LA and SF especially. I keep hearing these horror stories parts of California becoming a modern dystopian nightmare, where people are shitting in the streets, creeping typhus and fucking bubonic plague outbreaks, all while the rich entertainment oligarchs live increasingly lavish, degenerate lifestyles.
Are they accurate? Is it really that bad or is this all overblown?
How bad it actually in California
Other urls found in this thread:
Where do I begin
It sounds like the homeless problem is huge. I also just saw that gas taxes are going up.
Best to begin at the beginning.
And when you come to the end, stop.
>How bad it actually in California
It is so great that Russian youtubers make trips to SF to film videos about hobos because it's sure way to farm views
Sorta off topic but not.
I haven’t been to those cities but I live about an hour from Seattle (which is similar to SF and Los Angeles politically and geographically) and the homeless and drug problems are rampant. There hasn’t been a time when I have walked through seattle without seeing druggies screaming at walls or people walking by. The police are fucking neutered and can’t do shit but detain criminals for short periods of time before being released back to the streets. Some areas smell like straight piss and shit, although they do work hard on trying to keep the downtown area clean. I remember about a month ago I was walking by the space needle around 9pm and there were just homeless people sleeping and hiding out under the statues and park by the space needle.
When I got stationed here a few months ago, I figured the stories of the problems SF and LA were just contained and overblown, but I can’t help but feel that it’s the west side of America that has these problems in major and surrounding cities.
TL;DR Seattle is dying a slow, degenerative death and it seems to be similar to those of San Fransico and Los Angeles.
I'm from the Bay Area, lived in Los Angeles for several years. Recently moved to Utah.
It is as bad as you've heard and in some cases worse. Hence the move.
It's a shame though. Best weather on the planet.
I have family traveling to California this year so I am curious to ask them how bad it was in San Francisco when they get back
If anything the stories aren't told enough. When I saw the bay area on a business trip a few years ago I was amazed that was something in America. What I don't understand is the lack of outrage. Why do Californians accept this? Why do Californians keep voting for this shit and pretending it works?
People get more pissed off about stupid shit on TV than they do about America slowly turning into Nigeria.
the pic looks the exact same as here in vancouver.
Fucking Canadian California.
I'm moving to the bay area for a nice job in Berkley this month. I know it's degenerate AF but I just need to stick it out for two years for the sweet pay and experience. Got any tips for surviving as a conservative in the Bay Area?
that's why they're there. it'd the only easily livable weather
anyone notice they're mostly white?
You wanna see some shit, walk along Sunset blvd in LA. It's like a tour of everything wrong with this state.
LA is a prison by it's traffic. 2 hour travel investment going to anywhere. parking is expensive and difficult to find. almost zero vacancy rate so high rents and huge effort finding a nonshithole. around 30% white population. pozzed billboards everywhere.
>Got any tips for surviving as a conservative in the Bay Area?
Save your fucking shekels and don't go there, you fucking idiot.
>Got any tips for surviving as a conservative in the Bay Area?
Don't tell anyone. Look what happened to patrick little and that blonde ethot who's name I can't even remember. Berkley and oakland (niggertown) are the most hostile places to live in the entire bay area.
same thing with portland. Every free patch of land near a road or freeway has a shanty town of homeless living in tents. In the downtown area it looks post apocalyptic nothing but hobo's and junkies roaming the streets after the sun goes down.
We just passed free healthcare for illegals.
Fuck this insane shithole.
I live in the san fran valley. The Burbs. Moved here 12 years ago. For the first 8, there was one homeless dude that hung around a starbucks. I'd notice him once week, maybe. Now? There's a "homeless" person every 2 or 3 blocks down ventura blvd. From studio city to tarzana. every other overpass along the 101 has a small contingent, or a minor tent city. they're 98% druggies or mental cases.
It better pay extremely well, because berkeley / bay area have some of the highest cost of living in the US.
Some advice as a conservative? Never talk. Just listen. Don't offer any insight. Don't let anyone know your political views. You WILL be fired from your job and lose your coworker friends and be shunned. Also, your vote no longer matters. There are a few of us here. Thanksgiving with my family and my friends family has always been like a meeting of the underground resistance.
Welcome to insanity.
The sheckles are great and I need to break into my trade.
Yeah I plan on concealing my power level at all times.
What are some less Nigerian neighborhoods within decent commuter range of Berkley. Preferably someplace where I'm not suffocated by other houses and people. Wallnut creek looks promising.
Bad. Everyone living there thinks its totally 100% all Trumps fault too. Totally brainwashed boomers that are borderline warlike in their brainwashing.
>Why do Californians keep voting for this shit and pretending it works?
The really odd thing about it is that it's the city dwellers actually experiencing those problems that are the people that keep voting for it. If you go twenty miles outside of the big city in most of california, it's highly conservative.
I had friends that worked for DoD contractors in the bay and they were definitely pro trump majority.
you won't last two years in Berkeley if you're conservative. and that "sweet pay" will be siphoned off by high rent.
Horrific and inescapable. Yeah, legal weed's great and the weather is fantastic and there's tons to do outdoors. Fine. BUT
>405 is clogged up literally daily
>gas is expensive because it has to undergo a costly treatment to make it environmentally friendly
>lots of small, petty environmental bans on stuff like bags, straws, etc.
>city is comprised almost entirely of Mexican nationals here illegally in many places
>homeless problem
>meth problem nobody in the media talks about
>needles and piss and shit and trash everywhere
>de facto gun ban enforced in entire counties, ridiculously restrictive lust of approved handguns, getting worse
>you literally can't vote for Republicans in some places where the system makes it Democrats vs Democrats
>noise pollution
>high taxes on EVERYTHING
>any given metropolitan area is either an ethnic ghetto overrun with poverty, potholes and crime or a rich, snotty liberal elite hellhole where a slice of pizza costs 9 dollars
>seriously, the freeway traffic is awful
>dating game skewed by hyperabundance of all possible niches in an overpopulated city
>tuberculosis, measles, and now the black plague all legitimate daily threats downtown
>unironically unsafe to publicly support Trump
>city hall can't even handle the fucking rat problem and they're gonna clean up the streets
>gang violence
>public school system is absolute shit in many places and an uncomfortably high proportion of kids are stoned burnouts at 12
>corrupt unions
>ridiculous level of certification and clearance needed to do anything at all
>getting charged money for the use of the diamond lane
>electrical fires
>forest fires
>refinery fires
>some poor fuck careening headlong off the Cajon Pass or creating a 17-car pileup on a weekly basis
I plan on getting roommates. 800 a month isnt bad as I was in washington state on the west side where average rent was not much better.
Yeah I can imagine its different depending on the industry. DoD I can see. A lot of independent contractors I've talked to have been Pro trump. You're more likely to be flayed alive if you work any type of communication or tech job though.
>Wallnut creek looks promising.
the tunnel is a bitch during rush hour.
>The sheckles are great
If you live out of your van.
As a Californian, I'd be happy to tell you. One, yes they are accurate. it is as bad as you have heard. The Hollywood socialites get to live it up in crazy drug fueled sex parties while the rest who aren't upper middle class or filthy one percenter, have to scrape on by.
Two, the homeless epidemic is caused by several different things. You have people from different states coming to chase the Californian dream only to end up mired in debt and suddenly find themselves in a position where they cannot find work. There are also the natives who couldn't pay the land taxes/rent anymore and thus are out on the street. Average rent is around $ 3,600 a month by average in a low-end apartment. Price gets higher the closer you are to the cities. Then you have the illegals.
Speaking of work, many of the jobs here that are available are minimum wage shite and the higher pay jobs have plenty of barriers in the form of 5 year experience and have studied x at a university. To make matters worse, because there are so many people wanting to work, the businesses take full advantage of that by hiring many people at part time below 24 hours so they don't really have to pay for any full-time benefits. This is also why the minimum wage jobs have such a high turnover rate. Why deal with the new employee if they annoy you when you can replace them easily?
This leads into the other truth of California. There's plenty of nogs, beans and bums that are on welfare. You can actually apply for welfare if you get fired. And considering how min-wage jobs suck dick, many of them stay on welfare.
(Part 1)
>Healthcare for people that don’t pay taxes paid for by people who do pay taxes.
FUCKIN WHY?! Pretty sure Cali already has a problem with taxpayers fleeing the state. Why are they trying to make it worse?!
Do yourself a favor and avoid the caldecott tunnel like the plague.
Portland Maine?
Tell me straight. $40 hourly + overtime and benefits + living with roommates not going to give me a living wage?
Google image search "Shit" and "San Francisco". You will puke. It IS every bit as bad as they say
SF here, been in the Tenderloin for about twenty years.
It's bad, & only getting worse for a long time now.
I take the train to the Central Valley often. Being able to see the shanty towns grow behind Stockton over the years has been particularly amusing.
Somehow, I just know I'm gonna miss Nevada for the rest of my life.
Because they are insane. Also they want to create a permanent slave caste dependent on the govt to serve the elite of the state.
It's worse than can be explained
He could just live in a tent like the rest of the homeless.
And ride a bike to a taxi or something to get him to work.
You'd make bank.
And it's simple to blend into the hobo crowd too.
SF can be a fucking trip depending on where you are. I was walking to a concert once at night and I walked through a block that had people shooting up with needles on the sidewalk. Not just a couple, a fucking line of junkies shooting up in front of everyone. On that same night, a big ass black tranny was running around screaming at some dude, and I walked through a literal hobo market. It was a fucking street filled with homeless people that just took it over, multiple rows of tents and random shit on the sidewalks. It was like some kind of weird homeless/junkie trading post. Shit was wild. I love that city, it's such a fucking mess. Don't get me started on BART.
that's not even half of it
I've seen tents set up on people's balconies go for 800/month on craigslist.
Or you could live on the street and have your tent broken into by a crackhead.
It’s really nice. I went there a few weeks ago. Best place I’ve been in the us by far.
This place is beyond New Babylon. It's the information and media capitol for not just the country, but the whole world through America's global reach. It's got Hollywood AND Silicon Valley. It has one of the largest and most important ports on the continent. It has so many people.
And it is so, so fucked-up beyond repair.
Bad. This was Santa Cruz until they cleared it out a month ago.
I visited Seattle about 8 years ago and loved it. Even the drug dealers were nice. Some druggie walked up to me and asked if I wanted to buy some weed, I said no and he just said "alright man, have a nice day" and walked off. In SF, the dude will scream at you if you don't buy his crack.
I still live here in CA also, I feel like I live in a third world shithole , it's not just the druggies and homeless, the infrastructure and buildings are all in disrepair . Even the 'nice' places look run down now
Don't tell anyone you're conservative in Berkeley. It isn't a joke there. People are violent when it comes to politics in Berkeley. It isn't safe to be open about being a conservative.
A Christian school recently got raided because they had Christian values. Now the CA wants to shut them down. Honk Honk
>living wage
That's what it will be. You'll be able to eat and have a small room.
(part 2)
The homeless problem is only getting worse due to the government not providing them with any incentive to find work and make a living due to the gibs that they get. There are programs made to help the homeless off the streets but it as it places them right back to min-wage cuckery, many of them give up and resign to being homeless as it pays better. Also, many of them are happy spending their gibs for drugs. Just remember how corrupt the government here is and see who has to gain by selling drugs. There's also the fact a large amount of Homeless were from various mental institutes who threw them out after closing down.
As for the day to day life in Cali, it completely depends on where you live. The farther away you are from the Blue Line of train station and LA, the better. This is due to the Blue Line are interconnecting ghettos. Which includes Compton, and Watts Towers. Two of the worst ghettos in Cali. If you plan on taking the train station, watch out for druggies, bums and gangers. They will cause shit. Also, be prepared to see trash everywhere. There's also Skid Row which is homeless central. Its so bad that even Google can't cover it up in Google Earth.
What remains constant though is that everyone and their mother are liberals and anyone who is even leaning right is few and far in between.
tl:dr; California is a shithole, if you have any dreams of moving there, just don't. Not even for a career.
Californians are parasites and degenerates who need to stay and die in their hell hole. I feel sorry for any honest to god, good, normal people who suffer through all that crap but if i could cut off California from the rest of the US I would & my only hope is that you cleanse it of its filth and rise from the ashes pure.
Some of these places look like fucking Mexico. Not just demographically, either, I mean in terms of general disrepair and looking sorta shoddy. It's hard to zero in on, but even the nice neighborhoods sorta look more beat-up now.
Also, I swear every other person I see is a bum. The homeless problem isn't exaggerated. It's downplayed even in the most extreme portrayals.
Seriously, I hear two bums fighting a block or so away right now.
I unironically wish the federal government would just march in with jackboots and deport every single illegal.
Seems accurate,
I live in northern California and you still can't escape it here, but it's not as bad.
>It's downplayed even in the most extreme portrayals.
That's dead on, people think the media are exaggerating it, and I have to explain to them they aren't they are down playing it
The worst part, it crept up out of nowhere, it wasn't this bad 10 years ago .
This is what happens when mass immigration is policy , the country they are immigrating to turn into the a carbon copy of the shit holes they are escaping
To the people who say that it's hard to explain how bad it is, you are 100% right. SF is something that can only be understood if you see it with your own eyes. It's a fucking experience, especially in the evening.
>There's also the fact a large amount of Homeless were from various mental institutes who threw them out after closing down.
If you can afford it, Lafayette, Moraga*, and Orinda* is your safest bet.
True. Pre-2010 Cali the most you have to deal with were uppity nogs and beans as well as high prices.
Now parts of LA looks exactly like Mexico. I won't be surprised if things gets bad to the point where you have to be armed when you leave your house.
I have roots here, and was born here
I built a life here before the dark crept over my area, it sucks, if I knew this was coming, I would of left years ago
They're already at that point in some places. Of course, you can't do so legally. And I'm not suggesting anyone break the law. Just that every other guy passing you is breaking the law, probably in way more ways than just that.
go to tinder and swap your location to los angeles and see for yourself. Then compare with any european city.
>>Cajon pass
What’s up, do you live in the Victorville area? Meet up?
Elections are rigged, no one is voting for it
No, I live in LA and go to Vegas often because I was born there.
I don't know but what is accurate is that whites are the stinkiest most worthless pieces of shit on the planet. I hope they all die, the stupid cunt. Fuck whites and fuck Brett Kavanaugh and fuck OP. Dumb motherfucker.
user, what is a Californian? Who is this magical Californian you're talking about?
The Mexican farmhand who can't speak a word of English? The Chinese immigrant who drives a brand new Mercedes, bought and paid for by his father? The Indian who will force his way into American industries and proceed to hire only his fellow Indians? The homeless man who gets his needles from the San Franciscan government and his heroin from the dealers the police know about, but do not arrest?
The very idea that there is even anyone left to vote against this dystopian shit is simply ludicrous. Democracy requires people to vote, but when the people are replaced, so too are the interests the government serves. California got a hearty helping of amnesty from Reagan himself, and the Californian who could have stopped it jumped ship decades ago when this shithole reached its tipping point.
They're going to do it just like that in Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Nevada, and so on until the already-elusive "American" who will stand up to this bullshit no longer exists.
You're being replaced, goy, and you won't do a damn thing about it until it's too late.
And it's getting real late.
Im about an hour from L.A. one of last Conservative counties.. you know Im from Orange now, unfortunately we're blue now. Gas is 4.32
All my co-'wokers' are socialist, Godless, degenerates who make off handed comments about me being white.
But they're white as well... "white people are evil oppressors"
Co-workers think babies should be able to be shot and killed even right after they're born.
Wtf kind of world are we in.
My close friends are all uber conservative, but any who went off to a UC turned Socialist degenerate..
I'd say Cali conservatives are usually the strongest because we are in the middle of they're "Utopia" and we hate this failure
Im in California right now, my question is where are all of the white people? Are they out in the country somewhere?
it looks a nice place to be homeless. you just push ur comfy trolley around and then sleep in a bush. not like here where it rains all the time and you live in a soggy depressing tent
I don't see how you guys can even live there. It sounds like a literal warzone and by living there you basically accept that something bad will eventually happen to you. I'm a pretty big guy but it sounds to me like I wouldn't even want to be outside past 8pm. No career can possibly be worth all that trouble. Workplace sounds toxic as fuck too. I just dont get it at all. What is the incentive in living there and why do so many people do it?
We hide in our homes all day, it's dangerous to be white here
Was in a mental hospital in Long Beach. Got called a "Nigger" by a black guy.
Then you get harassed by gangers as well as other Homeless and get subjected to all kinds of abuse because you are homeless. Its a different kind of Hell.
Its something about the curriculum and the environment that turns any student in there into a full-blown sjw. Had a marine friend that went left because of it.
My family lives here and I'd rather not abandon them.
>family lives here and I'd rather not abandon them
You're basically like me. And probably lots of people. There'd be a bigger exodus already if people's families weren't here.
>There's also Skid Row which is homeless central. Its so bad that even Google can't cover it up in Google Earth.
Holy shit. Just checked and it's true. Homeless tent cities on all sidewalks in that place. That stuff is popping up in Germany, too, but even in Berlin where they're boldest (Berlin doing its worst to become a California grade shithole as well), they still erect their tent cities in little frequented parts of parks or under bridges.
this is true
someone i know took a 1 minute nap in the metro red line and when that person woke up there was a homeless stupid fuck unzipping his pants standing in front of them. When I walk to work, the first thing that I thought of was "what the fuck is this india or california?" shit stains on the street and walls. Fuck those people
look motherfucker, it isn't a "homeless" problem, it is a fucking drug addict junkie problem. Nearly all people who are homeless are that way because of being a drug addict.
>moving to Berkeley
Entering the belly of the beast
Hearing first hand accounts of CA is one of my guilty pleasures.
>thread theme
this song, and album, gives you basically what the experience of southern california is like
You will be considered lower middle class
Get out. We don't want your kind in Utah.
i understand it when they say "don't tax the middle class"
but i cannot understand it when they say "don't tax the rich"
This is worth noting as well. When you really consider how high the cost of living is here, the high minimum wage, and how even relatively affluent people can only afford middle class lifestyles, it finally occurs to you that the average illegal living on welfare in Cali is being handed what would constitute an upper middle-class life in basically any state except California.
>no, don't tax the rich
>I'm not rich now
>hopefully i will be rich in a few years
>it's not like we vote on new taxes every other year
If only you knew how bad it was.
These all are about a year old. But it's pretty damn accurate.
They already pay a tremendous portion of the tax burden anyway. And besides, if you tax the rich asshole for having a private jet, maybe rich assholes stop getting private jets, then the people that sell them don't move their product, then the workers that make the parts and put them together don't get paid, then the stock price for the aerospace company drops, then people flip out and start selling off their stocks, etc. It's a huge ripple effect on the economy.
I thought it was a joke at first. Then I moved to Tracy and had to commute FIVE hours every day to and from campus. The awful traffic is only a quarter of how bad the amount of literal shit you will see on BART daily. I've noticed you have asked about Walnut Creek. It's alright. Very expensive. I am not sure if you'll be able to afford a decent spot but again I've never looked.
If I was you I'd heavily weigh my options. If your job is paying you as well as you claim then you should be mindful of all the budgeting you'll have to be doing because the cost of living is outrageous. For example : i played $350.00 for a room in Chicago - people pay upwards of $1600 to share a room with two other people. I was lucky enough to find my own room for $1000 and it drained my finances as I got my degree.
At the most do not live here more than three years.
Just sores some napalm and let god claim his own. There’s no helping theee people
I always wonder how a homeless guy would leave his camp. The neighbors would probably steal his shit unless his friends with them.
Can confirm. Lived in Venice for 10 years. People not from the area felt sorry for them. Huge mistake. A nuclear bomb is the only thing that can save LA now
Europoor reporting in. I travelled South from New York to Miami last year during a month and I was astonished to see so many homeless people , such dirty streets and such a sky high level of poverty.
And I live in Paris.... and I travelled in most of Asia...
You Americunts are living in a dream where you're still in a great country.