Finally have a good job, 35 hours a week, £30k or so a year, great benefits, on way to paying off mortgage

>Finally have a good job, 35 hours a week, £30k or so a year, great benefits, on way to paying off mortgage
>Wife and two kids, boy and girl, wife works from home and brings in £15k or so, we do pretty well considering
>Plenty of friends and family still around

Is this it, Jow Forums? I feel like there's nothing else I want.

Except an exit from the EU of course.

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What kind of jobs pays £30k for 35 hours a week?

I earn that much but I work 50 hours.

make 2 more kids if you are white.

I'm a manager for a care company, I look after the staff looking after the people

My wife had ovarian cancer 3 years ago, although we've thought about adopting.

I'd be okay giving a down and out kid another shot at life 2bh

Fair enough, nice one. How old are you?

I've been thinking of working as a carer, any advice?

Good for you but 30k is a dreadful amount to live on in this expensive shithole. I’m surprised your wants list doesn’t include “leave the rainy arsehole Orwellian nightmare”

It’s pretty much all I want but it’s unachievable because all Britain offers is shit work. It’s like they are trying to trap you here forever

£30k is a ton of money in most of the country outside of London and the South East. Average salary is what £23k nationwide?

It's really not that much. I'm in London, 21, earning 30k as an apprentice. I work 35 hours a week, too.

Bless you, user. I hope your wife is okay and that whatever decision you make, you live a fulfilled life.