Should women be allowed to vote?

should women be allowed to vote?

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For political office? No.

Only if they look like left girl

I'm starting to question all posters with nazi flags. Seems like the majority are hawking beliefs antifa would agree with. Or creating slide threads. Really gets the noggin joggin.

They never earned it.

>beliefs antifa would agree with
lol nice reverse shilling idiot

Should anyone?

lol no

for lulz, no. for realz, yes. I love the women in my life and they all are good citizens who are smarter than me and I'm glad they can vote.

Please die


I'm not so fragile as to need to degrade women in order to legitimize my own masculinity.

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if you want a well functioning society, NO!

Post more of these two cuties.

left is clearly a loli u faggots. The real question is should lolis be allowed to vote? The answer is yes but once they reach 18 they arent allowed to anymore.

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if they can kill a man 1v1 without weapons they can have his right to vote

they should be allowed to sit on my face with no underwear and fart.


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Nah youre just takin the piss unless youre srs than youre just less thn a man


If they vote for Yang then sure

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Any real property owner or their spouse should be allowed to vote. No real property? No vote. Male, female, whatever. Want to vote? Buy a house. Otherwise fuck you.

only intelligent and educated people should be allowed to vote

For what, homecoming queen?

absolutely not. however the importance of this question of formal legality is regularly overestimated. if men were culturally in such a state where they had the will and courage to power necessary to assert themselves politically to the degree necessary to take away womens vote, then the state of society and "gender roles" would already be such that most women would refrain from voting voluntarily.

Obligatory 2 year conscription. Allowed to vote afterwards.

If you want an financially successful and stable nation then no. The only thing that women voting has achieved is tons of socialist policies that cripples a nation long term.

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Pretty sure that was a mistake, all the science isn’t in yet.

much more important than keeping women from voting is keeping them away from public discourse. female communicational patterns have utterly destroyed the idea of joint discovery of truth through rational discourse as the basis of the republic.
it was once not too long ago taken as an obvious truth that there were woman topics and man topics, and if one mixed them up it was seen as a lack of social skills, outrageous even. we must return to this natural order.
reminder to never engage with a woman on politics or any other serious matter.

No, thots belong in the kitchen and nowhere else.

Universal suffrage, even male-only suffrage is a dumb meme.

name of girl on left?

>Assemblywomen (Greek: Ἐkkλησιάζουσαι Ekklesiazousai; also translated as, Congresswomen, Women in Parliament, Women in Power, and A Parliament of Women) is a comedy written by the Greek playwright Aristophanes in 391 BC.[3] The play invents a scenario where the women of Athens assume control of the government and instate proto-communist reforms that ban private wealth and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive. In addition to Aristophanes' political and social satire, Assemblywomen derives its comedy through sexual and scatological humor.

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The majority of men should not be allowed to vote.

Female hypergamy is a fact of human evolution prior to civilization. And during it, too, although some efforts have been made to rein it in. But those efforts are futile. Women seeking resources and security would cuck husbands under the pretenses of monogamy, and the men able to provide these things — the patricians — were immensely powerful accomplices to the ruse.

However, at some point, foolish patricians gave the franchise to all men, naively thinking they could still control them (as they had before). They didn't see the slippery slope. Loser men are naturally male feminists — they are biologically wired by evolution to attempt high-risk behaviors in an attempt to upset female hypergamy and possibly get a pity fuck. As such, the expansion of the franchise to all men inexorably led to the expansion of the franchise to all women. This further diluted the patrician vote and transformed a dubiously controllable situation into an impossible one.

The natural and just state of most men is to be cucks, serving the patrician and his mistress by providing for her and the patrician's bastard. We've always needed systems to fool such low-IQ men into believing they had a genetic future, but things went horribly wrong when, at some point, we somehow lost the plot and made those illusions into realities.

2ND EDIT: 40/40/15/5
EDIT: 35/35/25/5
I think it's safe to say the breakdown of posts on /pol is in the 30/30/30/10 range:
30% are shill/bait/psyop original posts from organizations (ShareBlue, CTR, JIDF, etc). Telltale signs are softcore/anime porn, the "Why are [blank] so [blank]" posts, "redpill me on [x], /pol" posts, "1 post by this ID" posts, BMWF scenarios, meme flags, and anything following the Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook (mocking, name-calling, divisive, accusing, etc.)
30% are honeypot/psyop posts from organized alphabet niggers, sniffing out information people are willing to divulge, share, link out to (the "What do you really think about [blank]" posts), or to persuade, or to use you as cattle in their Google captcha, or to test their AI. Look for meme flags, "Does /pol really think...?" type of posts, "I'm feeling sleepy. Aren't you feeling sleepy, user? How about a nice little nap." replies, the "playing dumb" replies ("Someone catch me up on [x]"), dismissiveness, concern trolling, posts with no ID numbers,
>pic related
and, most frightening, getting called out by direct and insistent reply (you'll know this one when that chill runs down your spine, crawls across your skin).
30% are "normal people" like you or me, coming here for information, news, opinion pieces, the occasional happening. We look at /pol like a fun political weather gauge. Nothing more than that, but add the bantz. Toss into this 30% redditors, T_D fags, boomerfags, Qfags, summerfags, nufags, oldfags, Christcucks, commies, libertarians, Nazis, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, not to mention the thousands of people visiting from all over the world at any one time; and you've got a sewer of attitude and opinion and shitposting.
Then there's the 10% autists, the planefags, the arrows-on-images fags, the guys-its-really-fucking-happening-get-in-here fags, the redpillfags, the blackpillfags. Bless them.

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Based. But the man must have something offered him in case he wins... hmmm

jews needed to start world war so they could give women rights to vote.
women voting rights were given (at least in US/Germany/Poland and couple others) in 1920 just after WW1 after huge part of man killed each other.
sexual revolution was pushed 20 years after 2nd world war and it all went donwhill from there

never use your flag again you faggot

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They already have it. That ship has sailed decades ago. What’s the point of even bringing it up?

but the right one looks better

>What’s the point of even bringing it up?
to discuss the many reasons for removing it


1 Timothy 2:12
"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
In modern America, women do most of the teaching and vote, which is the woman using the government to usurp authority over all men.
God is gonna rek us.

It doesn't matter the gender. Retards shouldn't be allowed to vote and that starts with you, shit for brains. Do the world a favor and kill yourself, cunt.

Nope, most men shouldn't vote ether let alone women


Nope, women vote literally put Peña on power. Darkest 6 years of our modern history and all because he was good looking and pushed by tv shitlords

Of course not.

How is that worse than a communist like Fox?

for christ 's sake no pls NOOOO
for the same reason you don't let children vote

I feel they should, but knowing the results I know they shouldn't.

Yes. What they want to cook tomorrow

You're too liberal for my tastes
She makes what I get

only if I can rape them to death after

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>should women be allowed to vote?
Only if you want Islamization

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No. They have no idea what they're doing, they just follow whatever is currently the collective trend. Like children.
And they are entirely driven by emotions and nothing but emotions.

Collectively driven + overly emotional = maximum shit outcome.

No. Neither should most men.

Yes. Considering women can be just as good at being revolutionaries as men (Rosa Luxemburg, Emma Goldman, etc) I think it's good to assume as long as they have class conscious they should be allowed to vote.

no, but men shouldn't either, only families should, two votes for couple with two kids minimum
if you work for the goberment one vote less

Have sex incels.

>thinking women should vote
Youre either a woman or pic related

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Not in any capacity or form should a woman be allowed to vote. Even "smart" women fall trap to their childish behavior and emotions, something which is very unfit for ruling a nation.

The only time a woman even displays some form of logic and wisdom is when they turn like 60-70+ years old, as they mentally "grow up" far far slower than men. And even then many of them are just completely illogical.

There's 5 priorities in a woman's life, literally everything else is to come second hand IF there's free time for it:

Nurture children, clean the home, cook the food, be commanded by and faithfully follow her man no matter what. AND be the last line of defense for the children in case the man for some reason fails at his duty or dies.
It's literally built into them, just as Reasoning, strength and mental fortitude is built into us men so that we may face the bad times in order to protect our family. Literally every single one of these feminist cunts has never had the opportunity to be commanded by a strong male, or they dumped by one because they were batshit insane. This results in wanting to take revenge.

Whenever you give a woman a leading role in anything, it always ends up in shit. The children become weak and timid (especially the boys). It's blatantly obvious that it was a ploy to fuck over the west, seeing as the west started rapidly degenerating as soon as most countries implemented this retardation. You yourself can see this in action when talking to or simply walking by a woman. If you are mentally strong and confident, they automatically give way and follow your command.
Easily 95% of all women with "depression" would snap the fuck out of it pretty quickly if they had children and was commanded by a strong male.

Women vote solely based on feelings and nothing else, making then extremely susceptible to be manipulated.
This goes for women who claim to be "redpilled". She's doing the exact same thing but just in another flavor.

Understand that for a woman, the only important thing to them is how they feel today.
There's zero foresight in their minds.

You can have a woman be really good at maths. But will then turn around and buy a 1000$ handbag because "I feel good when I look pretty" despite her being already in debt. Or allowing immigration because "Oh no a kid from literally nowhere died on a beach" without taking into consideration that the economic cost of playing daycare for an entire other nation is expensive as fuck. Because "It feels good to help others lol" aka "I look good if I do this and I feel good from virtue signaling"

Men has total power over women no matter how much they deny it. If you lead her good and show complete dominance, she will do literally anything to please you, as her biology rewards her for doing so.
She'll even kill for it, and that is not a joke. Women are capable to do almost anything in their free time, but only with a proper captain at the ship. You can make them fucking travel from one side of the Atlantic to the other, just so she can meet you because she got turned on by your absolute dominance.

She will unironically sieg heil and proclaim that Hitler was the greatest man on earth if she believes it will please you. And she will even go as far (rarely) to outright fight others if it pleases you. She does not give a fuck if you don't do the dishes when she asked you to. That is completely irrelevant. She wants you to lead. It's up to you if you want to do the dishes or not, she will do them regardless and not give a single fuck if you did it once in the entire month and she does it everyday. That is not important to her at all. What is, is feeling secure and feeling good. Provide that and she will do anything you ask of her no matter if it's good or evil.

Degeneracy in our society will only end when we take back the leadership completely, and bring the men who had their confidence ruined due to shit parenting back into shape.

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No way.
If I could go back in time and unironically kill all politicians globally who started this- I would.

The ONLY exception I would make is for woman who are responsible such as NET tax payers not lifetime welfare parasites.

yep. but legal voting age should be raised to 25.


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