Red pill me on why so many great, legitimately talented musicians died in (((aircraft accidents)))...

Red pill me on why so many great, legitimately talented musicians died in (((aircraft accidents))). I know that Randy wanted to stop touring for a while so he could go to college then this happened. And the there was richie valens and stevie ray vaughan who died similarly.

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Because they are on tour a lot, so they fly a lot?

Shit happens.
Stop cherry picking and take your pills schizo

Mossad plan and false flag black projects funded by the Saudi's. Think about it and it makes 100% sense.

autopilot systems can be accessed remotely through a backdoor. It's very very real.
Imagine the look on the faces of the box-cutter wielding Saudi's on 9/11 when the plane started flying itself toward the buildings.

Randy Rhoads died in a plane crash. That plane wasnt traveling to the next show. They were touring on a bus and they stopped at some guys mansion and there was a plane there and one of the crew members (who was supposedly intoxicated) asked randy if they wanted to borrow the plane and fly around for a bit because I guess he was a pilot. Then the dude apperantly started playing chicken with the mansion by flying really close to it then dodging it. And then on one attempt they crashed and died on impact. I believe this was a murder. Things just dont add up.

Cliff Burton was assassinated by JFK #FACTS

Light aircraft (and helicopters) are more prone to crashing than regular commercial airlines (especially if the pilot is trying to buzz Ozzy's tourbus)

You can go ahead and laugh at mr but you guys should know that the music industry is full of jew conspiracies. Jim Morrisons dad was a admiral or some high ranking official in the gulf of tonkin incident and even he died at a young age. Jimi Hendrix's dad was deep state. And so was Frank Zappa's dad too.

Oh look, someone listened to an interview of Dave McGowan and now thinks he's an expert on covert shenanigans.

Dave McGowan was right, though.

Ya I dont believe the story of Randy's death either. Randy was anti-drug and believed in a clean life. He was extremely talented and trained in classical music as well.

Stevie's death doesnt make sense either but I suppose it's more plausible. However, stevie's death occured after he started speaking out against drugs and alcohol and telling people to believe in god and love one another. I fucking miss stevie that's for sure, he was one hell of a guy.

It was later revealed after autopsy that Aycock's system tested positive for cocaine.

They fly a lot, and they often fly chartered small flights rather than commercial because of how much gear they lug around.

When you sell your soul to the devil for fame and fortune, he decides when you check out

Look up BRIAN JONES from the rolling stones, easily the most talented one and wrote all their best songs, who drowned in a swimming pool, they had him murdered and used the publicity to create band mythology and more money, jagger etc never talk about him, its like he stopped existing. pink floyd did a similar thing with syd barrett, except he just left, but they made a whole narrative about how he "went crazy" and was "mentally ill" for not enjoying selling his soul for fame

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Same reason they killed Michael Jackson: they wouldn’t play by the Jews rules.

Randy died because of the absolute stupidity of the pilot, Jim Croce same reason.

I've experienced aileron hard overs with seemingly no explanation. Once, it was so bad, that we wrote the autopilot up for maintenance and flew without it the rest of the day

>the most talented one and wrote all their best songs

You misspelled Keith Richards.

this, and also the pilots are less qualified and less experienced, with fewer safety checks.

You want to know the real reason? I'll tell you if you need to know.

Randy died at the ripe age of 28 because his pilot was a coke'd out faggot who wanted to show off
Randy was in a great metal band with Ozzy
but he wasn't a degenerate piece of shit
the only substance found in Randy's body during his autopsy was nicotine
no hard drugs
no alcohole
just his cigs
rip to the women that also died with them
that pilot killed himself and two innocents due to his drugged up stupidity

Pure coincidence.

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What woman wouldn't feverishly desire these handsome, talented, masculine, top-tops covering second-rate negro music? Very natural...

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They fake their deaths and move on.
Look at David Bowie talking about himself after he "died".

peace and love lol

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Skynard man... The 27 club...
What about the artists that live but they have a kid die... Lots have a kid die. Robert Plants son... Everything about Plants story and many others are red flaggin hard...

Sure... but not Randy nor SRV... or Kurt.
