We've been found out


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Was it a nip kamikaze?


but we can blame iran

Shut up soyboy, get out and serve your fucking country. Stop whining and fight for freedom you millennial piece of shit.

It was a Iranian missle. A Iranian boat was seen in the vicinity. Problem solved

good goy

Imagine being so cucked that you'll throw away your life to line the pockets of some millionaire

Chancellor Angela Merkel has said there is "strong evidence" Iran carried out attacks on two tankers in the Gulf of Oman. She also warned Iran of consequences if it violated the 2015 international nuclear deal.

Are people really shocked about this?

Ah yes, the impartial bastion of Germany

They also said the explosions happened on the port side, which they didn’t. The holes are on the starboard side, and are too small to be AShM impacts. 5 inch gun shells are equally unlikely and would be moving far too fast to spot with the naked eye. It’s likely the Japanese crew members are just spouting whatever sounds plausible, and do not seem like very reliable eyewitnesses.


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t. solomon

What's the deal with americans and their shit false flags to start wars everywhere

based baby-boomer poster

Could be an anti ship missile fired by the houthis

Hopefully the next heatwave will take care of you, boomer

why the f*ck do we do it bros
were involved with venezuela yemen and syria we have an issue with china russia and iran meanwhile we just got over north korea


After the May attacks, a Norwegian investigator concluded that it was “highly likely” that the IRGC sabotaged the damaged tankers. What makes this time any different? Why is this a false flag when the other was just par for the course?

The US false flagging again, of course. As always, trying to start shit.

Will USA nuke Japan for this betrayal?

boomers in government think they're smart as shit

yes, looking forward to even better anime this time around

We, free citizens, will nuke USA back if they dare to harm you guys


but it is obvious and not a false-flag
also was obvious that Saddam had no wmd
why are you guys surprised they need oil prices to go up and sell weapons

t. cia in egypt

>not a false-flag
The US even produced a fake video about mines and shit to sell their story. It was a fucking missile and it came from an US ship.

You're glowing in the dark, dude.

what are you talking about king tut

Two nukes weren’t enough, fucking traitorous Jap piece of shit


>Shut up soyboy, get out and serve Israel. Stop whining and fight for Zionism you millennial piece of shit.

hold your horses there buddy *pulls up sleeves and balls up fists*


it was a false flag within a false flag

So the US will just claim Iran has flying mines now and use that as an excuse to invade. It's not like a good reason was needed anyway.

Do you have any idea how much worse the damage would have been were it indeed a missile strike? A harpoon AShM carries a 500 lb warhead. That ship would have been at the bottom of the ocean. To cast even further doubt on the Japanese crew’s version of the events, the holes in the hull were on the starboard side of the ship, rather than the port side as claimed during the interview.

Mother of God... the Japs are covering for the Iranians! This definitely means they're allies, you should sanction Japan too.

>A harpoon AShM carries a 500 lb warhead.
So there's only one type of explosive projectile in existence, good to know.
I'm sorry but I believe what the guy on the ship saw, not your weird, convoluted stories.

I fucking hate America. Always false flag to find reasons to go to war.

You hate us cause you ain't us

The USA, Israel are the fucking axis of EVIL.

Why would the US go to war over a boat full of oil?
Is it even an American ship?

Doesn't matter if US wants a war they get a war.

You should kill yourselves because you are yourselves.

American stands up for JUSTICE

How do you feel about Spain bargaining Spanish nationality to people with "sefaradic ascendancy" (while most people that it benefited were actually Latinos with a fancy Spanish surname?).

>the japs do not seem like very reliable eyewitnesses.

I don't understand why it's news because Sephardis have been awarded Spanish citizenship since the 1920s. Also most ex colonies (Latin America, Equatorial Guinea and I think also Philippines) have it easier to obtain citizenship than the rest of the world bar EU, so let's stop pretending this is breaking news.

good goy

Ahahahaha fuck you, Uncle Sam, I just turned old enough where I can't be drafted.

Go ahead and send all the Zoomers to die for Israel or don't, I don't give a shit anymore! Ahahahahah!

Look at this fucking boomer

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>Fuggin' checked

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Considering how hard Ben Shapiro is shilling for war with Iran right now I think it's safe to say Iran is innocent.

its antisemetic fore americans to not die for their foreign rulers.

prove me wrong.

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you're lucky cause I warned you about lying again and draging us into another war on false pretenses

also if it was a flying object america will never identify it because everyone knows its not fucking swamp gas or a weather balloon this time.

>>Flying Object.
Disc Closure.

shouldn't it be japtain?

Even Nips feel bad for us. Knowing we simply don't need another unwinnable war. They would even stick their necks out to stop the Jews.

can't prove you wrong if you're not...

After the humiliation suffered at the BBC studio, Ben Shapir has finally accepted that only the Mossad can ben his source of income.

Aim for San Francisco.


> t. Libyan

Golf of tonkin was the only real bad example of this, and that was because rice niggers have no idea how to attack ships so we did it for them.

Can't blame them. They only have a quarter of the vision.

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boomer moment

This post glows

Fuck you and your Burger patriotism, shove it up your ass faggot

>Let's use our Faceberg and Google information technology to identify and draft Right-leaning people into the army so we can get rid of our demographic opposition to globohomo WHILE establishing the transition power! Great plan kikes. What happens when we are too successful that not even your attempts to work with the enemy fail? Then you have a group of redpilled White conservative men who are militarily trained and angry at you for fucking up everything and for drafting them into the biggest redpillfest of the century

Ignore this gook and


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t. low iq arab

How are people so fucking blind to US gubbment lies?

sloppy job putin, dick.

Checked and kill pilled

Lol he said "git bitch!"

We're not going to war with iran you stupid niggers

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The jews are on their own Lol good luck kikes

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Well most of them are non white now so I support them dying in wars that have zero benefit for the American people

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Why you fight for something that no longer belongs to you? This country is lost. Its over. And its most likely your fault personally


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Yeah and that flying object was an Iranian suicide drone.

US ships can accurately shoot rockets/missiles from over the horizon dumbass. You dont have to see a ship to be hit by one

Shit that is free is usually worthless

>were attacked

You are a retard. The USS Cole was hit by a 700 lb shape charge that left a massive gaping hole in it and it never came close to sinking. The USS Cole and tankers are basically the exact same hull size. USs Cole being 505 feet and avg tankers being 485 feet in length

I’m sure Bolton and crew are aware that there will be this resistance from the public. What they’ll pull next will devastate you. As I type these words, arts students from a major ally in the Middle East are running around in a major US city to show their work.

It's so obviously a false flag. It's like they aren't even trying anymore.

I played that game too

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what the fuck are you checking retard?

Moshe, I...

the joke is, the military and government thinking
they are following any kind of law whatsoever.
they need to justify the war by false flags. why,
why do lawlessness give two shits about pretending
to be lawful to start wars, when everything the fake
jews do is against torah the book of the law. the
pretending and larping is pathetic, other nations
aren't falling for it, is it, if we do break laws outright
without all of this pretending and footsie bullshit,
will the U.N. invade america to arrest it?

Jews did this

The Lusitania and Pearl Harbor and 9/11 were somewhat better orchestrated, boomers will get real mad if you explain how the government caused those to happen on purpose.

Fuck off boomer/FBI. Fuck Israel and fuck your ZOG army