Muh based g*rman übermenschen
This is so fucking sad and pathetic
German degeneracy
Other urls found in this thread:
>meme flag
The saviour of the german race.
He's a slavshit polack(nigger)
Wew lad, now that's just a cope.
everyday i am crying in my pillow
GZUZ is based desu
He’s acc pretty good
Cultural appropriation much?
this is the future your parents voted for.
he's kinda hot but germans have always been degenerate why does everyone expect anything else.
these things make me so angry
Good lyrics, if you bothered to translate
Step aside
You are so not alone
If these dudes are so bad ass whyd they let the cops take them into custody and put them in this jail?
Thug culture is a disease
the further the slide the more terrible will be the re-ordering. How do you make animals like this learn to behave? Harsh harsh savage pnuishments. you cannot reason with them- they are too far gone. So we slide into barbarism.
Wtf those in the first pic aren't even black
>Turks and niggers
>Why are the Germans so degenerate guys?
Fuck off kike.
My fav Kraut rapper. I have played his music for black people and they say it's good.
lol you know these rappers are fake as fuck? german rappers try to act gangster like their french and american counter parts but they are all actually just big bitches who do it for the image.
Everything in that video is degenerate. Take note of it.
Very especially pit bulls and UFC
sad thing is they drag some locals down with them. I have heard germans fake a turkish accent- as londoners now fake a patois accent. embarrassing and depressing.
This tbqh. At least 2pac actually killed people and then bragged about it, but these "men" are just hot air.
Yeah, I've seen this happen here too.
> doing something for Blacks
> Black people
Tfw I am half-Lebanese and more based than you are. You shouldnt do shit for abeeds
>blaming the fall of Byzantium on Germans
Now THIS is peak memeing
the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Thank you, fren.
hes not german though
could we re-open auschwitz for rappers?
roaches are not German you fucking retard
And yet Jow Forums always bitching about niggers
White people are the biggest niggers now
How come Europe always has the most ugly immigrants there is. Unironically the women in Marocco and Lebanon are ultra qt but the Arabs in Germany are utter trash. So ashamed.
>I am half-Lebanese
Do pure-bred German even exist on this website?
I thought paintball guns were illegal in Europe?
You tell me.
>romanticizing sandniggers
fuck off emir
>paintball guns
at least american niggers have real choppers
>White people are the biggest niggers now
Yeah, yeah you say that now but if you ever would have seen them you wouldnt talk shit about them.
Yeah, Hi-Points
My name is Leon and just posting this so I can show my frens what an awesome thread I created pretending I was a kike
Bow to your KANG
Thats an easy assumption to pull out your ass, pretentious cocksucker.
i went to school with a guy from bridgeport who's clique only used s&w .44s. i did not see a single gun in that music video. lol @ how bitchmade you faggots are
show location faggot
This is how abeeds end up if they decide to mess with Arabs. Unironically
he is german, his first name is literally Klaus
>People who emulate niggers are pathetic
Startling revelation
lol why do foreigners always copy American culture? You can't even act like niggers right, what's the point of all this?
those guys are satantic
our upper class and upper middle class copy your liberalism, our sandniggers copy your nigger culture. amazing innit?
Ugly germans
187 geborn für die zahl warst du heute nicht da komm ich morgen nochmal
narco facism rules
The ubermenschen died in the war and the younger generation was indoctrinated. What point are you trying to make? This is a direct result of what occured in WW2 and the failure of Germany to win.
when you are a narco facist you can poison shit skins and they give you money for it
he kinda looks like one of them
lol wtf even is this? take 100 chicagoniggers and they'll amass a coalition mightier than that of 1000 germified habeebs, faggot
lel just no
"Klaus" Turk-kebap
Even if that piece of turk shit was born here, that still wouldn't make that piece of turk shit a German.
Its you coping about the fact that Arabs still trade you subhumans in 2019
>see german flag
>is really a shitskin
Like clockwork
What pisses me off the most is that most of this European afro beat thug rap sounds like shit. It's not melodic all I can hear is some dude yelling off beat on shitty beat. Why is this? No competition? It's the same in poland. But in America I guess every second black kid raps so only best ones make it. Look at chief KEEF and ynw melly. Cool melodic beats and good flow these tracks just bang. And it's not like it's a language thing I remember aggro Berlin and they sounded cool. Why this regress in European rap music since like 2017? Is it afro beat? I just hate this retarded rhythm fucking despacito with posers rapping on top
i really cant decide who has desecrated the white race more,
germans or swedes...
Jonas Kristoffer Klaus is based with his based Hambug phenotype
do they even exist IRL?
Not a single German in sight. Kill yourself Jean-Claude.
Felix Blume is more based
He called out the Jews and got away with it