All these beautiful women looking to marry somebody who is not a Russia dude - why?
Doesn't that say that there's something definitely wrong with Russian culture that needs to be fixed?
How can you have a healthy society and good families when the women behave like this?
If I was a Russian, I would be embarrassed.
Why Russians allow this?
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Whore market is a human right
Only applies for the older generations so this is irrelevant unless you are a granny fucker.
Okay, lots of old ladies - but how does that affect younger generation?
Why are they cock eyed atheistic drunkards full of AIDS?
they all look stupid. maybe russia wants to higher their average IQ
They're all photoshopped to hell but Daria is a qt
Oh wow, there's more young boys in switzerland than young girls. Interesting to know.
look at the 25-54 bracket
the only European countries with more scewed ratios are Georgia and Albania
that has a knock on effect on the younger brackets as well because women are more likely to go for a men with a better careers - i.e. older men
forgot Armenia
Worse in Finland and Poland - but their women aren't doing it. Seems sex-ratio of less men would, in a normal country, make the domestic women fight for them more.
What is your question exactly?
>Worse in Finland and Poland
>t. couldn't even be bothered to look at the page
Most of them on those dating sites are literally prostitutes who have whorish reputation in their home towns so they want to start new life with some cuck from europe.And there are no guaranties that they those whore will not continue making some money "on the side".
Lets be rational, all countries throughout the ages have had prostitues. Nothing new. In Russia they just happen to be mostly beautiful women. In America, Germany and U.K its mostly men and children. Thats the difference.
We have less young women than young men though.
I forgot to add pic related.
Have you seen what most Russian dudes look like? If they're going to marry an ugly man, it might as well be someone with money who lives in a better country.
You have plenty reason to be embarrassed already shill
because 90% of russian women are gold-diggers
no come on that is not right
>All these beautiful women
>actually believes these women are beautiful beneath the 4 pounds of makeup
kys, faggot.
>women wearing makeup vs ugliest guy in the country
Have you always been this dimwitted, mutt?
>all this gross makeup and plastic
bet this 10/10 in the west
see this nigger
Only s handful of them are pretty, the rest just aren’t obese.
Those are both models.
>hurr durr he's a model so your point is invalid
>absurd logic
Mutt, Russian men are 1000% better looking than you niggers.
Lol. Great redpill on Qatar and the UAE. I wonder why there are so few women?
Enough LARPing and lose the meme flag, my fellow American.
Russian women hate Russian men
>can't comprehend logic or facts
t. nigger
Ever heard of money?
Trips say show flag
White women age like milk.
I pick 6 foot olena so she can bully me for being a manlet
I read some article about it which said that Russian men keep women on thin ince because they're so easily replacable due to the gender ratio. And when a man cheats on a woman, everyone sees it only as her fault (not the other way around though). So they're supposed to be the perfect wives in all aspects, but to struggle financially on top of it all as well (because having professional ambitions is supposedly frowned upon as well). So they just rather cash in on it with rich(er) men.
Besides women who marry foreign guys always go for residents of less patriarchal and less conservative countries. I guess they wanna get away from that too.
Ive spent considerable amounts of time in Russia and am married to a Russian woman. I can confirm this is hearsay.
The gender gap only exists in the older generations. The problem with young people is Russki men would rather play dota or beat each other up over football matches than get married. They can get all the pussy they want without marriage so its pointless to them unless they are a moral man which many arent.
Russian women on the other hand all have this dream of getting married. And as they start to age they realize a Russian man would never marry them but they know they have value on the global market so thats where they go.
Ive known Russian girls (mostly through my wife) who have gone to Portugal, the Netherlands, Egypt and Brazil all for husbands and none of them were ugly or something. They were just getting into their late 20's and knew Russia wasnt going to work out for them.
Oh I see, thanks for the input mate!
So I guess turkey is considered less patriarchal and conservative country considering that's were most Russian brides end up in.
the fact is russian women love to get dominated by shitskin cock. not just Russian women thou, most white women are like that. its a bitter pill to swallow but it is what it is, white women don't want anything to do with white men anymore, white men are like volvo, boring and unremarkable. If you want to make a statement you have to go exotic, and we all know white women are all about status and looking cooler then her lamer friens
I read somewhere that a Russian politician proposed a tax on people (mostly women in Russia's case) who marry foreign nationals.
Most Russian prostitutes end up in Turkey maybe. Most mail order brides go to USA/Western Europe
>Russian women on the other hand all have this dream of getting married
LMAO. Every natashka literally dreams every night of escaping West to suck cock. They treat Russian men like beta faggots who's whole purpose is making money for them and treat them like princesses.
And I mean all mail order brides, including Russians but not limited to them.
Fucking nigger. What the fuck?
Because they get drunk too much, and far too many of them proportionally are gopniks. Not as many of them dressed nicely or have aspirations which are two things all woman like
That's the one I would have chosen. The app is a good representation of when a woman takes off her makeup. She doesn't look to bad without. If she didn't wear makeup for a good while she wouldn't look nearly as bad. They don't get sun on their faces properly so when they take it off they look pale and haunting. Mens minds have also been condition through the overuse of makeup aswell. It's like our bandwidth has been changed to higher standards, there is no equilibrium. Naturally beautiful women look average compared to women with enhanced features from makeup. This is all womens fault from competition to be sexually viable. Because one woman wears makeup all the time they all have too. It's like false advertising. Even fucking men are starting too pussies. I have a spot on my face right now I don't want it but I suffer it.
wrong. Russian women wont give a second look to the average ivan unless hes a rich chad but would have no problem fucking and breeding with poor third world shitskins.
its a status symbol for slav girls to be with
a shitskin, the more brown and unknown the country the better. it shows to her boring friend how international and western minded she is while that she doesn't need to get with some ivan but can pull other men.
Also slav girls for some reason, especially the pretty ones like a man who can cook, unless it’s babushka.
Idk most of them seem like they are proud of Russia and would have prefered to stay, including my wife.
I do know one girl who is determined to get an Asian guy and they all use her as a whore. Its both sad and embarrassing, but shes kinda weird and sickly so I guess thats why.
Russian State Channel promoting interracial marriages and encouraging Russian women to marry African men because they make better husbands than white men.
Why is this so underrated?
Russian Orthodox church too!!!
Its fake news we have more men than women from the age bracket of 0-55.
I don't know about that, but here in Serbia men lust after black women far more than women lust after black men
>its a status symbol for slav girls
for Russian finno-tatar international sluts
Slavic white girls are based.
guys check out Liechtenstein
mailorderbraids maybe. overall marrige russian women have most with turks, millions of russian women go to turkey every year on vacation most end with sex and it isnt uncommon for this to even end with a rus single mother or some ruscuck taking care of the mongrel. if you date a east slav woman as an slav man you kinda exept the role of a cuck, very common for ukraine and russian women to fuck with shitskin pickupp sex tourists for money while having a boyfriend. most guys dont know the truth until they break up
Poor little roachrape baby, sad he has filhy roach genes and now jerks off to his fantasy of strong roaches dominating the bottom of the barrel whites. B-b-but I posted a picture of btf aryan woman, any woman that chooses to be with a roach has a fault in her brains. Just like you have some cuck genes running in your head that you can type that kind of shit. What's wrong with you, besides roach genes? Little bitch.
>All these beautiful women
Overrated af
Roaches don't marry mail order brides that much. They are so fucking beta that they need their family to make the first steps. Often they are such collosal betas that they can only marry their hairy upper lip mountain dwelling cousins.
doesn't matter Serbia is a poor shithole, only wome Serbian men can pll is inbread Albanian yokels while Serbian women go to dubai and Qatar to get gangbanged, shit and pissed on by by 60 year old sheikhs. in Poland polish women are 5 times more likely to be married to a forighner then polish men, its the same everywhere in east Europe because women don't care about anything else but money and status.
ofc they wont say it on camera while being interviewd by some Slavic bydlo, in private those answers will be different
>in Poland polish women are 5 times more likely to be married to a forighner then polish men,
How do I get a polish qt?
This is completely false, Id wager its a disinfo shill.
Thats not to say there are no stupid whores but even the average whore prefers European("white") men. Id say more whores go to Asia than go to brown countries, though some Natashas do marry Turks and Egyptians but why they specifically like those two countries is beyond me.
not by being Romanian lol. as a white guy you need to be rich if you're some gypsy mutt money might not be needed. average east European man can't pull women due to no money, no status and no exotic appeal. It aint 1980's anymore Radu, even village bicycle bitches know they can do better then local EE men, they're all now on dating sites looking for foreign dick, artificial womb and sexbots are our only salvation otherwise the whole east Europe will be just a bunch of incels jacking off and drinking vodka all day
I will not be dissuaded from getting a polish wife.
im not talking about Russian women preferring "white" men(thou American whites are only 56% European so them marring to you lot is still a bad look) I was talking that if you put an average ivan with a similar in status shitskin from turkey/Egypt, the average Russian woman will prefer the more exotic shitskin due to getting higher status as result of rampant xenophilia in Russian women.
I don't think it's actually the worst option. Western women are a complete nightmare already it couldn't be much worse and would possibly be better. She would be appreciative of you taking her out of wherever she is. She will want to be a trad wife and stay at home and raise kids. She will be hot as fuck. Won't be riddled with debt. Very likely to be based and redpilled. You can easily put in a prenup as a precondition. If anything there are more pros than the current state of Western. If would solve the mgtow. Western women would see everyone walking around with Eastern European hotties and be forced to pull their shit together. It might even out the sexual market. Fuck the sex robots find a bride from Russia. The stigma of mail order brides is kind of gone as so many people in the west meet online now what's going further afield. My mother met my step dad online and they are happy as hell in there boomer victoria cottage. In this day and age it's a viable option
This is now a rolling-for-waifu thread. Come on Katerina!
>some cheap whores look stupid
Do not to this it makes me feel like am have stroke
>only wome Serbian men can pll is inbread Albanian yokels
depends where, in the mountainous regions where soap is a recent discovery this is actually a pretty popular phenomenon. In the mountainous regions where soap is not a recent discovery you will find a lot of russian women that married farmers and shepherds and had like 6 kids....
> Serbian women go to dubai and Qatar to get gangbanged, shit and pissed on by by 60 year old sheikhs
they dont need to go as far as dubai for that.. before they were promoted to porta-potties they werent exactly known for their virtue around here...
and about the serbian men - you'd be surprised what happens in the cities like BG, NS and so on - women come from places like india, and china to get some BWC. its literally sex tourism but reversed. i guess its cause we're all athletically oriented in our 20s. The pinnacle however is probably to bag some exotic nubian looking black as tar chick and walk her around town.. I never understood why, but its got more to do with a kind of provincial "look at me" kind of attitude. A friend of mine had a jamaican girlfriend who looked like a neanderthal with a heavy brow.. with a huge ass to match and he took her to his smallish hometown where literally everybody wanted to take pictures with her.
What about Bulgarian girls? Are they the same?
I'm really embarrassed now
common russian women traits:
>low IQ high bluepilledness
>expecting men to pay for everything
>not religious, not wanting to marry
>seeing a man as a transportation to a richer man
>never breaking rules commies
>hating small cities (because there they are slutshamed)
common asian women traits
>less likely than white to suffer from psychological illnesses
>high IQ
>expecting a man to provide a home
>ok with cooking
>ok with small cities
>wanting many children
russian women spend the most time out of all races in the bathroom painting their skin with makeup
they even wear make up when they go out of the house to empty the trash
they have completely fallen for the cosmetic jew.
yes. 20 years ago plain Jaines would marry some guy from her village but know with Instagram and facebook even 5 and 6/10 get enormous validation from men all around the world so even the most average dim-witted broad knows that she can do better than that. know a few old classmates who went to the west and started banging rich westerners in their 50s