Tfw a Somali Muslim is the only one on my side

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>free shit for imported niggers
Is anyone surprised?

There’s already a process in place for that. It’s called having parents that aren’t niggers and pay for your fucking lunch.

Here’s something; Schools shouldn’t allow kids accounts to go into the negative.
They’re effectively creating a credit account for kids. Stop letting them go into the negative.
Kids get a free sandwich, typically PBJ, if they don’t have any money. They may not want it, but they must not be all that Hungry if they choose to go into debt for some chicken nuggets over a PBJ sandwich.

Or how about bring in a lunch?

the phrase school lunch debt is the most Jewish thing i've heard in my life

There's something called poverty

imagine thinking muslims are on your side

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Yeah teach kids to be leeches early

taking on student loan debt is a lifestyle choice

it should NEVER be illegal to shame or congratulate someone on their lifestyle choice

End school lunch. Make every kid pack it in. Save a shit ton of money right there.

So use your food stamps and bring a lunch?

Lunch debt. LUNCH DEBT.

>Somali looking for free food
Wow I bet nobody has ever seen that before

don't conservatives ever get embarrassed that leftists are the only ones who actually stick up for poor people? I guess not

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If you as parents can't afford to send your children to school with at least a peanut butter sandwich then they shouldn't eat (you also shouldn't be having children in the first place, but that's another discussion). Given how out of shape most people including kids are, it might be a good thing for them to do a little intermittent fasting during the day.

First off, stop being a faggot single-issue retard. Just because a broken clock is right twice a day doesn't mean you start supporting a dumb nigger Muslim woman.

Secondly, lunch debt? wtf? How irresponsible do schools and parents have to be?

Americans didn't choose expensive college. Greedy rich people who have more power than you did.

Say it with me: All education should be free.

If you can't afford kids. Don't have them

For negros... bitch my parents went bankrupt 3 times, I got made fun of all the fucking time, now I'm cum laude and in my last year of medical school. Adversity is critical to our psyche, my want to outshine all of those faggots and make them eat my shit has driven me for years.

leftists stick up for foreign people. the poor people of this country are left to squabble over a smaller and smaller pool of scraps as more are assimilated.

Meanwhile that influx of niggers, spics, poos, and various undesirable low tier workers depresses wages through supply glut. Learn to economy you stupid fuck.

The school-lunch industrial complex would never allow it. They've got the deep state, you know.

so i guess all the american-born poor people with lunch debt just don't exist in your mind? incredible

Do you pay interest on student lunch debt? If not, the people who pay it off are the retards who should be shamed.

checked. Agree 1488%

>Let's just affix the word shaming to any healthy financial policy to make it bad

This is the most useless bill ever. Let me tell you how useless this bill is.
>many schools now offer free breakfast and lunch to all children
>this is to "reduce stigma" for children getting free meals
>but it's merely a thinly-veiled scam for schools to push food on kids even when they don't want or need it, to make more money via government reimbursements
>and of course big food companies love the money they get from the USDA and from the government in the form of reimbursements
>they're making our children fat just to make more money selling food
>then they waste more money on studies and programs for children "at risk" because they're fucking fat
Lastly, if your school is one that hasn't shifted to free food for all, YOUR ASS WILL BE FIRED SO FUCKING FAST IF YOU EVEN DARE to deny a child food. Even if the kid is obviously trying to steal the food. That child must be "hungry" and "desperate" and to "shame" them is a MORTAL SIN that will get you shamed in stories that hit the AP and spread all over the country.

Forgot to add- If the child is on some kind of food plan (they like to give all of the children cards these days) and their parent doesn't reload it or whatever, THE CHILD IS NEVER APPROACHED ABOUT IT, EVER. The school ALWAYS goes STRAIGHT to the parents, typically in the form of a polite letter.

This bill is fucking useless. What a waste of time and taxpayer money. Seriously.

typically school lunches cost anywhere between $1.50 and $2.50. Low income parents (which is defined as less than twice the poverty line) are given free lunches. In some schools, 30%, 40%, 95% of students may get free lunches. Most school districts also have "summer free lunches" where kids can come to the school every summer day for a free lunch meal. This generally seems like a non-issue. The only thing I can think of, is if you don't qualify for free lunches. If you don't pay, they still have to give you the lunch, but after a certain amount of "lunch debt" (typically around $20) they stop giving you the regular lunches, and instead give you the bare minimum. The bare minimum is usually a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and milk, and an apple, and a carrot. Meanwhile the kids with regular lunch, might be eating nachos, or pizza, or chicken nuggets.
>tldr: gibsmedat tendies

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>American born
Just because some shitskin was born here doesn't mean it's one of us. I'm tired of being taxed to fund my replacement by non-whites.

Yep! This is how it works. The most "shame" a student will face for being in "lunch debt" will be they are given a sandwich instead of a hot item. Oh, THE SHAME.

Didn’t she fuck her brother

Tell that to the Niggers

black population has been stable around 13% for like 200 years. no one is replacing you you're just a dick

>to end lunch debt shaming
People are being shamed by their peers because they have lunch debt and omarh something 9/11 wants to end the bullying? Wtf this inbreeding shit skin is even more retarded than I thought possible

>he conveniently dances around the spic problem
How's the weather in tel Aviv rabbi?

Poor nigger who can't feed their kids detected

One of the few things I actually agree with leftfags on is universial school lunch k-12. No fucking sodexo shit either. We are feeding kids pizza and French fries every day and wondering why they all end up on the s.oy and corn syrup lifeplan.

Whole food made in house.

God has been telling then that since they existed. You have to let them starve to death