Why is this fucking acceptable?

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Because you have no say in what happens in your country

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>Tfw it takes three wiminz to do the job of one white male.

Dont buy it

why is the nigger and mexican engaging in cultural appropriation?
Why do paper towel companies think sociopolitical propaganda is their business?

Stop buying that brand. Problem solved.

>overpriced meme brand

So if i, a 6ft, over 200 pound male, were to fight a woman, I'd lose?

Probably the same reason Gillette onions’d over, pandering to retards for profit


What if you just bought rags you could wash when they were dirty and then use them again, instead of lesbian faggot paper that kills trees? I put mine in my dishwasher. Ziploc's too. Been using the same quart freezer bags for I think years? a year or two, lol.
>he gives money to jews to be alive

So MuCh PRiVleGe

It takes 3 women

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Seems like there’s an opportunity to sic the sjws on them. Point out they are putting women on house cleaning supplies.

Strength doesn’t have a gender. It just happens that men have more of it than women.

“Brawny believes women belong in the kitchen”

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I only buy Viva paper towels. The smell like smegma, but they're far superior to Brawny. Too bad Kimberly-Clark is owned by a bunch of kike investment firms. Guess you just can't win in the paper products game.

At least has a white girl with traditional braids. Nothing wrong with that.

>razor blades
>pickup trucks
>paper towels
a beard shavin', truck drivin', paper towel usin' woman is what feminism is about. why does that trigger you cucks?

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