I know there are chink shills browsing this board so let me ask a question

I know there are chink shills browsing this board so let me ask a question.

Although China's internet and media has always been censored, it has become more censored after xi took power.

Is it simply because of xi since he's a northerner and those guys demand more centralization? Or is it just generally a trend of the party due to better technology?

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It is because Mutts always use the internet to sow division in countries
They already did it in places like Egypt and Ukraine

It's simple pragmatism, and before you start muttering something about "muh values" you need to remember that the Chinese never had such values

mao > xi > deng > jiang > hu

The CPC is a criminal gang that will do anything to stay in power.

>The ruling class is a criminal gang that will do anything to stay in power.


>it has become more censored after xi took power
It hasn't.
Rules like blocking Winnie The Pooh jokes and other stupid shit like that help control 1.5 billion bug men
If they'd allow satire or criticism of the Party, their IQ would drop to american levels and they would argue about vaccines and other garbage instead of just ostracizing niggers and being productive to society

The US Congress is a criminal gang that will do anything to stay in power

Yet they still steal all the tech from the western world.
How come?

Why wouldn't they? West spends all the money on developing tech while the Chinese spend all the money on mass producing it
West does all the work, China gets all the benefit
South Korea did the same thing and now they have gigantic economy

At least they are representative of the people they rule over. The CPC are dictatorially appointed.

Why would you spend a fuckton of money on R&D when you can steal tech and research from people who have already done the work for you?
The USA has done this shit for decades and nobody complained

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40 percent of Congress is Jewish

South korea is just asian western world. (As they’re a puppet just like japan)
However the costs for china are high as well. That country is fucked up with pollution and such. But ofcourse china is 1/4 of the world population so they can do everything they want. Untill dome western world leaders make their country shit again. Keep in mind that they are still very dependant

Hows that wall coming along, asshole

You can’t steal everything. As some stuff are just too classified. Because of that they will lack a lot of stuff

That's even a worse fate. You pick the people who rule over you and they screw you. With dictators at least you have less culpability.

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>That country is fucked up with pollution and such
China has become the largest producer of clean energy
They dumped trillions into it after Beijing Olympics turned into a smog festival

>redddit spacing
>I know there are chink shills browsing this board
You goddamn niggers have started spamming anti-Chinese/Russian threads for several months now. You are both obvious and inorganic. KYS you goddamn nigger

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Fucking open your eyes man. China is building more coal factories as we speak. They won’t stop at all. They might make some dams and kill 500k people perhaps even displacing some cities. What kind of clean energy are they producing? Most nuclear plants are in the western world not in china

>placing jiang ahead of hu

yikes dude

It’s designed to block porn and degenerate gay stuff mostly. Everyone loves the government.

Tell your kids not to pick bend over for the chalk at school.

Also, Xi is from Fujian.

Open your eyes to the massive solar plants they're built in the recent years
Or to the giant Lithium mines in Tibet that they opened to make baterries for electric cars and trolleys
Or to the giant electric train networks they're building as we speak


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What century are you living in? Please don't spread false information on things you clearly know nothing about baka rednecks

The last good Chinese leader was Puyi, fuck off with your commie shit

Haha epik meem bro
Dem commies btfo

Meanwhile your country is bending over for that sweet Chinamen investement
You even erected a Karl Marx statue to please the Chicoms

Puyi was a cuck

Stop coming my to my country drinking beer on the streets and cleaning toilets for 1€ an hour

What you gonna do about it whiteboy


First of all I'd prefer if you lazy motherfuckers fix your own shithole country first

What? You can literally steal everything you fucking retard

Puyi wasn't even Chinese. He was Manchu

How’s greater Serbia coming along ass hole?

About as good as Trumps promises
Aztlan soon

Hahahaha! I get it. So neither of us are getting what we want. Good to know.

Remember: all it took was two months of bombing and your “military” came begging us to stop at the negotiating table. How much does that suck? You guys had victory in the bag and we took it from you. Hahaha, get some air defense you pussies.

The world seems to be particularly unstable lately. Restricting the internet is a prudent action for the Chinese government to curb outside influence. They've been doing well for the last few decades but they're still a poor country and can't afford major social disruptions.

Who gives a shit, anyone from the qing dynasty is better than all those fat communist fucks

You were bombing civillians because your dogshit army can't hit shit, just like your cuckshed President can't fullfill any promise

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CHING CHONG with a micro-dong
Eating endangered species to make it long.

China will need to liberalize at least a little bit the more the middle class grows. People aren’t going to be happy with just enough. Xi is going to need to be brilliant to keep China going down the path of growth. They’ve already bought into the US reserve currency and treasuries meme. Their banking will need a major overhaul to make the next big step.

The Qing were foreign occupiers. Saying he was the best Chinese ruler is like saying Franz Josef was the best Czech ruler.

Waaaaaah! Muh civilians!

Remember everyone. If a Serb starts talking shit just remind them about the time their entire military surrendered after 8 weeks of bombing.

no one still gives a fuck, the commie china and all of its leaders are still a joke

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Reminder that the US is getting invaded without a shot fired

Tianemen never happened
Just like the Paris massacre

>At least they are representative of the people they rule over
How the fuck can someone with this mindset end up on Jow Forums?

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"sorry im not willing to topic that"

>China will need to liberalize at least a little bit
Why? Have you seen what the liberal democracies are experiencing lately? The CCP could pretty much use us as an example of the disaster waiting to befall the people if the party doesn't keep a firm hand

You can browse Jow Forums in China without a VPN. At least I can do it. I can't post, because somehow the Captcha isn't showing up.
Only Facebook, Google, Wikipedia and some other biased pages are banned.

based as fuck and correct

this gay shit about neoliberal values is what gets you a glownigger coup like what happened in iran a year or two ago or whenever it happened

The problem with China is not the government but the chinks themselves

We have dealt with chinks since the 1850s since before we joined Canada even and even back then they were a bunch of backstabbing scum. There’s a reason that chinks in BC used to be only allowed to live a specific section of town and sit at the back of the bus and why new ones were banned from entry. It’s not just the CPC chinks are subhuman scum and always have been they’re parasites second only to the jew

China produces the plurality of all the CO2 and other greenhouse gasses in the world. And unlike most places, like the US, CO2 production by China had been steadily growing. That is the real world metric, along with the insane air pollution. A few solar plants help nothing, and that is true anywhere. Lithium mining is extremely environmentally damaging, and is why electric cars are worst than gas cars for the environment in net total. China is also the largest polluter of the oceans with plastics and other chemicals, by a wide margin. Your attempted point is demonstratably false. No, China's current government cares not for the environment and will destroy whatever it needs to feel in control.

*slurpp ssssssssssshhllllorg shlomp ssssssssshhhhhhhrrrlurp* *smacks lips* "waaaaa ebin gommie brooooos ya all dose communist """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""genocides"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" NEVER happend...... yall but the HOLOGOAST did U racist KRAUTOIDS .......... now you better stop discussing gommie """"""""genocides"""""""""or else Imma sue ur ASS!!!!!!!! and remember, THA HOLOGOAST HAPPEND!!!!!"

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Yet we function just fine while Serbia is akin to a wet paper bag in robustness and strength.

We are Westerners and have a different perspective on the leaders. The CCP has brought order and relative prosperity to the Chinese, who used to be as poor as Africans. Qing dynasty was foreign so it isn't even an option. The first half of the 20th century was dominated by warlords and political chaos, so it also doesn't make for a positive alternative. In the words of Macmillan they've "never had it so good"

>a third rate country in the middle of a civil war is expected to win a war with the global hegemony
daily reminder that your patriotism is just vapid jingoism allowed by your kike handlers
have fun getting replaced whilst screaming about "MUh GuNS and McDoubles™ XDDD"
stupid fucking boomer


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Xi Jinping is unironically based as fuck
this is like insulting hitler by calling him charlie chaplin
the insult becomes like a tongue in cheek ribbing type of thing instead of an insult

>when your chairman is so great the only criticism the evil westerns have is him looking like pooh bear

hey id take xi over trump anyday

God you’re a shill. You wanna live in an orwelian world? Go ahead and move to china. Just make sure to not waste all of your good points! Otherwise you won’t be able to use the public transport and what not anymore

>larps as a macedonian.
Is still a fucking slav worthless piece of shit.

>if this was implemented in the US niggers wouldn't be able to use transit
>white people could actually use it again

but i am a slav bazza

Chinese government is so incompetent that the net may as well not be censored lol.

Oh god, you’re actually bigbrotherpilling me. It would give niggers nothing anymore. No loans. No welfare. No travel anymore. Not even jobs. It would fuck them up so hard. It would make sure that alot of money is saved for the good projects. And when you have enough bad points... To the slavecamp with you!!

That’s actually prolly the real reason. My government is subversive as fuck.

If they don’t censor their internet they become open to the cia’s information warfare, good for China I say.
Fuck USA imperialism.

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Jow Forums constantly talks ill of the degenerate, unproductive of society. China implements a pretty solid fix to fuck these people, Jow Forums hates it.

>five white men
time for some diversity, China!

Pretty sure that black people would run up a good boy point deficit so severe that the government would send deathsquads after them.

It's a good fix in China because the government doesn't hate its people. Here it would be used to make you date trannies, check your privilege, and be a cuck

The values of freedom are universal you bootlicker commie.

>b-but muh America

America isn't free enough

Top kek

Wrong, china doesn’t give a fuck about it’s people. It lets his people get exploited for western children toys. Cope harder china isn’t a good state. However i don’t care about china at all

Tiananmen Square protests, 15 April – 4 June 1989

Tiananmen Square protests, 15 April – 4 June 1989

Tiananmen Square protests, 15 April – 4 June 1989

if he is chinese then he's using a serb vpn retard
you can't get caught by the chinese gov if you use a vpn so it doesn't matter if you spam that shit

Can't hate Xi because my uncle looks like Xi.

Tiananmen Square protests, 15 April – 4 June 1989
Tiananmen Square protests, 15 April – 4 June 1989
Tiananmen Square protests, 15 April – 4 June 1989

get camp'd faggot

i pray to have enough freedom as america and france so i can go out on the street dressed as a tranny demon to showcase my liberty for all to see
this is who i am and any state interference with that is interference with my right to liberty
the children seeing me on the street also have the right to look at my glorious body

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god damn i love freedumbs

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>orwelian world?

Is this worse or better than clown world?

in clown world you lose your job and get put in jail for saying niggers are subhuman whilst in china you get points for taking care of your grandma
how shills can call china orwelian whilst globohomo is 6 gorillion times worse is beyond me

Let the chinese do whatever the chinese need to do to get their own shit fixed. Don't have them accept foreign advice, especially at gunpoint.

Also, Soros was wrong. Middle class Chinese won't overthrow China, because the Chinese know that once their government is in ruins, foreigners will come to keep them weak again.

Change my mind.

mao was literally the reason why westoid jews shit their pants over red scare
mao is based

China is such a huge facade even their politicians have to dye hair black. Fine me one CCP politician with grey hair lol.

>China isn’t the only authoritarian regime in the world, but it’s undoubtedly the wealthiest, strongest, and most developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence. This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of those who believe in the concept of open society. But Xi isn’t alone. Authoritarian regimes are proliferating all over the world and if they succeed, they will become totalitarian… The reality is that we are in a Cold War that threatens to turn into a hot one.
by Soros.

Soros particularly singled out China’s ongoing social credit system, which he found “frightening and abhorrent.” He predicted that the system will “subordinate the fate of the individual to the interests of the one-party state in ways unprecedented in history.”

On Xi’s signature Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Soros had some harsh criticism, too. He said the BRI was “designed to promote the interests of China, not the interests of the recipient countries” and many of BRI’s projected “proved to be uneconomic.”

Soros thus urged the world — the United States in particular — to put forward a “far more sophisticated, detailed, and practical” policy toward China. He also proposed some of his own detailed suggestions, including cracking down on China’s telecom giants ZTE and Huawei so that the two companies can’t dominate the 5G market.

Jewry is oppression you dumb faggot. Can't wait for based greeks to genocidate your asses

these beautiful individuals are only voicing their opinion and by proxy exercising their liberty
if you are against this you are against what we stand for and are a disgusting neo nazi fascist :^)

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trend of the party due to better techs , the more chinks are on the internet the more dissenting thoughts they couls think so its time to make them see and hear what we want them to

>not placing mao last for creating the worst famine in chinese history

Imagine how many bug people we would have now if he didn't.

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>You wanna live in an orwelian world?
You already live in one, bong.

Well democracy does not seem to be doing well. Chinese people dont give a shit about politics. Most of them are uneducated. So this is why they industrialized to boost the middle class. What is happening to the middle class in the west?

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Wen Jiabao was the only based Chinese Leader in the past century.

They ban anything political because it will cause conflict. They ban anything degenerate like homosexuality even tattoos on television.

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What did he do?