American Under-5's Majority Non-White

What now Mutts? What hope is there for your future? How can you ever recover?

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And that's a good thing.

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Nope. We cant. The only whites left are too morally abject to care. We're just living on borrowed time at this point.

Today it is us, tomorrow it is you.

Look at Brazil. That's the future.

We'll be like Latin America:

White minority hoards the wealth and self-segregates. Masses of brown ppl like in poverty.

Brazil is more niggerfied than USA is it not?

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Not allowed sweetie, there cannot be "white only" anything. All public and private parts of the US must be inclusive to POC's at all times.

The ethno state will be forced to accept niggers. Damn

>and it's beautiful!

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That's not how that works "Noor Wazwaz" you fucking retard. It means that USA is becoming a non-white country and all the fuckwits becoming the new "majority" will be WE WUZZING like disgraced niggers.

Does this mean white liberals like other races more than their own or how do you read this?

we are all fucked ahmed

That's exactly what it means- given the option, white liberals would prefer literally any other race. The logical extrapolation leads down some weird roads (would they literally prefer to be a minority, and see being white as something to be demonized?)

>How can you ever recover?
this is a slide thread

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Its "feelings of warmth". White liberals are less warm to white Americans in general because they see them as racist Trump supporters.

80 years ago, it was us. thanks to you. now karma is here at long last.

>Buttblasted mutt on holiday in Aus land

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Five-year olds are easy to kill, user.

I for one welcome our insect overlords....

O, shit, they're already here and we welcomed them.

Das waycis and illegyal

Dude have you been to any major city? In LA where I live the places like Brentwood, Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills are all white gated compounds with security guards. This hasbeen happening forever.

Fuck off, we're all in this together let's focus on our own problems rather than...
Ah fuck it, laughing at mutts never gets old

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we die together bongalino

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We've gotta deport them all soon. Civil war happens if we don't.

I guess we won’t be mutts for much longer

>4 years ago
Imagine how much more diverse it already is.

So when do we stop calling them minorities?

Majority Under-9's non-white in USA

You have it backwards. You brits and you burgers have caused the infighting. It is you who have boots on the ground in Germany and most other European nations - keeping the native men from rising up against their organized extermination.

The genocide against Europe was started, in Europe, by you, 80 years ago. And you've kept it up all the way until now. There can be no infighting with burgers and brits, as you are an outgroup as alien to the rest as rabid mullahs and fanatical zionists.

It is good that this is happening. Now YOU feel the genocidal policies you've enforced on the rest for nearly 80 years. Now maybe YOU will wake and stop the d/c. The rest are not the problem, YOU are. And if you don't wake in time, then atleast there won't be enough of you left soon that you'll be able to keep up your genocidal power projection on the rest. Don't come here with this d/c bullshit. YOU brits and YOU burgers are the ones who enforce the genocidal policies on the rest.

They will still keep babbling on about whites oppressing "minorities" when whites are below 10%, mark my words.

>In LA where I live
>UK flag
>Beverly hills is all (((white)))

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Fake news.

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>We is white now

Spics don't count as white no matter what they think of themselves.

If whites (in USA or anywhere) become 10% they will most likely be genocided as in the traditional genocide. No way they're going to treat us well like we treat them now.

Dont worry. The Jews will suddenly decide you are their friends when you become that few in number.

It's almost like "white" is a social construct with no real definition or something...

It has always meant north western European.
Then it came to mean caucasians. Now it means whatever is convenient to American demographics.

Asian White.
Hispanic White.
African White.

Egyptians and Lebanese is white according to Mutts. Damn

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>t. spic
You'll never be white, mongrel.

>Minority majority

The fucking doublespeak.

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>Always meant

According to fucking who?

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Your government

Mfw when I find out that Ireland is the whitest country in the world that collects census data

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I'm just glad to see your white civilization destroy itself.
It makes me laugh in my sleep every day.

America was taken from brown people, had slaves, and shares a massive border with Mexico. What Europe's excuse for all its major cities turning brown?

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>America was taken from brown people, had slaves
What has that got to do with the fact you were 95% white at one point?

We're they still counting Mexicans as whites back then? Half the cities in the SW have spic names. California has always had a ton of them.

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There are 750 million people in Europe and 700 million of them are white. Not American "white". Actually white Europeans. Which means we are gonna be fine until driverless cars, AI and automation means the rich want closed borders.

Same as yours retard


Wasn't this entire thread created because OP disagreed with the government definition?

>It's almost like "white" is a social construct with no real definition or something

Except its not.
A small percentage of hispanics are white, but they aren't the ones immigrating to the US.
What we get are the mestizos and full blooded indians, or in the case of Puerto Rico, we get people with significant negro admixture.

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Shut up goy it’s just a conspiracy theory your fugin racist!

What. Is. White?

Spics aren’t fucking white you leering retard

The caucasoids who evolved in Europe. That simple.

good luck reversing that lmfao

This dudes a fucking leftypol nigger lover fuck him, don’t respond to bait, these fuckers are what is ruining pol

the minute spics migrate here they go full blown kill yt, if they don't their children most certainly do. race war within our life time

ironically enough your best strategy as a white man may very well be to save some money and to migrate down to South america and try to embed yourself with one of the white to mostly white wealthy families that run the show down there. at least they know how to keep a lid on their spics.

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whites are the minority

what is being attacked are the last white countries

fucking racist slave trafficking kikes

are journos retarded? make a fucking pick! it's either one or an other

But most "whites" in the US and throughout the world aren't 100% European.

Are you?

We'll genocide them via fourth dimensional warfare (turning them into homos and trannies, sterilizing them etc) and outright exterminating them (shoot on sight).