Man tries to take back what is his from the jew. Engages in brother wars to get it back
Redpilled anime
Cooper Miller
Jackson Cox
am i banned?
Aiden Myers
There is only ONE.
Robert Nelson
i guess not. sorry
Levi Brown
Not yet
Jaxson Price
Good show. I've been following it sense the 16th episode aired.
Julian Bell
Most anime is redpilled insofar as it defaults to the themes being wholesome. It tends not to celebrate degeneracy, the message from most anime is "do your best", "do the right thing", "respect people and give them the benefit of the doubt", etc.
Isaiah Hall
>Glorious Imperial Prussian Imagery
>Without the WWI autistic screeching from the general staff
It's literally perfect.
Gate is also pretty gud. The Manga and LN is better tho.
tl;dr Japan goes full throttle on the MANIFEST DESTINY
Noah James
Alexander Gutierrez
Anything with a magical homosexual in it.