Get ready Jow Forums

Get ready Jow Forums

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>Vote for me goys and i'll do the thing I promised to do 2 years ago.
Fuck off Trump kike.

I'll believe it when I see it

Hope so.

>Vote for a Democrat, and they'll give you exactly what they promised, NOTHING.
fuck off, democrat


Did you see my fucking flag mate? I'm pointing out the fact that he sucks Jew cock 24/7 while never delivering on the promises that got him elected. Go back to r/TheDonald.

Yeah and ICE officials have no idea what he is talking about. He just wanted to shift the news off of Iran.

you do realise that this is all rhetoric from trump right
he had 4 years to do this, if he hasn't done it then he won't do it now

>I'll do the things I haven't actually done yet! I promise, just vote for me go-guys!

kill yourself shill rat

r/TheDonald wants you back.

England wants y-you b-back.

Attached: Treat Invaders like INVADERS!.png (1189x408, 146K)

A literal baking dynasty jew is screeching, that's when you know he's finally stepping up.

T-trust the plan! Winning!

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Operation Wetback III, The Border Boogaloo

>Did you see my fucking flag mate?
Member of FEYEs, shill.
I guess your superiors can't afford a simple proxy service anymore.

stay the fuck on your defenseless island then

Empty rhetoric or constant obstruction from Obama appointed judges on almost everything he’s tried to do? And that’s not even getting into the uniparty fuckery in Congress. If you shrug your shoulders at that then I don’t know what to tell you.

I fucking wish

>mass roundups tend to end badly for large swaths of population
Oh no, those poor people who snuck into our country. I’m almost honored this kike blocked me on twatter

He fucking better because if not I'm not voting. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice I don't think so pal go fuck yourself.

>Fool me once shame on you
can't get foold again

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This. He's done nothing but talk.
Better than Hillary, but god damn he fucking sucks

fake fiat banking kike

the actual swamp

remember the 2016 swamp meme? how mr heights was the only one who understood ? hahahahahahahaha


this guys gets it

shill will love you

mr heights and his bullshit

this guys gets it
shills will love you
mr heights and his bullshit

seething. maybe Trump will give even more money to Israel

My ex girlfriend's father only hires illegal Guatemalans for his construction company. Should I anonymously report his ass? Not only that, he drives around drinking rum and coke from a glass cup and not only is that dangers (and illegal) it's trashy as fuck.

I hate her so this would be great for me.


Should you? Why, it's your civic duty!

>2 and half years of constant obstruction
>he's had 4 years!
foreign AND dumb. Into the trash it goes

Yes. Fuck that asshole, hes apart of the problem.

>4 years
Hello Integrity Initiative

T_D mutts can only think in the Democrat-Republican duality. Saying Trump has been as useless as any other Republican candidate means you're a Democrat shill. There is no other possibility in their mind.


Fuck those kike MIGA boomers they're just like my stepdad who made me look for a job! >:(

Can I get a 1488, stormbro?

>you should not prosecute criminals because muh Holocaust

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So, rothschild is planning more shootings, huh?

It's astonishing how many people don't realize this. Do they think the president is a dictator? Amazing ignorance.

>projection, the post

FUck you, and fuck your trumpsplaining, fucking kike boomer. Go buy another MIGA hat.

>Trump is the God emperor, he can do anything
No. He has enemies everywhere: courts, congress, media, bankers, even his own party. Do you think they would enable him to build a millitary based authoritan state? No, even the millitary not fully with him. Even if his rebellion goes well which I doubt he would be shot like Kennedy.

Triggered lmao. Don't skip civics class in your next life

So is Mr. Rothschild admitting that (((they))) have done something that would warrant a mass roundup?

>Zion don makes another empty tweet to appease his base who he's fucked in the ass at every turn and they'll defend him even when he does literally nothing or the opposite of this tweet
Lmao, cope harder ptg

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Do it you must, for it is your civic duty as an American.


Reading this guys twitter and it's making me want to vomit.

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Why would I vote for a Democrat when they all WANT open borders?

Why is Bill Hader wearing a bow tie and pretending to be a Rothschild on Twitter?

>fighting two branches of government, his own political party, and a soft coup
>damn you drumpf I'm angry at you
You're way too disingenuous with your critiques to be taken seriously.

The /ptg/ shilling has been out of control since Iran.

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>accuse your opponent of what you yourself are doing
Everyone real can see through it. I bet you are dumb enough to actually think we're going to war with Iran.

Don't be fappenin until it's happenin.

Theater until something happens. Lord knows I want something to happen.

He won't do shit. Although I hope he proves me wrong

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Rothschilds sound nervous

Deep Fakes, Secure the Border edition.

You're already at war. And the economic war is expanding to most of the world.
This only looks good to the few Qoomers who spam the internet just like trannies. The rest of the world is becoming more fed up with Muttmerica by the day.
Great strategy, Zogyald.

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>people who control the world population are nervous

Did the Jews hire you? Like trump?

Do it and give us an update

>You're already at war
lol is that the new spot you're going to put the goal posts?

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Wow already out of words so you have to pull out the shill folder? You're a real credit to the team bro. Keep working hard.

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>next week
do it now you fucking kike

I can't believe David Lee Roth's child is such a huge, bow tie wearing faggot.

It's literally your duty as an American. Not only did he raise a thot , hes drunk driving and enabling invaders

He's been saying he will do this starting in 2016, when it got real traction, in fact it won him the nomination.
Then he won against the Evil One on the issue and said he would get started moving them out in 2017. But we waited all of last year, 2018. Nada, nothing, no wall or fence either but learned that all they have to do now is claim asylum so a ****ing (real) wall 100 feet high wouldn't make any difference.
Now again in 2019, the year before an election year.
"They will be removed as fast as they come in." Whut? Removed by jets to where they want to go? The ones already burrowed in like ticks continue to get a pass?
Cup one hand behind you, under your Donald, and hold one hand out and wish for the Trump genie to give you his biggest campaign promise, wait ... and see which hand gets filled fastest.
Here's what always happens: a judge bitch slaps him, he says, "Outta my hands now. Not my fault." He throws hands in air, "Grrrrrr. I tried guys! I really did. I'll try again in 2020. then for sure by 2024. Vote for me and my daughter! MAGA"

Immigrants aren't invaders. And I don't even meant this as a moral statement.
An invasion is an incursion by a hostile military force. There is no hostile military force in play here, only civilians. To treat unarmed migrants as enemy combatants would be extremely illegal.


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>imagine actually believing this

i dont need arms to be hostile.

Conquest by migration is written in their Book™.
That's the whole reason that North Africa is muslim.

>immigrants from Latin America
Are you really that much of an idiot

apparently you've never heard of Deerborn.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Imagine being this naive

>I hate her so this would be great for me.

Do this and post her noods too.

">7.5 years of obstruction

he tried, but damn those pencil pushers"

Illegal immigrants are invaders. They are interchangeable

I don't care what you think of immigration, and neither does the law.
The simple fact is that immigrants are not a military force by any formal measure.

Some people refuse to think analogously and instead conclude what you just did. What he means is that it's a possibility that Migration->Conquest, Islam not being the center point of the argument

oh shit your right, I should've voted for hillary


let me know when Rockwells ghost runs for president, until then neck yourself faggot

They are not hostile combatants, so no, not really. They are literally just foreign civilians guilty of what US law considers a misdemeanor.

oy vey! Trump is going to round up 6 gorillion immigrants!

>(((I can't explain why this is scary, but I'm sure it is)))

Have there been any investigation or leaks regarding the charities/nonprofits/NGOs behind the caravans and dissemination of info to illegals so they know how to work the system?

Of course you should. A big part of the problem has been that most Americans oppose illegal aliens but make exceptions for people they know or just don't want to get involved. Would you call the police if you saw a mugging in progress? Well, he's robbing Americans of jobs and money every day.

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Well, yeah. It is scary.
I don't understand why it's so difficult for you to understand that Jewish people have every reason to be cautious of genocidal fucks like you.

The fuck are you waiting for?

ay yo vato, these pussy ass gringos aint gonna do shit to us, THIS IS OUR COUNTRY NOW!!


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>rest of the world is becoming more fed up with Muttmerica by the day.
That's nothing new, just the truth coming out. The rest of the world has been mad at America for decades, and mostly for good reasons. But the globalists were in charge, so their pet media told us the world loved us, and when they didn't it was really envy. Now because Trump's in charge they're letting us see how the world really feels so they can blame it on Trump, but that's a typical Fake News lie.

Trump is his own party. Republicans are still holdovers of steady-state "let's rape this corpse of America for as much as we can while we got it."

>A Rothschild giving his opinion
>Actually thinks people don't see through elitist bullshit
I hope he gets rounded up too

>Trump loves kikes so we should vote Democrat in 2020!

>vote Democrat
he didn't say that