposite effect on the women, it makes the women more discriminatory/careful, opposite of risk taking
interesting, never heard that before.

interesting post overall, thanks user

yep, there's definitely some artificial bs going on too, shit's crazy nowadays, fuck clownworld, it's pure psychoworld, maybe the psycho elites are trying to make us all as fucked up as them

Ah I see, you're not Shareblue, thanks for the content fren

I think he's got a point, the media brainwashing is real too, maybe oiling the wheels or directing the effects a certain way or something

thanks, I just throw darts and see what hits

very interesting, loving the contributions here

true, cracking the human brain isn't so easy, but toxo does it to a degree

a part of the puzzle/experiment perhaps

idk, not scientifically minded enough/too ADD for all that high end science I'm afraid

holy shit glad you're in this thread to help me out

I feel like there are more than one cause

nice link, thanks

as above

Someone who decided to subscribe to the thought of this being normal behavior among mentally sound people. Before you go ahead and make a a point about my flag, transgenderism is hardly a thing here.

A kathoey is not a trans woman, they're a complete different class of person. They are tolerated by culture, since they're viewed as being born into the misfortune of not belonging to either gender. They're tolerated because they bow down and accept their place in society, and can never hold any serious job in academia or the medical fields.

If they started behaving like leftists, demanding attention, rights, and reparations or whatever the fuck is demanded by the radical lgbgbbq dogmatists, this tolerance would corrode almost instantly.

t. Ladyboy who is no longer attractive enough to work in a massage parlor, so I'm currently making less than my male colleagues in a Nissan car care centre.

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Amazingly humans mutilate themselves.

Toxoplasmosis does not cased basedboy behavior. On the contrary, toxoplasmosis causes men to become more risky in their behavior, more irritable and aggressive. It causes women to become more gregarious and sociable.

>the personality of infected men showed lower superego strength (rule consciousness) and higher vigilance (factors G and L on Cattell's 16PF). Thus, the men were more likely to disregard rules and were more expedient, suspicious, jealous, and dogmatic. The personality of infected women, by contrast, showed higher warmth and higher superego strength (factors A and G on Cattell's 16PF), suggesting that they were more warm hearted, outgoing, conscientious, persistent, and moralistic. Both men and women had significantly higher apprehension (factor O) compared with the uninfected controls.

>Men disregard rules, are expedient, suspicious, jealous, dogmatic
>They found that both men and women infected with T. gondii were more extroverted and less conscientious than the infection-free participants.
> Czech researcher Jaroslav Flegr, professor at Charles University in Prague, speaks and writes about changes he noticed in his own behavior after he acquired a T. gondii infection. He has argued that latent Toxoplasma infections made men more likely to withdraw, to become hostile or antisocial, or outright 'curmudgeonly.' Infected women, on the other hand, seek solace through social bonding and nurturing. They're inclined to tend and befriend. Flegr has been known to liken them to "sex kittens."

oh really gregarious and sociable?
I thought it was more protective of their young and antisocial like in the "mouse utopia" experiment
maybe I'm confusing the two

>fluoride and söy will induce zinc deficiency
I'd like to see a scientific paper or source of some sort.

The source is literally in the pic you really can’t just google it without needing assistance?

Transgenderism is a developmental disorder wherein the brain's gender is different from the body's gender.

It is caused by developmental disruptions in the fetus inside the womb, same with homosexuality. Most likely it is caused by differentiating levels of growth hormones like testosterone in the womb, possibly leftover from an earlier boy baby.

There are a plethora of other weird developmental disorders in humans, like this:
Karyotype is male but development is female (because that is the 'default' setting)

Attached: non_tattoo_pussies_btfo_forever.jpg (954x959, 76K)

That's for women at least, not for men. With men the first citation describes a more rugged and traditional man. The second describes men as extroverted and less conscientious, the last suggests it makes men, well, quite frankly Jow Forums.

Across the board though I've never seen Toxoplasmosis being suggested to cause the herbivore mentality. I think there is a mistake in assuming ToxoP will cause in men what it causes in mice. Mice are attracted to the smell of cat piss sure, but it's also that they are less terrified of cat piss when normally the smell of cat piss to a mouse is like the smell of a tax to a Jew. I always saw it less that the mouse now wants to run around cat piss because he gets off to it and more the mouse doesn't associate it with danger (and may now associate it with breeding). With humans it's thought ToxoP makes people less averse to risk. We have no reason to be afraid of cats, though maybe it does make you more fond of cats since it needs cats to complete the life cycle. But I'm leery of developing this "Boo cats are evil" mentality because men far more masculine and far more communal (in the good way - the tribal way) were fond of cats. It's not ToxoP that makes people shit but liberalism and mouse experiment style decadence.

In the mouse experiment I don't think the female mice were protective of their young but rather the contrary, dismissing them or attacking them or failing to nurture them.

Most people in general have toxoplasmosis. It just only presents itself in immunocompromised people.

thanks for the insight, and I hope you find some new luck fren

>Toxoplasmosis does not cased basedboy behavior. On the contrary, toxoplasmosis causes men to become more risky in their behavior, more irritable and aggressive.

That explains why lefty soiboys think they can fight Nazi's, lack of due sense/fear. It doesn't explain the women though, but they have been artificially protected so perhaps a combination effect.

I agree that is one factor, a birth effect, but there are marines and athletes who changed sex also, I wonder if they found a different path there somehow, they would have been strong boys rather than soft or gay boys.

apparently 60% according to a video on mind controlling parasites I saw, maybe it has a stronger influence on some than others.

sorry, didn't take in the second part of what you said about immunocompromised people

Here’s the other link for the study I mentioned regarding zinc/folic acid reversing sub-fertility in men

The cause for *Gender dysphoria* (that's the term most of you dumb motherfuckers are looking for) is mostly due to genetic expression, eg; genes being able or unable to express certain messenger proteins, hormones and whatnot

Also most of you fuckers are mentally deficient neets, stop talking about medicine. Toxoplasmosis has nothing to do with political alignment or sexuality.

If it stems from a birth defect my money is on diethylstilbestrol as the root of the problem.

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& everyone, thanks for all the contributions guys, need to hit the hay now but will check back in the morning and read all the replies, very interesting stuff for lack of a less overused word.

For someone that demanded a source you sure didn’t fucking post one.

Sure why not.

I work in research at my university. Also the stuff you posted has absolutely no correlation to onions and fluoride causing zinc deficiency.

I don't see how fluoride and phytoestrogens could interact with zinc.

Because söy has the opposite function of zinc you absolute moron. Zinc produces testosterone and söy is an estrogen mimicker plus it inhibits the dietary absorption of zinc. How about actually reading the study next time. Genetic expression is the most retarded theory in this fucking thread as it does fuck all to explain the explosive of transgenderism just in the past 4 years alone. I can’t imagine what kind of “researcher” you’d be except a sociologist fag. Embarrassing display

yea zinc is objectively good for T levels so by that method alone it works against estrogen

I think transgenderism is just another manifestation of schizophrenia. Their neural pathways ate fucked up and they are insane.

Gender dysphoria has arguably always existed, usually causing dissociation, depression etc as a side effect, but it's only been acknowledged recently.

Mineral deficiencies can cause problems, that does not mean that an excess of any mineral will significantly improve any function in the body.

zinc does not produce testosterone you dumb motherfucker, read a physiology book

>So get this, this fungi comes into contact with the insect, about 5% of them, and causes it to act strangely, limiting its function, and causing it to lose its genitals and abdomen, and act like a female looking to mate

My gf has a cat should I be worried about becoming trans

Short answer no.

Long answer hell no.

Transgenderism is a fucking mental disorder caused by degeneracy that has been normalized. If queers were still in the closet, there would be almost zero transgender people. It's trendy to be trans now. They're pushing it on children. They're trying to program them at a young age. It's wrong. We must reject this or suffer the consequences. This is how you destroy an empire from within.

>This is the power of Beaner intellectualism

Transgenderism has not arguably always existed and gene expression still doesn’t explain the rate skyrocketing in a very small and recent matter of time. Try again. There’s also no way to actually have excess stores of zinc because it’s burned creating DNA and dividing cells constantly. Too much copper leads to Wilson’s disease, too much iron leads to hemochromatosis but there is no such counterpart for zinc consumption. You should be embarrassed for not knowing that. Sociology major confirmed.

You’re also just embarrassing yourself now

Stay away from it’s litter box


All diets have sugars in them. Everything you eat is broken down into glucose.

If cicadas were humans they would protect the fungus, give them a safe home, let them infect everything, spread them to other cicada groups, worship the fungus...

You are the most stupid species to ever walk on this planet.

"Bacteria never existed until they were observed under the microscope"
It didn't skyrocket. Trans people are an incredibly small minority, they're just overrepresented by Jow Forums and media in general.
And I insist, zinc does not produce testosterone. It's an essential mineral, and it's consumption merely maintains normal hormone levels, but it cannot, trough fucking magic, produce testosterone.

Take your meds. You are going crazy.

>Mexican intellectuals

Jews are a parasite testosterone