How can Trump even compete?

these are experienced statesmen

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Commie Jew slaves

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Blocks your shitty little tariffs


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do journalists think being a statesman is like playing an rpg?

Every great empire has fallen for one simple reason- nether the military or the people control the populous. When it's both, you've got a perfect system. When it's one it's dysfunctional. When it's nether it falls.

*neither but whatever

It's been a long day.

American genocide best day of my life

Who would have thought the commies would end up saving us from ourselves. The best redemption arc in history.

words worst day of yours

Trump can't even compete against Nancy Pelosi

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Doomsaying isn't right.
I think we're alright. This is the righting of the ship.
The left thinks this is a disaster. It's simply not. I say this on the left last time. Your Parliament and our Congress always do this shit. Who fucking cares? What they're most afraid of, is a public idea where we move ourselves, rather than them moving us.

As if Obama ever farted a word other than his own cabinet taking action. Stop taking sides.

How is china becoming the dominant power in the world doomsaying? They just want our money, our elites take our money too then spend it all on out genocide.

Nancy “Palsy” Pelosi? She’s a wonderful that the Obama years are descending into madness as they die a fool’s death

*wonderful reminder

I'm interested in what's going to happen in Hong Kong. If that goes south, well....

It'll be the whole world vs. mainland China, and a couple of Muslim slave states, and maybe some parts of Africa.

I fucking hope so. Them getting choked-off from global food sources would last maybe, a year and a half. They can't even launch most rockets into space in 2019. Game on.

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da zionist amerimutt fear ze dragon

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I think you're scared, expat.

You're a deranged kike/mutt

All I know is that slants and putkike hate Hitler as much as jews do.

communism is the future comrade. believe it