Yet another loss for team virgin nazis

I know you techno-illiterate literal nazi troglodytes won't have heard, but we're about to win big against you.
All e-commerce providers, which, yes, the overwhelming majority of which ARE jewish and you can't do anything about, are taking an anti-hate stance, meaning that you and anyone like you can't do business online. This isn't particularly news to you all, because we've been actively preventing you spreading your hate online for years now, but now we're moving into the physical world as well.

Look at the picture in this post. It's the new hate prohibition put in place by Square, the POS merchant provider that most new businesses use. You'll not only be fired for being a nazi, but you can't create any nazi business, online or off, regardless of how many other potential nazis might just love your product or service and want to make you rich for being "edgy".

Did you know that one of your team tried to start their own merchant processor? We shut that down, too. Or, rather the "Jews" shut it down for us. We know and we don't care. Literally all we care about is making your outdated brand of hate into nothing more than a cautionary tale we teach to kids in history classes. If they are helping us in order to literally genocide your beloved "race" (pro tip: they don't exist and really are societal constructs), all the better.

You're fucking done. POL literally BTFO.

Attached: Fuck you you nazi fucks.png (1373x896, 111K)

Bahahaha you're so fucking stupid you don't even care

>Get a load of this nigger.

Soon thx to Cryptocurrencies all of our hate speech will be monatized soon we'll all get paid for calling you a nigger faggot how does it feel kike.

Attached: 1551055502683.jpg (618x324, 25K)

What the fuck are you on about faggot

Who the fuck actually uses Sqaure aside from hipster faggots selling bead necklaces at festivals making sales on an iPad?

BAHAHAHA it's not that you're too stupid to care: You're too stupid to even understand
Haven't you heard? Any transaction over a grand has to be reported to the, as you call them, (((government))). It's only a matter of time until we control that as fully as we control the rest of money. The funniest part about this is that you'd call what we're doing "the mark of the beast", but you can't even get one and would if you could LMAO

"Who the fuck actually uses square"?

Everyone who makes a new business you stupid fucking nazi LLLLMMMMAAAAOOOO this is why we're winning SO. DAMN. HARD.

>>>(((This is ZenAnon, You Ordered To Stand Suzie from IT... Are We Clear Agent Mezner)))
>>>(((These Autists be my Goys and Gurls. You fuck with them. You get the long dick of the ZenAnon. Stand Down.)))

>>>>(((This is ZenAnon, You Are Ordered To Stand Down Suzie from IT... Are We Clear Agent Mezner???)))
>>>>(((These Autists be my Goys and Gurls. You fuck with them. You get the long dick of the ZenAnon. Stand Down.)))

(((Self-Terminate OP. This is ZenAnon))).

It never ceases to amaze just how ACTUALLY stupid you all are. With how much we have to fight to stop you, it can make you think that you're a pretty sharp bunch, but coming here, you see who you all really are; you're fucking stupid.

How much cock do you take up the ass on a daily basis?

Ignore all FBI posters

Wow you must be faggot. Probably a jewish faggot by the sound of it.


You sound like a faggot and a pussy tbqh, suck my dick bitch but only after I fuck your mom in the ass

If "virgin nazis" are such a non-threat to you shills, why do you continue to come here and shill against us? Clearly there far, far more of us than there are of you if there is a need to shill here in the first place.

Enjoy the rope when it comes, I know I will.

Attached: White power girl.png (1281x721, 498K)

>t. garbage tier shitposter and unironic nazi

We're the same, you and i.

Naw, their rates are shit. Actually some of the highest on the payment processing market. And as a broke ass startup you pinch every penny. The problem with money is everyone loves money.

Who cares; every other payment processor shuns you too you fucking stupid nazi

oh no, online payment processors are going to magically know that i post on a cambodian goat milking forum and block my transactions. :(

no bump 4 u