Miss Australia, for all you to behold

I'm gonna go ahead and consider this a bit of a Honk Honk situation

What exactly is so attractive about this spiderwoman?

Attached: missaustralialmfao.png (563x845, 841K)

Other urls found in this thread:


her nappy hair

Is this the xenomorph final form?

If a dingo ate her, he would still be hungry.

They are even shitposting at their beauty pageants

She’s really showing ausfailias true colors. Since they’re inbred cousin fucking subhuman children of criminals.

If they let us finger them we let them be Aussie, incel situation is bad.

lmao she isn't even a fucking abo


Attached: Supermodel.jpg (653x880, 106K)

>not even an abo
Australia should judge its own black women by patriarchal sexist western beauty standards, not africa's.

Attached: U_2004_2.jpg (351x539, 65K)

Well she certainly isn't human that's for sure

Imagine the smell

Affirmative action

Not even hit for a negresse, dafug

Attached: oy.jpg (800x482, 78K)

of course she's from fucking victoria

So diverse,tolerant and progressive. Looks like a dingo shat on her head.

I bet there’s a bunch of washed up white roasties with no kids pushing this soaking up diversity points

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What did you expect?

Attached: tiwi women.jpg (1000x665, 200K)

stunning, bet her vag smells like 4 day old dead kangaroo roadkill

Attached: 1560889760311.jpg (640x640, 76K)

lmao what the fuck is that ogre?

Why not an abo qt?

Attached: 1D8CAA9E-B6FE-43C6-B2D6-F08BF72152B1.jpg (474x720, 28K)

She ugly

She's a nigger. A ugly smelly ape nigger for them to hold up as a prize of virtue and say "look at us...look at how progressive we are that we forced you to accept an ape as the epitome of beauty for your country".

Perfect. When think of Australian women, I don't picture a sun-kissed blonde. I picture deformed niggers with afros.

Attached: 1118full-isabel-lucas.jpg (1118x1505, 140K)

Not her smile

I'm not gonna lie to you guys.. I would colonize that black ass like I was British royalty.

What the hell is wrong with elbows?

It's time for another White Austrailia uprising!!!!

Attached: cronulla.jpg (2500x1482, 1.24M)

Well, you got a point, but no need for the harsh words. This is a family board.

so did the copper get glassed or what?

good cheekbones,good eyes,good smile,that face is genetically 10/10

this was at an aussie beach after a bunch of muslims were raping White women...the White formed a POSSIE and went out looking for muslims to kill.

The copper was safe because he was White. The muslims...not so much.

I love OZ

>Miss anything

y'all raysiss

Attached: 1560945781309.png (563x845, 703K)

She must be going on a trio because those bags under her eyes are packed. She looks like she hasn't slept in 8 years from all the crack. Plus her grimace that's supposed to be a smile looks like she holding back contempt for all the whites that can't wait to score SJW points by pretending this bitch doesn't look like a shaved chimp

they make trannies look good

I regret clicking this.

They are trannies

Attached: denisovan1.jpg (531x800, 66K)

Shut the fuck up.

Attached: España.jpg (600x495, 34K)

I know a lot of black chicks have no hips, but that looks weird.

Attached: Ciara-awesome-bikini-1-696x696.jpg (696x696, 66K)

Really ugly

Not even a pretty black woman, and there are plenty of those.

and pic is miss iraq. its truly a clown world fren

Attached: 151221-miss_iraq_photo-1122_43308ffea562dea085e58865a2246e4d.nbcnews-fp-1200-630.jpg (1200x630, 74K)

tight as fuck in there

I'd ship a lot of cock in there

Looks like she used to be fat with all the stretch marks on her arm.

>no hips
>broad shoulders
>wide jawline
>no tits
she's more masculine than half the people here lol

>she used to be fat
>used to

She looks doughy but her arms look like a normal size. She was probably 50 or more pounds heavier at one point.

She probably has a higher testosterone level as well.

More like Miss Australopithecus


She's like 5.
For a black woman.

>a 2 on a scale of all women


the amount of expensive silk used is by far less then on fat women.

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Attached: 63915895-D1D5-4A2E-B7D0-10D8349EEB55.jpg (653x477, 191K)

She gets a 2 for not being a fat piece of shit.

She puts on 20 lbs and she's a low 1.

Would you adjust exposure a bit please? I can't see a thing.
