Bros what are we gonna do? I know the FBI hangs out on this board what if they spread to other boards...

Bros what are we gonna do? I know the FBI hangs out on this board what if they spread to other boards. I don't usually hang out on this board I'm from Jow Forums but you guys are the brains behind everything over here so what do guys? I don't want these men in black people to look at everything we post!

Attached: FBIlogo.png (1200x1236, 676K)

the fbi do not "hang out" on "this board" they were investigating 4+Jow Forums retard not Jow Forums!


Bet, They're here I guarantee it

>I don't want these men in black people to look at everything we post!
Why? You have their full attention now.

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Just make fun of them. They're bottom tier dipshits if they're stuck on assignment monitoring the chans. Can you imagine having to be in a suit in DC and going to your superior to deliver a report and using the word "CIA niggers?" Fuck they probably have to be counselled.

Thats actually kind of funny to think about some big accomplished FBI dude having to look at Jow Forums all day

fuck feds fuck kikes fuck niggers and fuck jannys

You honestly think the FBI moniters 4+4 chan but not here? C'mon

I confirmed I'm being followed irl. They are going after the blackpilled. Probably be arrested soon for some overblown made up shit. Hail Eris.

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They’ve been here the whole time.
They showed up when people kept posting kiddie porn on b back to 2005-2006.
Remember when people joked about the FBI mobile command center?

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how new are u guys fbi has monitored Jow Forums since way before /pol even existed remember when killers and pedos made threads on b turns out the fbi does

party van was from when u were getting swatted if i remember

The feds have been monitoring the net since it's inception. This is not a new development.

are we the like the saruman to infinity-chan's sauron? which of us is the alpha? what makes us better or worse?

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I'm part Australian so I'm allowed to shit post...the rest of you faggots better get your alibi's straight

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don't worry glowniggers are actually cool once you get to know them

also CIA has been here for years, they usually post on /mlp/

Attached: cia vault7 bronies.png (1840x2402, 1.37M)

fbi hire me

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Start posting futa scat.
Every man will do his part!

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>fuck off FBI nigger
are there not enough children you can sell to pedos or false flag school shootings?

Well shit, you'd think that girls with dicks eating shit would scare normies away.

*schlopé* *schlopé*

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JIDF and FBI are now just internet misfits like the rest of us. You could see that they shit post and banter from their warrant.

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based schlopper

>Freeze! FBI

Attached: Fbi new recruits.jpg (1200x900, 217K)

they look disproportionately bald. even the females

You're glowing, nigga.

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