Scientist call the north pole is full of "Permafrost" that will never melt

>scientist call the north pole is full of "Permafrost" that will never melt
>fast forward 20 years, now scientist tell me that this "Permafrost" is melting
make up your mind

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why dont you make up your mind.
that would be easier, no?

Still not getting a carbon tax

Man > nature

Life finds a way

Good, good!

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educate yourself peasant

we already chilling below sea level

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Heres a solution

How to stop climate change
>1. Adopt nuclear power and replace it with coal plants
>2. Research more on Fusion power so we can become doctor otto and have the power of the sun in our palms
>3. Thats about it

This. They act like if the temperature rises slightly then humanity will all die out. Whatever happened to human adaptability. We've infested every nook and cranny of this planet. We can live in caves or in the sky. So the temperature rises or falls? So we adapt, there will be no doom unless the Earth itself is destroyed.

That is just not true

I wonder what happens if blow up a 100 megaton underwater nuclear torpedo near your shore?

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Depending on how deep you'll detonate it.

Humans die if nature dies

Nature (wildlife) is even more adaptable then humans.

>Good growing zone

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Fusion power is a pipe dream, never going to happen.

Its only 30 years away lmfao. But Its going to take a while to actually achieve it, private companies are doing better than other nations

Can't wait

Holy shit muh dick is a stone right now, imagine america invading canada and every european country invanding northern europe while china and India invade Russa, hot as fuck I gonna drop a bucket meanwhile all shitskin disgusting sudacas die, manly brazilian, damn I just wet my pants, how do we acelerate it

>6 months of no sunlight
It's gonna be the white ethnostate of the future.

>scientists say that melting icebergs will cause landmass to be flooded with water
>fast forward 20 years, massive chunk of the icebergs melted, coastal line exactly the same

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>Taking a picture of the Arctic when it's at it's smallest size all year.

This is the most arbitrary and based on literally nothing picture I've seen.
The fucking global warming porn has no limits I see.
What a load of bullshit.

Actually I remember talk about the permafrost (an area that does not usually melt, not one they will never melt) melting i lectures and discussions more than twenty years ago. This was predicted as a possible event. Ot only that but as a tipping point event, over twenty years ago, by climate scientists.

If the methane is released then the greenhouse effects will be catastrophic and accelerate climate change.

Since that is beginning to happen... we are fucked unless something is done soon

So since Trump and the oil companies and big coal have taken over the public domain, we are fucked

Oh fuck. I'm so hard right now. Longer, darker winters and ikuinen juhannus in the summer.

Damn, now that's pornography right here, post more

oh hey looks its the same fag shilling for global warming in my thread
hi baguette

This I genuinely don’t get

Reforestation is just a good all around idea

>People believe this.

Most of it was floating

Must be Trumps fault. Sure as fuck couldn't be China or India. Somehow taxes will fix it, right?

Not shilling, just stating facts.

You got any?

But that would make the water levels go down since water is denser than ice. That hasn’t really been happening either

>4ºC warmer would make the south of France an unhabitable desert

Floating ice displaces liquid water equal to its own liquid volume by virtue of it weighing as much as its own liquid volume.
Melting of such ice thus has no effect on sea levels.
You can envision it like so: split the ice into portions above and below the surface. If the below-surface portion melts, its volume will be reduced. The melted above-surface portion will exactly fill this lost volume, such that the new surface is at sea level.

No, that’s not how it works, friend.

Ice is less dense than water, it doesn’t weigh the same as “its own liquid volume”

Parts of Spain are already going that way.

Temperatures in the 40s were almost unknown thirty years ago, now they are very summer.

It isn’t just the temperature goes up by 4 degrees. It is the average temperature. In the south of France that has seen almost now snow now for five years - unheard of - and in summer much longer periods over 32 degrees. Also wetter spring, drier autumn for the least five years. This is having a serious effect on agriculture

Yes it does.

A floating ice cube will displace it’s own mass in water. When it melts the water is he same mass - and takes up the same volume.

Basic physics

The ocean has also been warming, so the water has expanded.

There is also more water in the atmosphere, as the atmosphere warms. These are at global scale, so the effects are mixed.

Sea levels may have changed by a few millimetres, it that isn’t going to really make a difference

But if the green,and ice sheet goes (and it is being undermined now by meltwater, which could rapidly accelerate the process, which is scary) it would make for 7 meters of sea rise.

Of course at current rates that will take over a millennium, but some models suggest it could be a lot, lot faster. We could see a 1 meter per century, or more, and accelerating. And that is just from Greenland

nature as a whole wont die tho, a few dozen species will go fuck all and so what? nature is uncaring and only rewards the most adapted with survival. humans can die way before much of nature goes, theres microbes within the earths crust eating fucking hydrocarbons completely cut off from the cycle that goes on on the surface. But i guess this doesnt apply as nature if your concept of it is pretty flowers and squiwwwerls :3

The only way to fix this is to nuke Africa, India and China

>Since that is beginning to happen
No it's not faggot. Stop getting your information from a retarded little girl.

China maybe, but America is second worst producer of pollution

Being fair, Europe comes third.

If you want to be decent about it and punish the ones who made the problem, not the ones that have yet to contribute...

Similar studies in Russia....

This is such a retarded argument. Just consider all the ice masses around the globe (from glaciers to the antarctica) which are on solid ground and not floating in water.

Sorry, what is a retarded argument? Who is being retarded?

I was just explaining the physics.

You are right of course - the land based ice will go to raising sea levels

Yeah sorry after rereading I should have left out the retarded-part. I recently saw a clip where this argrument was used to state that no rise is happening. Reading "Basic Physics" triggered a vietnam war like flashback and I got angry.