The 123 thread is a reminder kikes belong /out/side Jow Forums.

You can post one too, to let them know they will never fit in here and the board culture is superior to their judaical faggotry .

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There's nothing wrong with being jewish !

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Chill it with the anitsemitc remarks friend.

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Fuck's sake , yes there is.

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Jow Forums is a board of peace
there is no antisemitism tolerated here

I’ve had about enough of the Israeli posters

>there is no antisemitism tolerated here

Fuck you kike
Destroy ALL JEWS

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Oy vey shut it down.

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Holodmor again

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The true enemies are banking kikes.

All kikes follow their banker overlords, they are the low level minions of the JEW CRIME.INC

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123 GAS ThE kIKES, make it our moto to keep juden raus!

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I alwys giggle, when morons like you post picture of Stalin posing with his almost exclusively Jewish NKVD crew. Are you really this stupid? Holodomor killed mostly Slavs, you faggot.....

And boomers follow their kike usury-filled banking schemes like good goy. I just got jewed out of money that my family was investing into my business because "the banks won"t allow it". The boomer cash is to remain tied up or we'll be cut off from the banking system.

The banking jew can't exist anymore if not even 15% of people withdraw their deposits.
There's that.

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Good luck convincing boomers, the most brainwashed generation, to not trust their $$$$ with banks. They've been handed their wealth in many cases and couldn't possibly be bothered to invest it proactively.

Stop hitting yourself! XD
I love you.

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Fuck you kike, burn in Hell.

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You have been chosen to lead our people to victory.

Let it all out of your system.
Tell me, why do you hate them?

The hatred can be aligned with the origins of the Occupy Wallstreet movement. The 2008 collapse will happen again and this time it won't be swept under the rug.

Perhaps, I fear I may be a bit late that there will be trying times ahead.
But I will labor to get everything sorted and prevent this before there is tragedy.
I love you all.

>meme flag
>trying a bit too hard
CIA glownigger confirmed. Sage all glownigger threads

Whoa, thats sure showing them

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Thank you I accept !

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What will you prevent exactly, and how are you laboring to prevent it?

Based and triplechecked.

Literally the end of the world, and by stopping the driving mechanism: selfishness.
If I can touch the hearts of all the Satanists with my message of true unconditional love, then Heaven on Earth can be achieved.
If I fail the consequences may be unfathomable.

What a fucking kike this poster is,he's literally shaking rightnow.

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Truly you are.
Repent, for you are suffering on your path.

Silence jüden, kys

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>Silly frog meme XD
>Hey FRENS look at my RARE pepes!! LOL
>HAHA we're triggering libtards so bad
>Aww are you TRIGGERED?!

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Heil Hitler ! kikeish scumbags.

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I am Jewish who gives a fuck faggot.

you will hang for being a kikel

vergass dich

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you are glow nigger agent and everybody here knows it.
Do you want to know how you got compromised?
that the thing you will never understand. It is a power of Jow Forums hivemind that can alwas sense you.

cya loser

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