This is the truth. Admit it

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Maybe if you weren't tiny, stinky, brown manlets with small dicks you could have repelled them.

because america owns the fucking world.
try and take it from us and watch what happens, kids.

so basically turkey should be destroyed?

Glad I'm not the West.

So they admit this is war?


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Why do Indian immigrants to North America become some of the most psychotic anti-white SJWs? Why does this happen?

Uh, we don't need anyone to respect our borders. We need our government to kill anyone who disrespects our borders. Kike.

>let them in so they can stimulate the economy in the goods and services sector
>pay them so little they can never rise up
>pooji thinks we're getting overtaken


>when the masks slips and they admit immigration is a punishment

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Uh yeah. Fuck that. Nice try shill OP.

cocksuckers like you who deserves their heads chopped off

You’re right, the west never respected their “borders.” However, the USA is an established country, with clear borders and laws regarding them. What we did 200 years ago doesn’t apply today. It was fucked up, certainly, but that doesn’t make current borders invalid. The USA as a sovereign country has every right to prosecute and deport offenders of customs policy.

Why is "Suketu" using "our" to refer to the West? She clearly sees the West as synonymous with White people.

I really question the "logic" of these anti-white agitators. They're basically saying
>white fucked us over and totally dominated us, that's why we need to fuck with white now
>it not like theres any reason to expect a repeat of the exact things migrants are bitching about

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>All the inadequacy of other peoples are solely the result of a European showing up when they were busy MAPPING THE ENTIRE EARTH.
I'm so tired of this stupid fucking argument. 200 years on they still want to blame the state of Africa on white people.

The West didn't invade their countries and ask for gibs though. They invaded their countries and made them nicer places and offered them gibs. That's the difference.

Not only that, but if we truly "respected" the tribal borders, those lands would be an even bigger shitshow. Africa has something like 500+ ethnic groups in 55 countries. There could easily be hundreds of "nation states" just south of the Sahara.

I don't even now what the leftist theory of history even is. Here in the U.S. you're hearing Asians bitch about Chinese exclusion acts, but somehow ignoring that chinks in the old west DID run opium dens and Tong gangs. It's like they've been so effectively brainwashed, they *only* know about being victims of whitey, no context besides whitey is evil.

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ikr. the best part is they think its acceptable to perpetuate this cycle of shit and revenge. while the innocent get harmed, no one stays peaceful.

>From a nation that loses its shit the moment a Pakistani steps over the wrong line

Because just about all of them come here to go to school and college progressives know they can shove whatever they want down pajeets throat and they'll swallow it all just to fit in and maybe get bobs and vegana.

Who the fuck thinks immigrants should respect borders out of mutual respect? We should make them respect our borders out of fear. If we dont, that's on us.

They didn't have borders until we gave them borders.

Good stuff
Shows the end result of identity politics, societal fracture and everyone seeking benefits and reparations till the end

>why should
We will do what's best for us. This isn't a fucking debate or a game.

>>white fucked us over and totally dominated us, that's why we need to fuck with white now

Which will eventually lead to whites dominating them again in an endless cycle.

If you want an actual answer, the West took the unprecedented act of respecting other people's borders when they had the power to continue ignoring them. In a fair world this would be reciprocated.

You need to go back to Europe

>The West never respected theirs
there is a difference between moving to a country, bringing your shitty culture and religion there instead of adhearing to the country's like a civil immigrant and leeching off the country's generosity AND failing to protect your own goddamn borders from nations that come to pillage you.
why are indians so fucking retarded?
no wonder Britain fucked your ass during the colonial times.
>author of "This Land is Our Land: An Immigrant's Manifesto"
oh hell yeah, toilet paper with words!

So we should just go back to colonialism and slavery?

Im fine with this.... we never invaded anyone, so all immigrants can fuck off
Its a deal

It's interesting to see just how quickly these people switch back and forth between "diversity is our strength" and "diversity is a punishmeny for colonialism and slavery".

Then we should defend the border with the Terror attacks and insane fanaticism Shitskins do? Awesome lets scalp em and blow up their banks down in S America


most human (white) children understand "an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind" by age 6
why should we allow minorities to have rights when they consistently show inability to understand basic concepts necessary for civilization?

What about demography?
They WILL overtake you with their babies, and then they will democratically change the law to put themselves in charge.
Then what do?

>Punished for the sins of your fathers.
Ok. Just so you know egypt, north africa, the entire middle east, northern india, all of europe, most of russia, and parts of north america are all ethnic caucasian soil.
I'd also like reparations from the mongol hordes, and from rome those fuckers, and the vikings, and the arabs for all that slavery, and the current invader black north africans who stole native caucasian land and then launched slave raiding with the arabs. And every european kingdom for all those wars and the religious wars.

You are retarded. This is a slide thread. /thread.

We could also just finish what we started and enjoy the solar system to ourselves.

guy in red t shirt is quite a unit

This wheel has stopped spinning. The West has won. Get over it. We don't follow a leftist mentality of worrying about what they think or respect. We ensure that they stay out.

Leftists and their puppets in power are trying to push an agenda to weaken the rights base even though not ONE of those conniving bastards would ever live on the same block as one. Thomas Jefferson would have been calling for a revolution 100 years ago and look how much worse it has gotten since.

What if you fail like Native Indians?

Ottoman invasions
Mongol invasions
Barbary pirates
Etc etc

Now fuck off kike

>There is a narrative about the Nordic countries in relation to Africa is that we had no colonies, and therefore are not tainted with colonial idelogy. Paternalism of the early missionary activities contrasts to the solidarity of the postwar Nordic policies. But how was the view of the Other influenced by the inter-war years of eugenics which aimed at ensuring the purity and health of the race? A workshop was organised on 12-13 October 2006 by the “Cultural Images in and of Africa” programme to start a network encouraging studies on the backround to the claims of this Nordic exceptionalism.

>Implying that Israhell respects anything

The journalist has a point. Why shouldn't I hang her from a lamp post when she doesn't care about my life?

"the west" being intelligence agencies that are defacto rogue nations that have no interest beyond acquiring money and power for themselves.

dont be an idiot. 92% of indian (from India) voters supported Trump last election

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Islam ruins india, not indians.

Why should we allow mass media turds to speak?
They don't allow us.

They never had borders. White people literally invented cartography and surveying

He's a smelly pajeet,
That shits in the street,
And then he walks through it with his stinky bare feet!

Israel never respected Palestine’s borders, why should they?

You don't know jack shit about history.

>Israel never respected Palestine’s borders, why should they?
actually they did.
Arabs attacked them.

>punish the future for the sake of the past.
why does this retarded idea correlate with skin tone so well?

of course they see it as a punishment. the policies they support are all some kind of 'punishment' aimed at those that make them feel inferior. every single action they take is some variant of lashing out against reality...they see people that they genuinely think are their betters, and blame them instead of bettering themselves, as if the reality of there existing superior people is some kind of mortal offense.
their motivations are all purely destructive and have absolutely nothing to do with any of the humanitarian bullshit they claim. and this is why there is no reasoning with these people -- in their minds, they're at war with you, and they want you subjugated, humiliated, and killed for daring to "make them feel powerless"
they all deserve a bullet. every last fucking one of them.

following this logic we would be in free for all world war

lol its real

Why does it seem like this only happens in US? I can’t even imagine people saying this in countries like Sweden or Canada

So that means we can kick out shitskins since we only ever pillaged European countries?

The whole third worldism revenge fetish the white left has is getting old.


That means the world is all invited to Israel!


Borders established by what governments? None. That's the answer. The Dutch bought Manhattan for money, not a chest of beads. The French gave guns and other war materials to the Natives while in the fur trade so they could have an advantage over other natives and take their lands/women/slaves for themselves. Exact same arrangements with the British. Tribal leaders made arrangements their underclass had to adhere to. Atzlan never existed. The Cherokee Nation never existed. The Ojibwe, Blackfoot and Oneida never stayed put, always wandering and warring with other natives. Fuck them. They worked with, then betrayed colonialists, started a war, and got BTFO.

>Brahmin surname
Need to start getting woke on the BQ

Well it is true. What Europeans was conquest, just as the invasion that's happening now is conquest.

well then it is war.

This is all phony. The same people (or rather their heirs) who ransacked the third world, now find mass immigration convenient! their is no 'payback'.

they don't want to come to america. they want to come to white america. if america had 1% or less white population they'd be fleeing to europe instead of america.

Then they have to come fight us for it retard.

Also this

I cannot even describe how sick I am of all this Leftist bullshit. It is obvious they are out to destroy the West at all costs. Why do we continue to tolerate them?

poos are not our allies

A 11 year old "Who?" Afrocentic workshop group hardly constitutes general policy. Anybody who holds that as their official narrative is reaching so far up their own ass that they can wave "Hello!" to their own face.

See you in 30 years.

We don't want immigrants to respect anything, we know that most cannot understand abstract concepts like borders or law.

What we want is for whites to stop being manipulated by Jews.

Based goy, everyone knows Israel is our one and only true ally.

KEK, will never happen. Jews own the media and are using the white people as intellectual slaves.

They couldnt protect their own borders because they are inferior people.


Because if we go back to those times I’ll treat them like slaves and niggers and my guns are bigger than theirs.

this is what nepotism looks like

“The West never respected ours”
Horeshit. Ignorant coming from a poo, the British empire protected your northern border plenty of times. For many places and people it was the first time their country had one.

refute this
> Sweden and Denmark were the original builders of slave forts, the Cape Coast castle and Christiansborg in today’s Ghana. Denmark colonised Greenland, and Sweden colonised Delaware (“New Sweden”) in North America. By some the incorporation of Finland into the Swedish kingdom should also be seen as a case of colonialism. Both Sweden and Denmark owned islands in the West Indies, to which Africans had been brought to be sold as slaves for plantation work in the heyday of slave trade.
>The Nordic countries did not take part in the 19th century scramble for Africa, but it seems as if all Nordic countries shared in the colonialist eurocentric ideas of hierarchical pattern of development, and a concomitant hierarchical evolution of ‘races’. An assumption behind this network is that a “colonial mind” cannot be understood as a legitimation of material and political interests. The Nordic countries identified with the colonial project and in the inter-war years were in the forefront of eugenics, or (translated from Swedish) “race biology”, at the same time as the welfare state was built, with its emphasis on equality.

Before the west, you niggers didn't even knew what borders were. They sure as shit didn't mind when it was niggers marching into another tribe's territory

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I saw that article and it misses (or purposefully ignores) the point, just like leftists do in general. Yes, there's no reason anyone should respect American borders. Why should anyone respect their borders, if Americans are not willing to stop them? That's the point. People look after their own, and choose what's best for themselves. There's absolutely no moral reason Americans should let anyone in, and there's no reason anyone respect that if Americans can't be assed to make others respect them.

So because Denmark and Sweden held a handful of failed colonies which independent merchants used for the slave trade this obviously means they are also responsible for all colonialism? Collective guilt in other words.
>colonial mentality
Literally accusing people of the past for thoughtcrimes because they didn't hold todays progressive mentality. I know you're baiting Sven. Try harder.

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>we only did it a little bit

>why should immigrants respect our borders?
Ideally, because illegal border crossers are shot at sight

And we Finns did shit except provide Sweden with troops for its conquest and act as a buffer against Russia! If you're so eager to take in darkies then go ahead! Keep Finland and Norway out of this!

Is anybody asking illegals to respect borders? Fuck no.
They are asking the government's of their countries who are charged with defending said borders to do their job.

this FPBP, what else is there to discuss?

Step 1.

Ban all immigration to the west from Israel and India.

Step 2.

Watch as nations "magically" become less shit.

>whites fucked us over
whites in India, africa and china massively increased the population, life expectancy, quality of life, in fact every aspect of life got better bc of whitey!
fucking ungrateful niggers!

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Poo in the loo you filthy animal

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We pushed Japan's shit in and look at them now. Give it another 40 years. Iraq will be making gal games and economy sedans.

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