Devs Jun 15 >Turkey asks Russia for help after its troops come under HTS heavy fire in Idlib >Putin:Total elimination of terrorist centers in Idlib is Russian priority >Explosions rock Damscusc suburb. State TV claims area hit was a military zone, and that the blast was caused by wildfires burning in dry grass nearby& ignited ammunition stored >Jihadist counter-offensive reverses all SAA gains in Tal Malah &Jibeen, NW Hama >Saudi officials visit eastern Syria to meet with US, SDF delegations >SDF busts ISIS sleeper cell responsible for several terrorist attacks in Raqqa >report:Mossad is trainign SDF intelligence personnel >report:Turkey has supplied armed groups occupying Syria’s Idlib with anti-aircraft missiles >June 12 IDF aunched a barrage of missiles at targets near Tell al-Hara in S Syria, IDF employed electronic warfare measures to suppress Syrian AD systems, part of the missiles were intercepted >50 LNA fighters killed or injured in clashes with IS in southern libya >Japanese tanker owner denies ship hit by mine, says crew saw “flying objects” before attack >houthis targeted Abha Airport with several Qasef K2 suicide drones
wtf why does this happen so much in the west and most specifically, muttland? MVSLIM countries rarely have serial killers/psychos of this kind
>be mutt/yuro >that shy neighbor might have been raping and beheading kids for years
Jordan Walker
Just follow the multinational terrorists rotten bodies to it.
Samuel Reyes
Only people here who support the Jews, are pretty much ignorant of the world history, geopolitics and the fact that US is Israels bitch and that US could have never bombed and genocided us without a lot of Jewish approval.
My Serbian lanugage teacher dropped redpills in class about Israel She went on about "we hid those little faggots in our basements from the Werhmacht back in 41 and they didn't do shit to help us in 1999"
Christopher King
> why does every picture of russia have a kfc in it somewhere You just searching for KFC everywhere.
Didn't you know that KFC had big big problems in Russia, when a KFC partner in Russia stole all the company's recipes and opened its network of restaurants? It was called Rostiks. KFC had to buy this business completely.
I am glad that Serbia was Judenfrei zone if nothing else.
Leo Stewart
S, S for the memeflag too you huge cock sucker
Ethan Cox
>we hid those little faggots in our basements from the Werhmacht back in 41 and they didn't do shit to help us in 1999" See, you should have killed them shortly before Wehrmacht was arriving...
Alexander Baker
Trans;ated from Arabic. A syrian doctor was askong for advice on facebook.
I'm a doctor working in northern germany near hamburg. A while ago I had issies with this nurse. She says I'm ignoring her. After a while we get closer , she fina;ly convonces me to go out together. After we did, she asks that we go to MY place. at home. She says "you're only a foreigner. Why are you so stuck up. I've had my eyes on you for a while and I could fuck your shit up".
I told her to get lost.
A couple of days later I'm told she filed a case of sexuelle nötigung and that I need to visit the police department.
I need recommemdations for a lawyer, preferrably Jewish. May you never have to go through this.
They may or may have not fucked.
Kevin Evans
ignore the typos lol
Landon Wright
Serves him right for trusting G*rman w*men
Brody Rivera
>KFC had to buy this business completely. Yikes, western businesses should not have a right to invest in Russian businesses tbqh.
Wyatt Parker
>I need recommemdations for a lawyer, No, you need to back to Syria. What are you doing in northern Germany. Plenty of german doctors there. Go back and help your homeland to rebuild. Syria needs you, Germany does not want you. You do not belong here.
Anthony Walker
Wait, KFC bought out Rostiks? Fuck. Just reminds me of how much things are changing since I left for muttistan
Henry Ward
>germany does not want you it obviously does, like the whore it is.
Levi King
>willingly becoming d*aspora Disgusting
Jonathan Watson
>since I left for muttistan. Literally why. >inb4 left before 2010s
I did not choose this path, it was chosen for me by my extreme liberashka father. But believe me, I've suffered plenty for it. Much more than you can imagine. Had to pick up the pieces of my life the hard way after US political correctness was done with me.
William Murphy
>liberashka father Move back but not before you scold him for being a retard
Jacob Martin
My family was nearly killed by mobsters back in the wild 90s. That was when I fled as a kid. Then I came back for a while but my liberast dad pressured me to return to the US for a career and I came back like a tard.
Jackson Wood
>Turkey asks Russia for help after its troops come under HTS heavy fire in Idlib
What's causing all this. Didnt they support them? What happened?
Life in the US has punished him too, if not as much as me. He's just to obsessed with serving Israel to notice.
John Sullivan
people like your father who are just water waiting to fill a container like that, eg being a liberashka or immediately adopting US values with no resistance disgust me.
Samuel Allen
>I need recommemdations for a lawyer, preferrably Jewish.
Were you the Serb who mentioned that he's glad he doesn't have to deal with political correctness a few threads back? I was actually typing out my story to that post but the thread 404ed before I could send. I was basically blacklisted from the industry I worked in after an SJW college professor who worked in another department as a university outreach person made false accusations of racism against me. I had [proofs meme] that she was lying but HR didn't care because they were scared of drama and fired me. Since then I was left with no income, and no future but the six figures in student loan debt I got just to be able to start my extremely specialized career. I make ok money now and I plan to save up and leave the US when I can live off of those savings. Now I call people niggers on Jow Forums, I guess they made me the demon that they accused me of being.
Anthony Morales
I hope you will leave some of that debt unpaid when you leave the states for good.
As frustrating as they are, don't hate them too much. They are the people who drive taxis and wash toilets, all while telling people back home how they're living the American dream. My dad was a PhD in Russia and an Olympic athlete, now he's a part time coach in the US who was nearly homeless on several occasions and had to file bankruptcy. He also had the retardation to tell me how wonderful Ukraine is for having presidential debates and how a great man like Clown Zelensky could never be elected in a dictatorship like Russia.
Zachary Rogers
>Trump Planning "Economy Crippling" Sanctions Against Turkey Over S-400 Purchase
Haven't had a proper relationship since my Highschool gf in Saint Petersburg. I gave up after a girl I asked out in college told me that she would never date me since I'm useless without my own car and I don't make enough money. This was her response to being asked out by her "best friend". Consumerism.jpg Since that day I only fucked one girl and only because she thought I could boost her career with my connections in that industry I was later kicked out of.
Nathan Allen
That doctor must be some FSA subhuman escaped from Syria
Cameron Smith
i'm not making that up lol
Germany is THE easiest country for a syrian med graduate to go to. They don't need doctors though like that guy said.
No. He spends all his time watching Radio Liberty and Echo of Moscow, has a ton of Trump merchandise and loves Israel for being the only democracy in the middle east (because Palestine was never a real country anyway). He is fully subverted by US state department and Soros
Kayden Martin
not me bro, but damn that sounds retarded. i heard similar stories from a friend living in the US, where some ZOG lackey bitch gave him shit for being orthodox and serbian. he was there on a sports scholarship and almost got in a lot of trouble but the guy's coach defused the whole situation and stopped it from escalating. literally no reason what so ever, just started a whole charade because he disagreed with her when they were talking about something in class. guy's literally the calmest and most peaceful guy i know and i only see him get angry when he talks about that story in particular
At this point I'm over it, I'm just thankful she didn't say that I sexually harassed her. My life would truly be over then.
Adrian James
I dont know how can you even spend your time with such a person, seems like hell.
Luis Baker
I try not to interact with him whenever possible. My sister is also obsessed with Trump, Q and Alex Jones and spends most of her money on Trump and Infowars merchandise despite barely being able to afford her shitty million dollar condo where all the neighbors hate each other since the walls are made of paper and you can hear every fart so I have the patience of a Saint at this point. /sg/ helps me cope with the fact that all of my life is high on crazy pills.
US trade with turkey: 10 billion $ EU trade with turkey: 145 billion$
at some point european companies might consider the US market less important than the combined markets of sanctioned countries.
Lincoln Nguyen
Yes. Sadly. Please just put me out of my misery. Also when I was brought to the US as a kid I became very obese because of the sugar in everything and even though I'm normal weight now, I still have low T and am guaranteed to develop diabetes soon. At least I'm not a manlet but airing all my grievances against muttistan like this makes me want to go postal on the nearest CIA nigger. (this post is satire, FBI)
Nolan Davis
Al Qaeda getting tired of being thrown into ineffective meatgrinders I guess?
Daniel Morris
Evan Russell
There are many different types of sanctions, sometimes if the US sanctions an individual they will also sanction others if they continue doing business with them, hence why volume of trade with america isn't as important as it seems.
Cooper Collins
>when I was brought to the US as a kid I became very obese
It's a very real phenomenon. They call it immigrant obesity and it happens because US food is much higher in carbs and calories due to high fructose corn syrup than more organic foods in other countries, so having the same diet you used to but with American food will make you gain weight. I gained 50lbs back in my first year of living here.
Nolan Foster
>Also when I was brought to the US as a kid I became very obese
yes, but every company/individual/nation has to weigh the economic consequence of ignoring US sanctions applying to them. And with every country that is added to the basket of sanctioned countries these consequences have less weight.
Ethan Allen
>Also when I was brought to the US as a kid I became very obese >I still have low T >and am guaranteed to develop diabetes soon. Welcome to America. 'murica
The network of sanctioned countries is growing to the point of it being almost negligible. Iran for example achieving an economic growth of 8% despite being buried under sanctions
Noah Thomas
this was always so weird when one is more informed about current territories and its changes over time in Syria and mutts talk total horseshit about it. totally omit Russia Syria effort. claim everythign is retaken when there was still ISIS along the Euphrates. And with just a few qualifiers they could be correct, but no, they need to compulsivly lie to make the bestestest propaganda
Joshua Hughes
>US trade with turkey: 10 billion $ what is even in the 10B? peanutbutter and haley davidsons and orange juice? Seems not a real threat
Logan Gray
>If I didn’t have the Phony Witch Hunt going on for 3 years, and if the Fake News Media and their partner in Crime, the Democrats, would have played it straight, I would be way up in the Polls right now - with our Economy, winning by 20 points. But I’m winning anyway!
unrelated, but I gotta comment on this. I totally think democrats can fuck it up, but this is just pathetic coping
Jack Turner
It doesn't matter who wins in america, only domestic policy ever really changes. Foreign policy is decided by much more than the president of a country.
Wyatt Powell
Not only that, the mutt efforts I. The Syrian war were disastrous.
>They flattened raqqa so hard that they are still pulling bodies from rubble to this day >They killed thousands upon thousands of civilians >Many reports of black helicopters transporting Isis leaders >They openly fund and arm terrorists >Their support in Iraq is useless (the Mosul offensive was a huge loss for Iraqi army) >bombed (((accidently))) SAA positions in multiple occasions which then are followed by Isis offensives by pure coincidence
Hell Hezbollah and Iran support had more effect on the war in Syria than the mutts. Mutts made the war even worse
Joseph Thomas
no, but that is not the point. US will extent the sanctions to everyone else as well. Anyone who trades with turkey will be expelled from US market.
ISIS is too handy a force of ineffective drawn-out chaos to terminate completely. So long as they're only biting the hand that feeds once in a while to appease the insider skeptics and get worldwide recruits, they'll be allowed to exist.
Alexander Morgan
S he was a good mercenary terrorist but not good enough
Matthew Myers
you are forgetting the desastrous sanctions against Syria effective now. These cause even more harm since the european servants are all complying and stopped all trade with Syria.
Dylan Stewart
This has to be the most pathetic attempt at regime change in the history of mankind
>an incompetent former bus driver is the best current option for leadership of a nation since the opposition can't get their act straight and keep squandering fake charity in cocaine and hookers Sad.
Zachary Lee
>demand freedom and democracy Virgin is doing massive business with Saudi Arabia. Will Virgin demand freedom and doemocracy there as well?
Thomas Lee
>some of us were considerate enough to save innocent children from being killed for being born Jewish, that means Israel has to intervene in our favor when the world community tries to stop our war criminal leadership from committing genocide btw
Nathaniel Gonzalez
>to help people that is going through >in the name of hunger and disease of people needed The virgin corporation vs. the Chad grammar editor
Benjamin Sullivan
>world community tries to stop our war criminal leadership from committing genocide 2/10 for the effort
>criminal leadership from committing genocide all those genocide claims were debunked as pure propaganda the feud between Serbia and Kosovo had been going on for centuries, it is impossible to blame one side after such a long time
Kayden Martin
>No, you need to back to Syria. What are you doing in northern Germany. Plenty of german doctors there. Go back and help your homeland to rebuild. Syria needs you, Germany does not want you. You do not belong here.
>feud between serbia and kosovo has been going on for centuries think you mean the feud between serbs and albos user, kosovo only exists as an 'independent entity' as of recent.
I seem to remember that the white helmets claimed 92 hospitals bombed in the battle for Aleppo. Syria just has a very good health system and Russia justt hates hospitals.
Alexander Johnson
yeah, real funny, get fucked germutt subhuman, also learn to stop denying facts because they hurt your ASShartist feefees.