How can we stop the WMAF phenomenon? Is it over for asian men?

I live in California and i legit haven't seen a am/af couple for over a year. It's just average/below average dorky looking white guys with asian women ranging from 5/10 to 9/10. It's brutal. They literally worship white cock and are not ashamed to do it.

Suicidefuel blackpill for asian men:

What to do?

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This is what SerpentZA thinks his life looks like

Quit being retarded and open your eyes? Glowy alert...


It's over...

It’s like a weird glitch in nature how much asian women like white men. Not natural


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>5/10 to 9/10

fukin KEK

More like 3/10-6/10. There are some decent looking ones in asia itself (profoundly rare though). Vast majority of these girls are ugly as all sin

Legit. They also seem to work really well for long term, it's fucking bizarre

SerpentZA‘s wife looks great. 8 / 10

you were a better person as a drunk, Winston. That has to sting.

Better than the alternative

I’m not Winston. I just think his wife is hot.

Op, are these AM hard looking bad boys? Or also beta nice manlets?

There's a price, though. There's a whole generation of Elliot Rodgers coming soon.

There's no phenomenon. It exists on the internet and barely ever happens in real life.

A Han Chinese man in his late 20s is actually the global median of all the worlds population. Indian in early 20s is a close second.

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i bet that face is tons of surgery. her kids will look nothing like that.

>average/below average dorky looking white guys
>posts pic of jason fucking statham

i'm sorry user, it seems all the vaccines you had as a childe have made you gay and retarded

but yeah, i know a bloke who's with a chink and they have a baby (daughter, natch) and they aren't even married.
she's about 4' and flat as a plank but DFC is one of my fetishes so i understand it (i also love massive, fat udders so whatever).

i just don't understand how that slant managed to give birth, she's practically child-sized herself.

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Ons Asian "male" with a wig pls.



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Youre a retard. The other wmaf moron is the one with the ugly ass wife

Both their wives are ugly

assuming neither white or asian have a particular preference for their own race over the other
most couples with an asian will statistically be mixed

if an asian's dating pool is 1 asian and 9 whites, statistically they will date the white 9 out of 10 times

what mean?

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Listen, bro, I'm gonna smash yellow puss. I don't care how ugly they are, how much they stink like garlic, how much they fart all over my sheets -- I NEED that slant-eyed poontang.

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There are so many asians that the entire population of white males could marry asian cuties and it wouldn't even register as a rounding error.

>I live in California and i legit haven't seen a am/af couple for over a year.
This guy has to be a troll. I live in California and the vast majority of Asian (Chinese) men I know are married to Asian women. Yeah WMAF is more common here than AMWF, but the "leftover" Asian men just import their wives from China instead. If you're Asian and you're an incel, try finding a wife in Asia.

>They literally worship white cock and are not ashamed to do it.
Not every Asian girl in the US is a Sarah Jeong. You can find some of these in every generation, but it's more common among 2nd generation fully Westernized Asian chicks. Most Chinese girls in California today are here to get a degree, not to suck white dick.

It's mostly because of Hollywood TV and the portrayal of white men as being more masculine. Also because a lot of Asian girls in the US are feminists who have a pent up resentment against their "patriarchal" culture the same way feminist white girls hate Western culture. Most WMAF couples in California I've seen have at least a bit of this dynamic going on.

Nothing. They take the worst people from our gene pool.

but one is a doctor. Winston's buddy, the cuck vaper married to the monkey, he's in a much worse spot. He has, this fucking guy....he married and fucked babies out of the daughter of high level party member. Something like a mayor, in the US, but not really, we only have comparisons..politics is insects over there.

Anecdotally most of the white men they pair off with around here tend to be dorky beta male feminists. It's not really that mismatched desu.

There are some damn attractive girls in Japan though. They dress and present themselves way better than girls in USA and are just generally more sweet and feminine. Don't go to Asia if you like tits and ass though, the girls there don't really have that.

>Jason Staham is actually married to a white VS model he has kids with.

>This is just off topic spam and slide.

Nah, Winston's wife is genuinely very pretty. She's a doctor and a divorcee so not the ideal wife, but looks-wise she's pretty attractive. She's in her 30s or maybe even 40s, she's aged really well. She's even better by Chinese beauty standards than Western ones.

>I'm gonna smash yellow puss
wouldn't you rather slide your turgid member back and forth within her vagina until climax?
"smashing" is nigger tier speak on par with "beating that pussy up" and "eating out" a pussy.

you do not "beat" a woman whilst fornicating unless you are a retarded savage.

"eating" or "eating out" is my particular bugbear - when performing cunnilingus one does not use the teeth to masticate and swallow chunks of flesh; there may be a gentle nibble here and there but it's mainly licking and sucking if you know what you're doing.

more to the point, are you a nigger?

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>AF phenomenon

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i only used that pic for illustration purposes. I was going to use this gif but thought it was too much already

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that's a .webm user, not a .gif.
they aren't the same thing.

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Thumbnail looks like she's got a cock coming out of her glass.

you guys realise being a doctor isn't as prestigious as being a doctor in the west right? the only jobs worthy of prestige in china are engineers, scientists and people in tech. medicine and law are nothing.

Holy fuck, it took me a minute to notice it's a head

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Asians and Abos have the worst end of the genetic lottery


Fucking disgusting

get a hobby other than thinking about boys roastie

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congrats, you got the joke.
would you like me to to add a white space underneath the image with bold impact font to repeat the joke in text format so you can post it on faceberg? just in case people can't use their eyes to look at an image and need to have the joke literally written out for them?

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have you seen anglos?

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lol it's a good pic

1. Racemixing is rare in all dynamics and most Asians still fuck/marry eachother. Cultural identity is winning
2. Asian women are ugly af and a lot of Asian guys I know prefer white women, but end up marrying gook to retain the culture
3. Asian men are pretty cool other than Mainlanders who are Somalia/Pakistan-tier, so when I see shit like this I do feel bad for them. Good thing racemixing is still not the norm
4. Hapa kids turn out absolutely autistic. It surprises me though. You'd think verbal and math iq would combine to create greatness. It just creates ugly kids

t. White Med Bvll who sticks to med and ginger qts

Facts. I like the Welsh though.
When it comes to women though, it's like night and day b/w Irish/Socts and Anglos

10/10, would shag doggy-style in a pile of their own vomit outside the front of the kebabby after they've had a night on the stella/lambrini/prosecco/sambuca/etc
engerrlaaand engerrlaaand naa naaaaa

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short webm with no sound = honorary gif

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I dont necessarily like Anglos (mostly cuz i'm a white immigrant and seem to care more about demographics than them... Quebecqouis are based), but holy shit do i feel bad for you. Pakistanis are arguably worse than Somalis

You don't stop it, the anglo-sino hyper-race will reign supreme.

why haven't they made haplets?

you are not around enough diversity
come to australia
we have asians out the ying yang literaly

funfact thats actually fake. That's actually a pol.

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> Australia
Checks out. At least ur not a self hating hapa... Not a threat to society

who fucking cares you loser
Have sex.

In spite of being in favor of ethnostates, I've got the yellow fever something bad.

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every 2nd couple is wmaf
you would love it here

What does that mean? They're pale asians and mix w/ blacks?

Everyday I see more and more evidence that British Imperialism was driven by the pursuit of finding semi-decent looking women.

i havee been sayin have sex est-1898
dont steal my phrase

honestly i have seen like 3 black people in my whole life in person

no. that's like saying a .bmp is a .jpeg is a .png.
file extensionlet.
we'll kill them all one day. it'll be good for the soil and crops.

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>ripped white guys
>ugly asian girls
These white guys worked hard to go for low tier asians. Wtf bros

Fuck off. At least be tempted by based castizas or sexy gingers... (Yes i even consider different types of whites mixing as racemixing, let alone ugly gooks)

What do u mean by "literal yin yang" then?

And 2 of them sucked

THIS. BASEEEED BURGER. Probz still a mutt though. Mullato?

visit, you will understand

You're both chinked. Now I'm wondering is theres a difference between your chink population.
Like, do aussie chinks shitpost more and canuck chinks cut their dick off more often?

Can confirm.
>t. Kiwifag


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>It's hard to spend one hour a day lifting things up
The absolute state of muttland.

Nah im good. I might visit NZ though cuz i had a Maori friend back in the day. Abbos are fucking weird tho.

Anyway plz explain briefly. If i dont seem to understand, i wont sperg out (you)s like an annoying fuck

So we are located in the pacific
right next to asians
hence many asians

Idk. We're chinked but i wouldnt touch a female one w/ a ten foot pole. The dudes from Hong Kong act western af tho, speak good english and im friends w/ them. Mainlanders on the other hand are honorary Somalis/Pakis

Is it true you're starting to become their vassal state?

Instead of whining about this why don't you say anything about the millions of white colaburning roasties popping out Amerimutt kids.

Seriously there are more anti WMAF threads on Jow Forums than threads about coal burners. Pretty messed up

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Nobody cares about dumb white women throwing away their genetic line.

Got that part. I mean "asians out the ying yang literaly". Was that just a stereotypical asian joke as in "we have afghans out the goat farms"?


ok i actually watched this .webm and if this is real and not cgi then i can't wait to shoot these things down
with my uh... handheld elastic spork catapult

[this post is satire, pls no arrest, ty]

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if you're not a fatass you can hit the gym and get the second guy's ""physique"" in a month. The first dude looks just average to me.

Now tell me honestly... Can you picture the slutty asian girl to the right with an asian dude that's not a fucking chang 1 in a million asian males? I can't. Yet this average dude and her seem like they were made for each other. WMAF is like a match made in heaven, it's brutal. God was bored and decided to make a race specifically for white weebs and there are still white "incels" out there.

Yeah I know white "women" are honorary niggers anyway. But they still pop out grotesque looking Amerimutt kids and hurt society. You would think Jow Forums would be more upset about that

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>there are more anti WMAF threads on Jow Forums than threads about coal burners trolls are everywhere and its funny af how triggered ppl get
>Pretty messed up
Not really. Either racemixing is bad. Some mullatos retain eye colour from the white side. Doesnt mean theyre any less or more mutty than Hapas

All that aside, even if u dont care about heritage or ethnoculture, asain chicks are ugly af...

No. There are plenty of chinks for anyone that wants one.

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Fucking based. If there wasnt a 70% chance that ur a Goblino/lightskin you'd be even more based. Castiza chix are lowkey sexy tho. Would still not mix

Their kids will just go through the US school to prison pipeline like the majority of black kids. The impact on society will be negligible.

Blacked threads are started by brown anti white trolls. I am talking about anti coalburner threads started by stormcucks talking shit about white roasties. Hell gooks like you start anti WMAF threads all the time. Stormcucks on Jow Forums never dare criticize their precious Aryan whores. It's very pathetic

coalburners are like 1% of the white women population. But for asian-american women, 54% marry white men and this is for ALL asian women, the real number for east asian women must be in the 60s.

Imagine if 60% of anglo women married ONLY black men. I'm actually surprised that WMAF doesn't get more spammed here considering the number of chinks in this board. It's insanely prolific.


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Asian women are disgusting.

Its either white women or nothing for this based Iranian.

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No, the guy in the pic isn't wearing a suit

And that is 54% of Asian bitches while Asian men are the highest earners. So these chinks are giving up some material wealth for that bwc.

Its definitely more than 1%. 10% of white women are marrying out of their race per year, and thats just marrying, not even including fucking and dating which is always higher.

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Are they? I thought poo in the loos were the highest earners now. I mean second highest, because most of (((them))) aren't truly counted ofc.

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