How long until white women fall into the same group as white men?

How long until white women fall into the same group as white men?

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Sooner than I expected, actually. I expected mid to late 2020s before they really tore into them, but it's already been trickling out for a couple years.

That woman needs to calm down

women are so bitchy, and bitchy to each other they probably wouldn't even notice

how blacks use strategic yelling to silence anyone sees them shoplifting

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Not until they feel they have the demographics to beat white people in a hot war. They want to do everything possible to prevent white people from becoming a united race and that includes the sexes working together to create and promote white families and communities.

Are there people who sincerely read this "news" or do they just make clickbait for the ad revenue?

Ruby Hamad is jealous of white women

they already have. a good percentage of white girls i know are starter-redpilled


>white women crying is racist
what a time to be alive

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Soon, they’re reaching the end of their usefulness

The very moment their votes are no longer need

What's today? June 18th? So like.... Probably June 24th or something.

>strategic tears

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The article is called "How white women use strategic tears to silence women of color".

Better Title: "How women use strategic tears to silence men".

I found that post and link on a black girls Instagram story and she claims all white girls do this. Attractive white women live life on tutorial mode, so I kinda agree with her.

It's already happening, especially straight white women.

... because black men don't want to fuck black women anymore.

It won't happen because white men are the only enemy that has any power. They fear white men like nothing else.

They already are. Man up, be honest, and put a fucking baby in one for fucks sake

Just reading that was horrifying
dont scare me like that user.

white women deserve to be treated as white women full stop

Never. Dividing and conquering white people is the entire point of intersectionality. The issues of people of colour will always be secondary.

>this is a black pill if you're white
>this is a red pill if you're non-white

they need to

The moment they treat white women like white men, they lose. The fact that whites are engaged in an ideological civil war between the sexes prevents them from turning their attention outwards. When white women are told they are evil, they will have no choice but to turn to their white men for safety and comfort, and whites will have full solidarity.

they will never
that's not how divide and conquer works, you have to atomize groups by their identities and not allow them to realign on other lines

surely we can help them along

turn the feminists against white womens

"white women voted trump"

Won't happen, white men will always be lower. It is a stratification based on punishment for how much of a straight white male you are. White females at least get one point for not being male. They lose to minority females two get 2 points, and queer minority females who get 3.

+1 for being Muslim
Islam is the 2nd largest religion in the world
+2 for being Jewish
Judaism is the most influential religion despite its negligible size compered to the other two Abrahamic religions

>The moment they treat white women like white men, they lose.
lol haha
wtf are you talking about?

Hopefully soon. It will wakr them up

It's a "reputable source" according to wikipedia and the rest of their buddies.

next years the year

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It should have happened already. White women are at the top of the privilege pyramid.

Are you sure my fren?
we treat white wemon that way for a reason

That pic is so fucking hot.

Kek, it's like RPing in real life.

I've done my job. Have you?

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The only thing required for a fully functional white society is white boys and white girls being on the same page and getting married and having kids. (((They))) have succeeded so much because they managed to turn white women against white men and vice versa.

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>women use crying strategically
This isn't news.

Seeing how there already female 4chans.
I think sooner than you think.

white women have brought this upon themselves. white women supported liberal cancer that allowed this to happen and many of them still support it.
they race mix and support an ideology that wants them dead.

it's difficult to feel any sympathy for them.

Anything to get niggers to stfu and go away amirite ladies

White women race mix less than any other group, including white men. Trump won the white woman vote. Quit trying to divide the race.

Something interesting is going on here.

Non-whites appear to intuitively understand that the beauty of white women holds tremendous power, hence the constant attempts to undermine it.

How do we get them to embrace the beauty and supremacy of white women?

So victim blaming is cool if it’s wypipo?

Retard. Use your fucking brains you imbecile.

The problem with white women being the most beautiful race of women is that they know it so they develop a princess complex. Every guy of every race wants a white woman so their ego's are huge.

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White women are less likely to race mix than white men... hell 3 of my buddies have shitskin/asian girlfriends and i don't know a single whitegirl that is unironically racemixing

some white women are great, others not so much. in 2010 mulattoes were 2.9% of the population. in 2017 it was estimated they are 5.7% of the population.
the mulatto population almost doubled in 7 years.

somebody is having nigger babies and to have niglets you have to fuck niggers.

fun fact, most of the white women who voted for Trump are boomers, not younger ones

wait a second. if they do then we can team up and go full sicko mode again.

White men suffer the same problem asian men do, on average their women are higher on the sexual food chain than they are.


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Sorry, Tenda, but no. You're all alone on this one.

>not providing archive link

>not providing archive link

>not providing archive link
OP truely is a faggot

i think you're right in your initial estimation. late 2020s is when it will finally come to the forefront and the brainless roasties will start to wise up. right now they are still 100% on the bandwagon

everyone knows women use tears as a weapon

When they get beat up by black dykes and/or outgrown their degenerate gay/tranny friends.