Neoconservatism is the Utlimate Redpill

>Strong military to protect U.S and enforce its agenda world wide
>Enforce the trade of the US Petrodollar world wide thus allowing the FED to print an infinite supply with no consequences
>Support Israel as it is a puppet state of the U.S
>Support LGBTQ+ to get the leftist idiots on the side
>Support Federal departments like Dept of Education and Dept of Agriculture and Dept of Transportation and FCC to nationalize resource control for the sake of national efficiency and thus keeping America at the top of the world.
>Strong surveillance state to protect America from terrorism.
>Medicaid to keep Americans healthy
>Privatized prisons to keep the prison population productive for the nation
>War on drugs to keep dangerous foreign toxic substances out of great white communities.
>Support for police, as they defend white communities.
>Deport illegal immigrants, keep legal immigrants as a worker class for the current white American bourgeois class.
>Support for the Church and thus upholding the West's moral character

Neoconservatism is literally National Socialism and you idiots are missing out on it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Did Neoconservatism saved South Africa & Rhodesia?

South Africa's GDP is higher than it ever was under Aparthied. Neoconservatives don't support racial segregation.

Rhodesia was ruined because of Mugabe.

the smartest faction in politics. Practically Advanced Idea Mechanics, A.I.M.

The social liberal/agnostic, globalist "right wing." Literally attract the smartest, most devious people.

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>GDP is the only thing that matters
you debunked your own ideology in 1 post

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I hope you die. Bootlicker faggot

Based and Bolton pilled

Burn in hell kike

>the level of production isn't the only thing that matters even though it determines quality of life
Nice bait

>implying im not the boot.

(((Elliott Abrams))), goodest goy John Bolton, (((Bill Kristol)))

"Elliott Abrams was born into a Jewish family"

"Kristol was born on December 23, 1952 in New York City, into a Jewish family."

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